These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Healthy Meals 10
5oz lean pork
1 apple
1cup brown rice
For veggies you can just use what ever your into, i personally like mushrooms and a little bit of onion, but because of the apple it makes thing taste a little different
For spices i did not use any since this was my first time trying apple in a dish like this so if you want to try go right ahead.
Sihing Langner
A Kung Fu Family
Resting Near a Park Bench
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Playing with the Guys.
The guys that attend that class always amaze me with their spunk, their energy, endurance, courage and skill. Every time I am there it takes me back about 12 years when I used to love sparring. I had more courage for it, and I gave it my all. Grappling was one thing I liked the most. Times have sure changed, and I have gotten older and more careful. It surprises me the difference that 12 years makes, as far as the changes to ones body, and health.
Another thing that I enjoy watching at this class is the interaction between the fighters. They go full out and fight hard, and some times they even get hurt. Yet, they all have such good sportmanship towards one another. They are always supportive.
I am quite tired from a long day by the time the sparring class rolls around, and it is often hard to talk myself into staying. Every time I do though, I am grateful that I did.
Now, switching gears about 180 degrees- I just wrote and deleted a very blunt paragraph regarding the attendance, or lack there of, at the last I Ho Chuan class. It was sharp and to the point and I took it out because... well because it was sharp and to the point. So, to get to the point, where is everyone?
Monday, October 29, 2012
Snake Team
In the last 3 years of my life I have had more personal growth than any other time in my life. I can attribute this in large part to being a part of the UBBT teams. I have accomplished so many things I thought I couldn't do and learned a lot about who I am through some spectacular failures as well. I finally got the courage to go back to school and its been one of the best decisions I've made for myself. I worked this summer in a vet clinic and I loved it. It cemented the fact that this is what I want to be doing and it's wonderful to feel passionate about my career.
Now I want to take my kung fu career in the same direction. I admit when I started working after school and since starting school again my training has dropped off. I always said I wouldn't let that happen but here it is, so now I'm going to fix it. So excited to be part of the team!
Our little rescue dog is doing great. He has adapted wonderfully to being a tripod. There have been some rough times when he falls, and he got home and was like Bambi on ice with our laminate flooring. The runways of area rugs around the house were not ideal to say the least, Adrien is in the process of tiling the main floor so he can walk around the house. The dog clearly has us all wrapped around his fuzzy little paw. Till next week everyone.
Sifu Andrea Prince
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Preparing For Round Two
Saturday, October 27, 2012
We watched a show(Nova -Science Now) about brain power (it also had a cool part about how your brain grows when you learn to play the piano) and how journaling really helps reduce anxiety and can decrease the chances of choking during high stress moments. They did a test and had high school students, who were interested, journal prior to a big test. The ones that chose to journal did much better on their exams than the ones that chose not to. The journals were not elaborate and only depicted how they were feeling at the time. The students stated during interviews that it helped them calm down prior to the exam. Imagine the reduced anxiety we would feel if we journalled prior to our kung fu tests?
I found this show very interesting and educational. I usually blog each week because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on my week, my progress and my kung fu. I did not consider that it helped me relax and stay focused. When I was younger, I used to journal to help me through troubled times, to explore my feelings and tangled thoughts. I think that I am going to increase my journaling to include a private daily journal as a means of staying more focused and more in tune with my thoughts and feelings.
Those are my thoughts for this week
Friday, October 26, 2012
I Ho Cuan Class
We also learned a lot about board breaking that I thought was very useful, and interesting. There were lots of things that I never thought of before. I am cheering for those that are breaking boards tomorrow. It is a tough challenge, especially in front of a public crowd. I know they can do it.
I was happy to see sihing Jerke at class tonight as I haven't seen her for awhile.
I was disappointed to see so many members of the team not in class tonight. It just isn't the same without them there. It's like having a family gathering with only some of my kids there. Not that the members of the team are my kids, but they are members of the team, like a family. I know that people have other commitments that I do not have, and I try to be forgiving, and understanding. It still bothers me as I know that they are missing out, and I am missing out as well because of their absence. I fear this makes me sound like I am better than the others, but I absolutely do not feel that I am. I just worry for the team. Also, with the demo tomorrow and not everyone there to practice, it makes me a bit more nervous than usual.
