Before any eyebrows start to raise or any inkling of snickering arises,
this blog entry has nothing to do with the romantic style of dating.
Definition of date: 1) a specified block of time 2) small, oval, dark,
tasty fruit that when consumed in great quantities can lead to hurried
and frequent trips to the throne where the Sears catalogue may or may
not have to be included. While both definitions apply at my house, this
blog entry pertains to the question of why do I blog weekly? Because
it's an I Ho Chuan requirement and no, that's not the answer. Yes
blogging is one of the IHC requirements, but it's not the reason why I
blog, it gives me an excuse to blog. Say what??!!
Journaling is
not new to me. In fact, I have been journaling in various forms for many
years prior to being on the IHC (then UBBT) team. As for blogs, I had
no use for them. Waste of time to read someone's useless drivel on
subjects that I could care less about. Then one day, I had this innate
urge to start my own blog. Why??? I don't know, just had to and yes, I'd
be contributing to the countless blogs of "useless drivel" that were
already visible on the internet, but I didn't care. I wanted to write a
blog dammit!! The author within wanted to come out! Then along came UBBT
with it's "must blog" requirement. Hah!! One goal I know I can achieve.
Besides I could put all those English/Grammar classes to good use now.
why? Blogging/journaling gives a voice to a part of me that is wanting
to be expressed. It's giving a voice to that part of me that would
otherwise be suppressed and unheard. Suppressed thoughts, feelings, and
emotions lead to dis-ease and eventually disease. So yes for me blogging
is somewhat therapeutic, but it's also an outlet for my creativity. On
my writing "pad" I get to say whatever is on my mind be it a concern, a
rant, a thought process, a celebration, a whatever. I write whatever I
want (key word is "want" not "should") to say on a subject and because
of that my creativity increases flow. Translation: I feel a release, and
I feel good. But what if the reader is offended by what I say? Then I
have supplied that reader with an opportunity for his/her own thought
process, "issue check" and growth. Besides, the reader has full choice
to continue reading or not.
However, there is one more important
reason as to why I blog. It's a weekly date that I set with me to be
me. Come hell or high water, and sometimes the day varies, but every
week I have a date with me. Moments of time for me by me. Right now I am
watching a gorgeous orangey-red sunrise while writing this blog. Would I
see that otherwise? Maybe not but because I am here, I am. That
particular piece of me knows and is assured that every week the stage is
set and the microphone is on. Here's the really cool, nifty, and trippy
part: it's after the blogging process when the surprise is gifted.
Often times I have realizations, a-ha's, and ideas that otherwise I
would not have. Pretty cool, huh?
Now that I blog, do I read
blogs? Yes and no. I subscribe to various blogs that interest me but I
don't necessarily read every word, I get the gist and a lot of times
there is a recipe attached. However, there is one exception: I do look
forward to and read the IHC team (past and present members) blogs vs.
getting the gist. They're personal and I honor that and their courage,
openness, and sometimes goofiness. Plus it gives me a change to know
them from a different angle that what I see on the mats and that is time
well spent.
Sherri Donohue
Hot Torch, Room Full of Glass, and a Kung Fu Kwoon
Happy "nothing happened day, or end of the world day" eve. I enjoy reading your blogs