These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Schools Out !!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Boot Camp
Monday, June 27, 2011
Boot camp...and team work
B is for BOOT CAMP!
First of all, boot camp is filled with seminars that are jam packed with both fun and learning. I get to experience new things that I wouldn't otherwise. Where else can one learn about meditation, Tai Chi, weapons, Sanda, and George St. Pierre conditioning all in one day?
Next the team Spirit is astounding. We are all there to learn, to grow, to have fun, and to support each other. It's easy to have that Spirit when the Sifus leading the seminars are not only well-knowledged on the topic, but are very passionate about it and they too like to have fun. A day with a great bunch of like-minds.
Even though the day is long and tiring, we are well cared for as we are given breaks and good food. Meditation feeds our energy and soul, the remote location feeds our Spirit, and the challenges feeds our self-worth and well-being.
Now a day full of fun, learning, and growing would not be complete without everyone's *ahem* favorite event: the fitness test and 2K run. Personally, I'm not wild about the event based on previous performances, or more accurately, lack thereof. However this year I decided to be unattached to my results. I was just going to do the events and see what happens. I did have one goal and that was to run the whole 2K, something I have not done in the past. This year I completed all of the events including the 2K run. To top it all, when I checked my fitness rankings when I got home, I was SHOCKED when I saw how good my results were. I am still in disbelief.
Lastly, even though my muscles were wildly threatening strike action, the aches and pains pale in comparison to the amount of pride and accomplishment I felt (and still do) at the end of the day. Words truly cannot describe the feeling when we all come together to celebrate our completion of boot camp.
Thank you to Sifu Brinker and all of the Sifus for making Boot Camp 2011 an amazing event. Thank you to my Boot Camp team mates for your Spirit (both self and team), your commitment, your inspiration, and your enthusiasm as you all made the day a day to remember.
Sherri Donohue
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Testing Your Limits
Allan Gamble
Student Member
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Aww Shucks
It is something that I continue to keep in front of me. While a lot of people may not see that as much of a compliment, it says something to me about my approach to Kung Fu. While I worry sometimes about the example I set, something as simple this lays it all out for me.
Boot camp yesterday was great too. I love being able to take part, as I learn something new every time I am there. Also, the enthusiasm of all the students is contagious, and re-ignites my passion. It is awesome to see the sense of accomplishment that everyone has at the end of the day. And the rain held off until our 2 km run was over.
I am still contemplating my Kung Fu, and what I bring to the school, however after yesterday and my compliment, things are pretty clear.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I discovered this definition of wealth taken from the course "Wealth Beyond Reason" by Bob Doyle. "Wealth is living the life you desire in abundance and joy." Wow, there is no mention of money in the equation. Abundance can mean anything from health to food to friends to feeling great to signs of packratitis. A great find at a thrift store brings about feeling of both joy and abundance. An amazing training session can also bring those same feelings and the list goes on. Definitely a different perspective of wealth than the implied wealth = money definition.
Does this mean that I will cease striving for wealth? Not at all. I consider myself to be wealthy in a lot of areas of my life and I want to spread that feeling of wealth to all of the areas of my life. Why wouldn't I? Good question. Now for the question to be kept front and center: what do I desire? Some answers are simple, some take some thinking, and some I haven't got a clue. The latter is where the heart seeking begins.
Sherri Donohue
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Bottom line, I am a basket case,lol, but I rarely EVER will let you know. I am trying to change; I do still show up for sihing class, I try to spar when I can. I will try ask more often for help. A work in progress I we all are:)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
26.5 Hour Day
Kevin Lindstrom
Student UBBT Member
Silent River Kung Fu
Onoway, Alberta, Canada
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I'm doing it!
Each time that I have a break through, I get so excited and then I go back to working hard and trying to figure something else out. I am totally loving the process right now. It seems to happen the same each time; I chose something to improve, I try to work it out on my own, ask for advice from my mentors, get frustrated because I feel like I am never going to figure it out, ask more questions, and then I get it. I know that as long as I work hard, the results will come. I am looking forward to the next obstacle and all it's challenges.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Positive Twist
Every year in elementary school was the Canada Fitness Test and every year I dreaded it because I was always the slowest, took the longest, and was the most out of shape and I was very embarrassed because of it. And every year the bronze, silver, and gold were out of my reach and yes, embarrassed by that too. Of course one of the activities was the shuttle run and every year I failed at it. Therefore I was a failure at fitness.
I was listening to an interview with Dr. Joe Rubino on self esteem and he said something in particular that stuck with me. He said that everything has a positive to it and if it seems negative, pull out the positive from it and focus on that. A positive with the shuttle run???!!