I can see that vision of what a strong team can do for the school as well as what it does for each of us. That vision blurs when our team is not a whole.
No one said it would be easy
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Panoramic View
First of all, the show serves to promote me and my wares with the intention of selling, but the selling may not be taking place immediately. I keep my ears open for ideas and opportunities as well as networking as well as just plain old fun. A couple of ideas did come across my path and both are well worth venturing. One idea was presented to me with the accompanying explanation of "no one makes these and I've been searching all over for them." That's worth my venture. So that's the obvious show service, but there's a couple more underlying reasons that are actually more important: it's an excuse to connect with Dennis's side of the family (show + visit) and it takes me away from my usual surroundings so that I can get a good look at what works, what doesn't, and where to go from there. Hence, where fortune really lies.
Over the past few weeks I have stepped back from my training due to both a rotator cuff issue and hitting a cement wall in my training. Have I quit? Not at all, I took a step back to clear my head and to get a good panoramic view as to what was really going on (the trip helped here immensely). Here's what I found. My 3 values (creativity, discovery, and discipline) are from where I am to be living my life from, however, I was living my life from 2 (creativity and discovery) and discipline was lacking. A side note: discipline means willingly and continually going forth with focus towards my goals, it does not mean driving forth at all cost. I took a further look at my glass and chocolate and saw that I lacked clarity in where I wanted to go and what I wanted to achieve. Basically driving around in circles, fun for a bit, but gets old real quick. First step: get clear on what I want and where I want to go in these areas. As for Kung Fu, I know where I want to go so what's the hold up? Ah!! Here's the discovery: pushups and situps are routine for me and can be inserted wherever in my day, but kicks and forms aren't so those need to be given a defined time-slot with the same commitment as my classes. I need to draft up a schedule that includes a time-slot for my glass, chocolate, form and kick training, Kung Fu classes, and time for both me and Dennis. A schedule with structure that also has flow to it.
In order for me to see what was really the issue or issues at hand, I had to take a step back (or in this case drive out of the province) to get a good look at where I was and what's missing. Now that I know, I can and will proceed with what works and what needs adjusting. Rinse and repeat.
Sherri Donohue
Hot Torch, Room Full of Glass, and a Kung Fu Kwoon
Focus with Heart
There Were Butterflies in that Place, I Swear
But, ignoring me, I think the demo was a success. It seems to be getting good reviews, and even though we had a few glitches (what good SRKF demo doesn't) it seemed to me that the crowd was happy with it. I tease my students about paying more attention to the butterflies in the corners than to the instructors when they lose their focus. Besides me, no one seemed to notice the butterflies in that place, and everyone was on their game. Kudos, and thanks to everyone involved for making it happen. Because that's what we did- got up and finally made it happen.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Round trip
After a whirlwind trip this weekend I am home again and back to the grind, not that my trip was really a restful vacation. Aside from the usual not enough time to do what I want/need or see everyone I did make time to get to the kwoon. It was a great reminder of how the kwoon really does become a second home and how the people there are part of your family. Thank you to everyone for asking how things were going and genuinely caring about how things are going for me. It was also great to get in a few rounds of sparring.
The drive home was a bit of an adventure with everything from rain, snow, ice, fog and lots of trucks. Fortunately it is still pretty early in the season so I made it home in good time and after driving through the night was able to nap for a couple hours before going to my interview.
All in all a pretty hectic past five days. It seems something some things don't seem to change for me.
Craig Janzen
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
"Pistachio eh!"
P.S. - I am nosing through my "Spanish for Dummies" as we speak.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Feeling of Defeat
Still Kicking.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Demo #3
I have to admit that doing the dragon dance wasn't really stressful. You run around and perform as a team. Doing the one on Saturday, wasn't so bad either, but my performance was short and sweet. Doing my rope dart at the Canada day, was like . . . . there are no words. It was kind of terrifying. But I did it, and I learned a lot from doing it.
The thing that I really like about practicing demos with the I ho chuan team, is that everyone makes it so fun. Nobody points fingers. Everyone supports, and cheers each other on. I also really like working with a variety of level of belts. I thought it was awesome to perform with Sihing Chessal on Saturday. We only did it twice together before we actually performed, but we did great. Well, I screwed up in one spot, but I think I faked my way through it pretty good. I let a twinge of nervous take over and lost my focus for a second. I quickly regained it, and finished pretty good.
