Tuesday, December 4, 2012

the pursuit of truth...and food

Its been a couple weeks since I've posted--not because I havent had anything on my mind, quite the contrary. I've had something on my mind continuously for the last couple months, and it has finally started to crystallize enough for me to share a bit of it. So forgive me--this post will be long enough for the missed blogs! Those of you on the team have heard me mention before that I was tweaking my diet and doing some research to help with a gut issue. To clarify, I have ulcerative colitis--a condition very like chrons that affects the gut, and I've had this for about 18 years. I've been very lucky--I've only been on the mildest of meds there is for these conditions, only been hospitilized once, and to emerg 4 or 5 times in that period. for the most part, its pretty quiet and we ignore each other. For many years, I was taken care of by just a GP doc, and that was cool. Now I have a specialist--and they've been much more active in doing colonoscopys these past few years, and she decided that I should go on some pretty hefty drugs. Immunosuppressents--yes they suppress the immune system, usually used for things like organ transplants, and they have some NASTY side effects. I really dont agree with her logic and her attitude pissed my off (I'm the doctor and I know best), so I started doing some serious researching. So it began; I did 3 months gluten and dairy free--just to see if these common allergy problems could be mine; almost everything I've read has been encouraging probiotics, digestive enzymes, omega 3 oil. Check. Starting going almost completely grain and sugar free for a bit. And had a food sensitivity test done and a check up by a naturopathic doctor. And I just got those results today! What have i learned? Dairy seemed to make no difference really. (I dont drink milk or eat much yogurt anyways. Its all about the cheese!) All grains seem to irritate a bit, not just wheat. I dont miss pizza as much as I do chocolate. I found out alot of us are low in Vit B, especially B 12 and have started having shots for that--does help! Vit C and D were increased and seem also to be having a small effect. The biggest thing was learning about something they call Leaky Gut--pretty straight forward, wouldnt you say? When the gut gets injured, say chrons, ulcers, out of whack chemistry due to anti-biotics, the walls can 'leak' food that isnt fully digested across. The body sees these half digested foods as intruders and start producing antibodies against them--developing into food sensitivities and allergies. Surprise! It may not be just genetics! I had the food sensitivity (not allergy) test done and was very surprised to see cranberries, pineapple, sesame, eggs and almonds as my high foods to avoid. Although, since i had replaced milk with almond milk and was eating them for snacks, kinda gives a clue. So....now i have to avoid these foods for 6-12 months, depending on the severity. And more importantly, not eat the same thing all the time. I tend to get into a breakfast rut--but if I eat the same thing over and over, the higher my chance of reacting to it over time as it continuously leaks into my gut. The naturopath also noted I seemed to react to yeast--which means a cleansing diet thats going to REALLY put me to the test. And REALLY suck. No sugar or carbs for 6 weeks--thats no fruit, no sauces, no vinegar even for 6 WEEKS!!!! Thank heaven he suggested I wait till after christmas, or I'd never have pulled that one off. Do I have the motivation to do it? Yes. After 3 months without gluten or dairy, I know I can do it. I want to be healthy I think thats another thing I've been learning through all this; I've noticed with my job in the medical field that alot of people start having physical and medical issues around the age of 40. Not necessarily anything big, just...niggling things. From my reading, the point was made that when we are young, our bodies are growing and changing so much there is forgiveness. We can eat imperfectly (to a point) and get away with some bad habits for awhile. But when that season of change is over, things start to accumulate. We dont heal as fast; we need those healthy foods to maintain, and when we dont get what the body needs, it starts to talk back. By 40, its voice is getting audible. And if we continue to ignore it, we arent going to like what we end up with. I know, I've seen the results of injuries, bad habits and plain genetics. I truely believe we are captains of our fates--its up to us to treat our bodies with the respect and care that builds and maintains our health. We do it for our pets--why not ourselves? would it not be an act of kindness not only to ourselves, but our spouses and children who may have to care for us? So thats the novel. I'll post again later after I've started the sugar free section and let you know how it goes. Or I'll be dragging people out to spar because I'm so crabby. :) Post script: I have been meds free since Aug, with only needing to take it 2x in that time frame.Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on keeping on. You've made great progress and what you will continue to gain is immense.
    Celebrate each victory regardless of size. You will be amazed at what you accomplish.