Fast forward to Wednesday morning class when we did the dreaded shuttle run. I felt not bad running it and my time was 2:08. Somehow I can live with that as I had a feeling it was my best time ever. When I got home I pulled out the black belt criteria and saw that I was 2 seconds from the chart. I also pulled out my boot camp results from a previous few years. Two times I saw were 2:47 and then a 2:24. Hey that's a 16+ second improvement from the last recorded time. I like that. Also I'm only 2 seconds from the chart, it's doable! I feel good about my run and confidence that my times will improve over time.
One thing I can say is that it feels lighter and better to go with the positive spin than with the negative. At least I don't dread the shuttle run as much as before. However, still working on that. Also there are a couple major differences from elementary school (besides I'm older!): I have a plan and executing it and I have a support team. Huge difference to the self esteem.
Sherri Donohue
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Not everyone has the same wheel driving us. Sometimes, this wheel changes. Personally, I think we need to know what it is that motivates us, what could motivate us, and what we need to motivate us. I know what motivated me when I was 16 no longer applies, and what I use as motivation now never even occurred to me then. This is not necessarily bad, we all change with time as does our thought processes, our personality and of course, our motives.
Additionally, not all of us know truly what it is that motivates us. Or alternatively, what does motivate us may not be working as well as we would like. Maybe, we are not motivated at all, or we are extremely motivated and progressing great. Perhaps its
So, what is it? Do you want to increase your independence, or maybe your conditioning? Maybe its a way to become a strong role model for a child, or maybe your ego is whats driving you?
Now, how far will that motivation get you? Because its true, some motives make it further than others. Some will get you to blue or brown, some to black, others will be endless. Again, keeping in mind things change with time. By the time you get to blue or brown, something can change and all of a sudden you are capable of anything, in regards to your motivation.
The key is to recognize where it is you stand. I've seen a lot, been through a lot, where I can't help but gain motivation or lose motivation, put in a rut or maybe I put myself there, and then I find myself crawling out. Regardless, know where you are at and you will better understand how to get to where you want to go.
Khona Rybak, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta
Doing the right thing!

Where do I start....First off, we were looking for a cat to replace the one that went missing. This is not a cat.....!
There has been a whole lot of discussion in the past years about adding a dog to our family. We did it before, and I just don't think I was ready. Our boys, at the ages of 12 and 7 asked my wife and I if they could get a dog, they searched the SPCA site, rescue animal sites, newspapers..the list goes on. It got to a point where we said to our boys, "Put together a proposal, as to what you boys will do to make this happen". So they did just that, our boys sat us on the deck, this one beautiful morning and presented themselves with dress shirts and ties on, our youngest's was a clip on, their hair was combed. They presented themselves well and proceeded to recite from their clipboards all that they would contribute to make sure that all parties were satisfied if we got a dog. All parties meaning, first off the dog and second the parents.
The presentation was well done, but it was missing a few details. We asked that they take their proposal and include a few things and think about a few situations and give detail as to how they/ we might handle it. They came back, within hours, with answers and a calculator that was just a smoke'n. We (the parents), said, that for the next couple weeks we would assess their behaviour and their diligence in maintaining their regular chores and go from there.
Well our boys knew, as well as we did, that their consistency in getting their regular chores done without being told continually was not to good. Without any further word on the matter, the yearning for a dog had dissipated.
To tell you the truth, I know I wasn't ready. I had my reservations because I wasn't sure if our family could commit to this responsibility...we are already run ragged, I didn't want to be tied down, I didn't want to have to reconstruct my yard and didn't want to have to close everything off from the dog for fear of it destroying our yard... bin there and did that!'s not a CAT! What happened was, we responded to a cat Ad in the local paper (also a dog in the Ad). The elderly owners of this cat and dog, could not longer give the animals the attention that they required, and thought it was best to find homes that would be able to do that. Well my family, minus myself, went over to see the cat (So I thought!) but ironically enough became attached to the dog.
When I saw the looks in the eyes of my family, when they wanted to discuss "Lady", this was the dogs name, I couldn't say no.... I didn't say yes, but there was more discussion. My boys walked down the driveway to the bus that morning with their heads hanging low and their hearts pumping at about 18 beats per second.
My wife and I discussed the situation again and decided that we could make this happen. She made a call and we were going to have the dog before the boys got home from school. It all happened! The dog was at our house, our boys walked up the driveway and could not believe their eyes when they saw the dog in our yard.
