I have come quite a ways with my sparring, but have a long ways to go. I am not quite as scared as I used to be, but still don't feel really comfortable with it. I don't think I ever will. I think my sparring days are nearing an end, as I get older. I don't quite have the passion for it that I did 15 years ago, and that is OK with me.
I still force myself to attend the Tues night sparring class, and the guys in that class are really good with me. They help me to progress forward, without feeling in a panic to defend myself. Some of them still make me a bit nervous, but more than anything, it is good because it makes me stay on my toes; guards up, at all times.
Last night I sparred with Mr. Wilson for the first time. He is a great guy to spar with. His control is amazing, and he helped me out a lot with my sparring skills, without even saying anything. There was even one point when his technique made me start to go down. I say start, because somehow, Mr. Wilson did this amazing fast spin, and caught me before I hit the ground. As one with arthritic hips, I was very grateful that he did.
Being able to work past our fears allows us to grow. I'm always impressed with your ability to do that.