I am kind of looking forward to another demo, and I know I shouldn't be sharing this with the rest of the world, but it's true. The more I do them, the more it seems to get easier. Not that I want to do demos in any great numbers, by any means.
demo vision
Sihing Langner
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Once again it is the end of a long week and I am finding myself saying Hi to the family that I neglected all week. They never complain and are always supportive but I feel guilty when I spend more time at the kwoon than home and I am when I am here it is time to sleep. I know that it is about balance and this next week the scales will tip a little bit more towards normal, with no evening shifts and no extra practices, I might feel a little less stretched.
I seem to have picked up a head cold along the way, so I feel a bit rambley in my blog today and a bit sleepy, I will sign off for now.....
Those are my thoughts for this week.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Emotions and Egos
Brian Chervenka
Friday, October 19, 2012
I Ho Chuan Demo Team
What has been on surface is the demo team. I agree with Sihing Lowery, 05:00 is a bit insane, but you guys have really lifted the bar. I have mentioned on a couple occasions how I have seen this team really come together as a team this year and I haven't seen it slip. The spirit and dedication that has been displayed is top notch. Sifu Wetter showing up to watch the practice at 05:00 is probably even more insane than being there to practice:) My hats off to all of you guys and gals!
Sifu Regier
Green Fields and Endless Squeak Toys
The demo is coming along, I'm happy and pleasantly surprised that the song I choose worked- I was worried that it would crash and burn but everyone has been working hard and surprisingly understood my brain process when I tried to explain it at the beginning. Thanks for all your hard work everyone!
Tai Chi is coming, but I really feel like a whitebelt again. Its strange- in Kung Fu I can feel if my stances are off, I can understand what a move is trying to accomplish and I can self correct. In Tai Chi I have no eye for detail unless I look at my feet after every move to correct my stance, I have yet to identify the common fundamentals that flow through every technique. In Kung Fu, you can feel if something is wrong even if its new because these fundamentals apply. I can't in Tai Chi. Additionally, I've noticed that Tai Chi amplifies any problems that I have- the tightness in my shoulders affect all my movements, my center lifts in some movements, maintaining my high chair has to be a conscious, continuous effort, I have a problem with the harmony between my hands and feet. Ak. It reminds me of new students- you fix their bow stance, align their hips and they lose it as soon as the switch positions. They can't feel the difference yet. This is happening to me in the toyo (sp?) stance, and its driving me insane. Slowly, I'm developing a sense for the stance, but its been a rude awakening for me. But I'm excited also, because I am learning so much about the movement and the alignment of the body, so much that can help me in the rest of my training. So awesome.
On a bad note, our puppy passed away last night. By puppy I mean very old mutt, but I still remember when my mother and I bottle fed him and the rest of his litter mates. Goodbye Diesel, hope the raw hide is endless and the cats are clawless wherever you are.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Challenge 2
5 a.m....
Blog Challenge #2 - Thankful
The Journey
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
O: obviously falling off the wagon at times, but always getting back on
M: moving towards Mastery, speed is irrelevant
M: much more interesting and eventful than mediocrity
I: intervals of torching, chocolate and Kung Fu
T: there is a pattern here, trust me
M: making sure I live my life from my values
E: excuses are not allowed
N: newly acquired belief systems with actions
T: taking time for myself and for celebration
Sherri Donohue
Lost Hours of Sleep
Lately, I have been able to sleep 9.5 hours without an effort. I have heard that a person never catches up on lost sleep...if this is true, what has happened to all that lost time? Twenty years x 365 = 7300 days x at least an average of one lost hour/ day = 7300hrs or 304.17 days of lost sleep within the past 20 years (essentially 912.5 days of no sleep in the past 20 years - based on a 8 hour sleep pattern).
With the overall importance of a quality quantitative sleep to maintain a healthy mind and body, I'm curious as to the overall affect that this sort of life style has on people. Also, if there is a chance of recuperating these lost hours of sleep, is it going to take another 20 years of 9 hour sleeps or 10 years of 10 hour sleeps?