Lady adapted very well, other than the cave she dug under my shed the first night. I was less than impressed...and thought what in the world did I just do!
The important lesson that I experienced out of this whole ordeal is that it is not about me...or the cat (we still need to find a cat!). It is about what the dog has done for my family. When I write about mental health and mental fitness, promoting awareness, I consider this act of purchasing this dog part of my way to help my family on a better route to bettering their mental health (me included...I hope!)
What really brought me to writing this entry, was the impact that this dog had on my neighbor. Just quickly... my neighbor is a little older, very kind soul, loves to help people, but has struggles with his health and from what I see, depression. Well, just yesterday my wife was walking our dog and our neighbor was driving towards them, he stopped his car so quickly, jumped out of his car...nearly falling on his face and lunged at our dog and couldn't let go. His eyes were apparently just full of life and joy, when I see and hear what has happen with the presence of our dog in just a few short days, I know I can suck up my poor me attitude and fill a few holes...and a cave!
By the way, I'm not to fond of the name "Lady", I prefer a mans name like "Cowlick", you'd have to see the tuft of hair on the top of her head to understand.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, UBBT, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
SRKF - Tiger Challenge
Update on Latest Challenge
It was funny...thinking back through the test, there were a few times where I said to myself - relax, drop your shoulders, loosen your grip, make yourself comfortable, be extra aware of what's around.....! Sound familiar? I find myself riding the bike with, not a cocky attitude, but with confidence. It's a weird feeling of relaxation and's great!
Kung Fu as my way of life, brings another challenge to the fore front.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
Our Companion.
She will be missed by the whole family, because she was just that...a part of our family! She used to join us, when we sat by the fire pit outside...up on her stump! But knew to keep her distance when we ate outside. She had this sharp little meow, more like a bark, it was the get over here a give me some attention meow!
I have never been a big cat lover, but this old girl and I had a bond...maybe because I found myself feeding her when my boys forgot, which made her fell like I was her new servant. It had been this past year or so, that we became close friends. She used to nuzzle up to my feet and rub my legs until I began to repay the attention - then flop on her back. It was those moments where I would get lost in time. There was stress relief, while spending time with her, that I never admitted to feeling.
She is missed.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, UBBT, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
Treating the Cause, Not the Symptoms
Many times I have viewed my personal challenges the wrong way and attempted to correct the symptom and no the cause. Realizing and reassessing the occurrences which circulate my being has allowed me approach many things from a different angle. For that, it has allowed me to be more free mentally and approach certain things with reduced stress and aggravation . In turn, with better success.
I'm still a work in progress, but being more aware of my mind and its power is allowing me to approach life from a more controlled mind set.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, UBBT, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
Past, Present and Future!
It is how we deal with our past that reveals who we are and what we are made of. So, if we never challenge ourselves or go beyond the ordinary or beyond our arbitrary will we ever be able to figure out who we are... our gifts, talent, strengths or weaknesses? How will we be able to correct ourselves and proceed to "Mastery"?
For many years I can say that I never went much beyond mediocrity. I now often wonder what I could have done with myself, if I would have been more aware of this concept as a child or young teen. I wonder how I would have proceeded through school!?
As a father of two boys, I find myself trying to relive my past through them, in many different ways. I'm continually trying to teach them and guide in ways that I wish I had been. My challenge will be to instill this revelation within them; with hope that they push and challenge to become more aware of themselves, so that they do not think that they have lost opportunity once in their adulthood.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, UBBT, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
Fitness Test 3
Kevin Lindstrom
Student UBBT Member
Silent River Kung Fu
Onoway Alberta Canada
Active Listening
I need to change this to focus on the first phase which is "form". I am going to challenge myself starting today to mindfully practice forms focusing on the first phase of kung fu. The benefits will include centering, flow, quality of moition, effortless movement, and the connection of the six harmonies. I look foward to the benefits of this direction with my forms practice. This will align my path in making kung fu an art for me.
I will also listen to the advise from Sifu Brinker on Saturday. Today I have stopped breaking boards, partially because I have broken all that I have, and also because the advise makes sense to me. I will focus on the specific techniques within my board breaking sequence.
To keep this front and center for myself, the four phases of kung fu:
Form or technique
Speed and power
Have a great training week all!!
