I have worked shift work for my entire career, 22 years, and I think that I have recently begun to figure out how to make it work for me. I have spent most of the time trying to fit into the monday to friday crowd. I have been trying to structure my life to make it as "normal" as everyone else's, or what I thought was normal. Then I tried listening to what my body needed to feel rested and looked after, well, that consisted of sleeping way too much and eating at odd times of the day and night. I have recently (the last couple of years) put myself on a schedule and stuck to it and it is working for me. I work 3 evenings, 3 days and then 3 days off, in a 9 day rotation. I have been getting up at 7:15 am for 6 of those days and then 5:15 am on the 3 day shifts and this has provided the consistency that I had been craving. Of course, I have Kung Fu to thank for this as well. I have been training at the same times consistently for the past couple of years because of my schedule and the desire to have enough time in the day to train. Through this I have discovered a schedule that works best for me and my body. I feel more rested and more looked after than I ever have and I am getting a lot of things accomplished everyday. Not just training but errands and house hold chores as well.
I don't always want to get out of bed at 7:15 am (and sometimes I whine to my friends) when I don't settle until nearly 1:00 am but I feel great when I do. I also am very tired on my third evening shift and actually look forward to getting up at 5:15 am and feeling more normal ( never thought that I would say that!). It is not a perfect system but it is perfect for me. It works for me to start my day around the same time each day and end it as close to the same time as I can each day. I think that I have grown used to the level of tiredness that I tolerate each day and if I stop and think about it too much then I don't get anything done.
I put this out there because I know that there are a lot more people these days that work shift work and I just wanted to say that it is doable, you just have to keep trying stuff.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada
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