Speaking of sleep, it should would be nice right abouts now, but nope, I'm trying to transform my sleep pattern in preparation of the next couple weeks of night shift. Night shift....I've heard that this drains an additional 10% of life from oneself, plus the the kaos created with metabolism. Hmmm...
Darcy Regier
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Not Much To Say
Note to self
Dear 15 yr old self;
I know that you haven't had much success in the people department, but don't give up. Keep trying to meet new people, trust a little tiny bit and let that grow in a natural way. There really are good, caring people out there, you just haven't met them yet.
Be patient with yourself as you grow and learn, don't rush things that need time and nurturing to grow naturally.
You are a good person with a good heart, please believe that and let that guide your choices.
Trust that you are smart, you may have made some not smart choices but you are really smart, allow yourself to learn.
Above all else, I want to tell you that you are worth it, all of it, don't ever forget that!
Love from me
What would you say to your 15 year old self?
Sifu Kichko
Monday, October 15, 2012
Kung Fu
Sihing Langner
blog challenge
This Feeling Really Bugs Me
This happened last Friday night at the black belt class. We had to perform all of our forms. I was real nervous, but did not too bad. Until it came to stick. Then, I couldn't remember the first couple moves to get started. That's all it took, and then I got flustered and nothing worked. This feeling went into the next form which was spear. I sucked at that too.
What I find bothersome here, is that the very next day, as I drove to the kung fu school, I could do stick perfectly in my head. When I got to the school, I could actually do it with my stick. With help by sihing Lowery on a couple of brain farts with spear, I got through that entire form too. So what happened Friday night? I got nervous, and my brain forgot how to work. Even Sifu Rybak made a comment to me that she could see I got nervous and then flustered.
I guess what it all boils down to, is practice enough so that even when you are nervous, your muscle memory can pretty much perform on it's own. I have to admit that I hadn't touched stick or spear for probably a year or more, so how can I possibly expect to perform any better than I did.
Being grateful
Brian Chervenka
24 of 52
Reviewed my requirements and realized I have made a lot of progress on some of my personal requirements like the reducing plastics ... I have learned alot, discovered alternatives, and made alot of changes in my buying decisions. You can't always be driven by the price tag on item ... you need to calculate the 'real costs' .... the economic, environmental and social impact that those cheap plastic lawn chairs have on not just you but the world. Canada provides a lot of the raw materials, with some basic refining to the point of a plastic resin which we then send to many places in Canada and around the world and they pump out all kinds of plastic products, which in turn get shipped all over the world and back to Canada. Note: that there is a new type of plastic which is BHP free for food storage ... seriously look into this as I have discovered 90% of the plastic left in my life is in the kitchen.
I am grateful for the space to grow my own garden
I am gateful for the 4 beautiful pumkins that grew and will soon be pie filling
I am grateful for skype ... the girls and I talk every week on wednesday
I am grateful for the wonderful people that I love and make my life worth living
I am grateful for 4 seasons ... so I can have beautiful autum days
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Where am I
This past two months have been really tough for me. My expectations of how things would work out where in retrospect unrealistic. I figured getting a job would be no problem I have a good resume a good portfolio how hard can it be. Then I figured once I get a job I can join up for classes again and things would carry on with hardly a beat skipped. I relearned something over the last two months. Accepting just being good is accepting a life of mediocrity. In my career field there is a lot of competition so being average means you don't stick out. With this in mind I have been creating new projects as well as finishing old projects that desperately need my attention. This time I am taking a more critical eye to my work.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
I'm Thankful For...
Will I Ever Get It?!
I can learn a technique, practice a technique, and remember a technique. But I have so much difficulty analyzing a technique. This has always been a struggle for me, and it makes me feel almost like I am not smart enough for the real martial arts. (for lack of a better way to explain it). Last night Sifu Brinker asked us what we think of when we do a form. To be honest, I think a lot about my stances and keeping them low. I think about my shoulders and try not to hunch them up. I sometimes think about my arm techniques, but until now, I didn't really realize how little I think about them. That is probably why I keep bending my wrists on my punches.