Allan Gamble
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Shift Work and Me

I have worked shift work for my entire career, 22 years, and I think that I have recently begun to figure out how to make it work for me. I have spent most of the time trying to fit into the monday to friday crowd. I have been trying to structure my life to make it as "normal" as everyone else's, or what I thought was normal. Then I tried listening to what my body needed to feel rested and looked after, well, that consisted of sleeping way too much and eating at odd times of the day and night. I have recently (the last couple of years) put myself on a schedule and stuck to it and it is working for me. I work 3 evenings, 3 days and then 3 days off, in a 9 day rotation. I have been getting up at 7:15 am for 6 of those days and then 5:15 am on the 3 day shifts and this has provided the consistency that I had been craving. Of course, I have Kung Fu to thank for this as well. I have been training at the same times consistently for the past couple of years because of my schedule and the desire to have enough time in the day to train. Through this I have discovered a schedule that works best for me and my body. I feel more rested and more looked after than I ever have and I am getting a lot of things accomplished everyday. Not just training but errands and house hold chores as well.
I don't always want to get out of bed at 7:15 am (and sometimes I whine to my friends) when I don't settle until nearly 1:00 am but I feel great when I do. I also am very tired on my third evening shift and actually look forward to getting up at 5:15 am and feeling more normal ( never thought that I would say that!). It is not a perfect system but it is perfect for me. It works for me to start my day around the same time each day and end it as close to the same time as I can each day. I think that I have grown used to the level of tiredness that I tolerate each day and if I stop and think about it too much then I don't get anything done.
I put this out there because I know that there are a lot more people these days that work shift work and I just wanted to say that it is doable, you just have to keep trying stuff.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada
Standing still
Don't be afraid
To fall down, we'll pick you up
Don't be afraid
To learn new things, we always will
Don't be afraid
To accept help, because you will grow
Don't be afraid
To always remain a student, there is so much to learn
Don't be afraid
To look deep inside yourself, the truth is there
Don't be afraid
To push past your limits, your soul will thank you
Don't be afraid
To express yourself in the way that is true to you
Don't be afraid
Of change, the other side can be extraordinary
Don't be afraid
Of being weak, strength grows from your weakness
Don't be afraid
Of standing still. Being in the moment is simply incredible.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
State of mind
forgot to mention that I am psyched to start learning to wind surfing tomorrow!
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Gaining Momentum
Allan Gamble
Student Member
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Hot Yoga and The Holy Land
The next day three words come to mind: "Holy Release Batman!!" Release in both the physical and mental capacities, something I needed considering that I have decades of tension in my shoulders. Wow. I'm starting to see how hot yoga can supplement my Kung Fu training as well as my chiropractic adjustments. Considering I have a week pass, might as well try a couple more classes and so I did with the next one being after my Wednesday Kung Fu class.
During my day-after-my-first-class day I was reading a Numerology report that I had done on me. Since it's entertaining and I know some of my numbers I wanted to see if this report would match. A tidbit regarding my Soul Urge number caught my eye regarding that my quest for Spirituality indicates that I need to frequent the Holy Land and mysterious places. I mentioned this to Dennis also adding in that I have no urge whatsoever to visit the Holy Land so that part was out to lunch. Dennis suggested that I wait a second and consider that the Holy Land is MY Holy Land not the traditional Holy Land. Yeah, okay, I can dig it, whatever.
Well Wednesday's hot yoga class was good as I survived, sweat buckets and drank enough water to raise the Titanic. During the last few minutes of our class we lie down on our mats to enjoy and remember the peace we feel right now. The teacher said, "take your time and enjoy as this is your Holy Land." I damned near bolted upright. I think Someone is trying to tell me something.
My third class was a 75 minute class and that too went very well and I must say that I am very much enjoying hot yoga and definitely see the benefits. What have I noticed so far besides the Holy Land? Well the family of knots that lived under my right shoulder blade has been evicted and my shoulders feel relaxed (so that's what it's supposed to feel like), my hips are deciding do let go and I feel great. Yes I definitely will be adding hot yoga to my training to supplement my Kung Fu. Thanks Krysta for being such a nag. Namaste.
Sherri Donohue
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Krysta Lowery student ubbt silent river kungfu
Monday, June 6, 2011
Kevin Lindstrom
Student UBBT Member
Silent River Kung Fu
Onoway Alberta Canada
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Time to turn it up!
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada
1000 Pushups again
Last week, the advanced kids class asked for homework. I love that they do that, but they caught me off guard so I didn't have any ideas. So I asked the class. And they asked to do 1000 pushups for Monday. That gave them 4 & 1/2 days, myself included to get them done. It's nice as it helps me with my UBBT numbers, and the sense of accomplishment the kids will have is awesome.
We'll see if I can get to 1000 with my wrists, but I sure as heck am going to try! Rock on guys!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Where am I?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June is "Go Time"
Allan Gamble
Student Member
Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta