Things a have been crazy busy and I have given Kung Fu very
little time. I`m still able to push out
a couple hundred push ups and sit ups daily but that has been the extent of my commitment
to my training and the I Ho Chaun team (sorry guys, you guys did an awesome job
on the demo).
I went through and read Mastery again this week. I`ve been trying very hard to find a comfortable
balance in my life with all my commitments.
Reflecting on Mastery, the more I
surround myself with individuals that are liked minded (municipal government) the
less I`ve surrounded myself with Kung Fu.
I have and still struggle with the whole balance thing. Just when I think I have it figured out, something else gets thrown in the mix. I can't imagaine how hard it must be running a town,on top of all your other commitments. You're doing great and we're proud of you and all behind you! Thanks for coming out to the demo yesterday to support the team!