Monday, November 21, 2011

Pipe Dreams

The one thing that I quasi-know, am learning, and is being re-enforced about myself is that I need to be in an environment of continuous learning and growth regardless of the genre. The "same-old, same-old" simply does not work for me. One might think that I totally relish and embrace the learning curve that's placed in front of me. Well when it involves a challenge and possible adjustment of my beliefs, or more accurately, beliefs that I was brought up with it gets uncomfy and I really start to question myself and go off kilter.

For the past while I have had the topic of pipes come into my air/head space far too frequent for me to not take notice. But because of the beliefs I grew up with there was no way I was touching that subject, however the subject kept touching me until finally, a whack upside the proverbial head caught my attention far too much for me to let it go. Enter the doubts of "what will my friends think?","will I lose my friends?", "will I be banned from Kung Fu?", "what will the glass community think of me?" and on it goes. Despite the fear-talk there is one important fact that I cannot deny: I'd be both further developing skills and learning a boatload of new skills that would take both me and my artwork to a whole new level and direction. I'd be an idiot to turn that down based on fear of the unknown that will probably never happen.

Therefore I have resigned myself to the idea that I will be "back in school" learning and refining new skills and frankly, I am excited about that. Just because I will be learning how to make pipes does not mean that a pipe is the definitive end result. A skill is a skill however where it's applied makes the difference. Besides, even if I did make pipes, I cannot control what the person actually does with them as some are used for the purpose, but some are appreciated for the artwork they truly are.

One last twist of coincidence and affirmation. At the show this last weekend a lady came to my booth asking me if I blew the glass myself. Of course my answer was yes. She described an object and asked if I made it because she has been trying to get this particular piece for a long time and has been having difficulty because very few people make it. The object? A cognac (or brandy) pipe that was first introduced in 17th century France and used by the French aristocracy to drink their cognac. I'm now very intrigued and somehow I think that I will once again be learning from a master.

Sherri Donohue
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta

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