I admit that I don't think much about the 6 harmonies, and the reason is exactly as Sifu Brinker said last night. It seems like it is above my head to understand them, so why bother trying. What a sucky attitude that is. I do, however, when I am doing my forms, often, but not always, try to focus on my feet drawing energy from below. I can't be sure, but I think this is part of the 6 harmonies. I left classes last night with the conviction to research and see if there is anything out there to help me better understand the 6 harmonies.
I am not sure why I don't analyze by kung fu more. Well, I think I might have a couple of ideas, but it is embarrassing to admit. I think it is because of being lazy. Not taking the time to slow down and think about it. Why? Because it's too hard. Which comes to the other reason. I am not really smart when it comes to that kind of stuff. Velocity of what? Interception where? This also bothers me in the way that it makes me lack in a lot of areas with my teaching. I get terrified every time a student puts up their hand to ask me a question, for fear that it will be a "thinking" kind of question. What move comes after what? I can usually answer those. But something like the dynamics of a technique? AAAGGGHHHHH!!
I have always admired people who understand the innards of the martial arts. I am more of a doer, than a thinker, but as a second degree black belt, I had better start learning how to become a thinker. I have never really figured out how. Without someone teaching me, how do I learn all this stuff? Where do I find the information? Online? With my own analyzing? Training harder? Doing more defense techniques? Sifu Brinker says that doing forms will help with some of it. I do forms a lot. A LOT! I must not be in the right frame of mind when I do them, maybe.
I remember as an orange belt being told over and over again to visualize my opponent when I do a form. That too was extremely difficult for me. I guess after awhile, I gave up trying. Perhaps slowing down my forms will help, but that too is hard for me. I like to keep moving and I like to move fast. I have come to realize lately that what my kids have been telling me for years may have some truth to it. I have a real hard time being idle. I don't like to sit still. When I am idle or slow down, I have a much harder time focusing. This is a very interesting observation for me. One would think that with slowing down, one would have much more focus. When I slow down, far too many thoughts enter my head for me to focus on any one of them. When I am memorizing Mastery, I have my headphones on with music playing. This helps me to stay completely focused on my thoughts of memorizing.
Anyways, I am just thinking out loud, and going on forever. This is definitely a topic to work on, and to "think" more about.
Friday, October 12, 2012
A Blank Screen
One thing that I have been doing a lot in this course is getting present to the present moment and staying there instead of camping out in the future. I am present at the torch because that is not the place to let one's mind wander. 5000 degrees of heat is a hello!!!! moment. Even picking a glass rod up at the wrong end at a "paultry" 700 degrees yanks one back from the future pretty fast.
Taking a step back to get perspective and a clear look at what forward looks like is pretty rewarding and gives reason as to why I'm going down this path. I make the decision as to where I want to go and make the moves in that direction and keep moving. How I get there isn't up to me as there's a much greater force in action with angles I haven't even though of. I've had stuff come from out of the blue and it's pretty amazing.
Well my screen on the computer is a little less blank. Does it make total sense? On some level it does.
Sherri Donohue
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thankfulness! Gratefulness!!!!
First of all I am grateful to God, He is the reason for all the is good in my life and the obstacles that I need to overcome to grow.
I am grateful for my husband, he has supported and encouraged me for nearly twenty years. He always there for me as I attempt to be a better me, cheering me on and helping me out when I fall down.
I am grateful for my daughter, she believes that there is nothing that I can't do! What an amazing feeling that is!!
I am grateful for the life that I have, it is full of goodness and love. I have good friends, near and far, and I have family members that accept me for who I have become.
I am grateful for my job, I have been working with children and families for approx. 23 yrs, and they never cease to amaze me, their capacity to love one another and over-come diversity in order to be together is over-whelming at times.
I am grateful for my pet family, they make me laugh, cry and sigh with contentment. I love that I can have these animals in my life and they show me the true meaning of unconditional love. No matter how the rest of the world treats me, when I come home, I am greeted with so much love and excitement that all else is forgotten.
I am grateful for my kung fu family, I truly feel like I have found a place where I belong and I am completed accepted. I love my family. My goal is to pass that feeling on and treat each person that walks in the door with compassion and understanding so that they will experience the same feelings that I have.
I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had to volunteer in my community. I have gained so much empathy from our projects.
There are many more things that I am grateful for but that would make this a really long blog. My goal is to remind myself throughout the year, not only during Thanksgiving.
Those are my thoughts for this week.