These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
This leads me to one of my golden rules: Never, ever, ever, say, "Oh man, this cannot get any worse!" 'Cause it definitely will, and anyone accompanying you is going to be ticked off when things go a little further south.
We have things pretty good, and I think we always need to be thankful of our good circumstances. It definitely doesn't take much to have it all taken away, and things could always be worse.
Monday, January 30, 2012
1 of 52
Dean, Brandi, Melanie and I had a great time in Kauai ... I got the zipline done and it was terrifying and exciting and fun. Did not get the snorkeling done due to the fact that I broke some bones in my left foot and it swelled up and turned black & blue and I couldn't get anything on the foot except flipflops ... so I am going to have to figure out how to re-arrange for snorkeling.
Attended a seminar for "Managing Emotions and Thriving Under Pressure" on Friday which was totally cool and I learned lots of stuff ... in addition I got a whole bunch of reading materials and workbooks so I can continue to learn and improve. Note: have not raised my voice this week ... chewing out of employees was done in an even tone and without as much stresss and anxiety on my part... might be partially because I was still all mellow and relaxed from vacation I guess we will find out as the year goes on. So as a result the jar on my desk sits empty ($10 if I raise my voice or get angry).
I am still struggling with writing things down and have asked my husband to ask me at the end of the day if I have documented my stuff. I hope to make this a total habit so I don't need a reminder it will be like brushing my teeth ... just something you do before you go to bed.
Really enjoying the graditude journal ... 5 things to be grateful for everyday. Makes you realize how blessed you are ... even if the day has been stressful or things are not going entirely as planned.
Talk to you next week.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
And for some odd reason, one of my requirements from last year has returned to me. I had set down to draw and frame a dragon picture. And I started to, hit a block and never returned to it. At the end of the evening, I was given a desire to draw again--a dragon, our dragon in a sense. So we shall see what becomes of it. Perhaps the eye dotting ceremony really did awaken our dragons spirit. And now he's nagging me.....
Oh hey look: I'm back. Back at training and in the I Ho Chaun. It feels...proper. Walking into Silent River in December was a visceral reminder of what I have missed over the past year. So now holding a spear is like coming home.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sifu Robertson: errant black belt based out of Vancouver. I'm currently working on my Master's in Philosophy with an eye on academia. I drink too much coffee.
Unlike everyone else on the team, I don't have much to say about the banquet on account of not being there. But congratulations to the new Sifus and a happy new year to everyone.
I'm not going to talk much about my first week, I'd rather just post my requirements and not take up too much space. Suffice to say it's going well. I've been (more or less) sticking to my requirements since the beginning of January, but as the semester wears on my patience will be tried. Starting Muay Thai is helping to maintain my focus: being in a class environment does wonders. Anyways, onto the list. Expect more in this coming week.
Core Requirements
No quitting!
I should hope so.
50,000 pushups and situps
Situps can be different variations to maximize impact Journal once a week
1000 reps of Mlong Kuen and an original Spear form
Initially some reps will include piecing together the original form.
1609 Km of biking/running/equivalent
Record 1000 acts of kindness
Bah humbug. I intend to be very mindful of this. I strive to be kind and stick to my moral convictions, but I'm also not a particularly pleasant person. I want to record actual kindness, not simply the veneer of sociability.
Mend a relationship
This may be a tough one. Most relationships that are broken are for a reason. But it is an important step to take.
Maintain an online presence
This will be vital for me. I'll talk about it more later, but I recognize that staying connected with the school is the key to my training.
Memorize and recite Mastery
Participate in SRKF Projects
While I can't directly participate in something like the kwoon maintenance, I intend to help out with logistics and similar manners.
Grading day and a public performance at the 2013 Chinese New Year
Additional Requirements
224 reps of other forms
Obviously I simply can't only do my core forms. I have a rotating list of 2-3 forms (including the core weapon forms) which I will do every day.
365 teps of Tai Chi This translates to 1 or 2 sections of the long form per day.
85% attendance in Muay Thai
Part of my training this year will include training in another martial art to help me stay focused, but one that will also not interfere with my Kung Fu. A style like Muay Thai is ideal, as it will provide me with much practice in my core skills. Therefore, I should probably go.
365 hours of personal intellectual growth
The bulk of this will be reading: including philosophy which is relevant to my personal interests/projects and fiction I find particularly stirring or interesting. I expect this to be around 2 or 3 books a week. Furthermore, some of this will include writing or revising papers which are wholly original philosophy. To me, this is the most important of my personal requirements; my development as a thinker is equally important to me as my growth as a martial artist.
Write at least 2 professional level papers
It should come at no surprise that trying to philosophize at the professional level is very difficult, especially considering I'm just starting out. But I want to write at least 2 papers this year which engage in current conversations and have been given the amount of research and thought expected of real philosophy. One of these can (and probably will be) my 'professional project' that is already a part of my program.
200 hours of writing
Turns out if you work at something it gets finished. Which brings me too...
Finish the book
Writing it, not reading.
Volunteer once a week
As I can't directly take part in community projects of Silent River's, I should maintain a constant community involvement.
Don't sacrifice quality of teaching
As a T.A. it can be easy to slack. I've noticed plenty of people who do. But my commitment to excellent teaching this semester clearly had an impact: the average of my sections was slightly higher and I had several students thank me once the class was done. It would be too easy to skim when marking or not adequately prepare for tutorial. I don't intend to do that.
Develop a basic grasp of another language
This won't start until the summer. It will probably be German. Once I actually start learning, I intend to update this with more specific, daily requirements.
So there it is. Let's see what happens.
Sifu Robertson.
Starting off with a bang
After the Banquet
Still inspired from yesterday I've spent my lazy Sunday doing pushups/situps and contemplating all things Kung Fu.
A Time To Heal
I clean a house for a couple in Edmonton. The wife, we'll call Jane, used to be very active, and loved being in the outdoors. She especially loved running. Now, due to MS, those things are no longer a part of her life. She uses a walker at times, or walking sticks, and when not using those things, she often bumps into the walls, or trips over things on the floor. She gets very frustrated at times. This and the fact that her son died about 3 years ago, has caused her to be a bit. . . . hard. Her son was in his very early 20's, and he died of cancer.
The husband, we'll call Fred, used to be my manager at work. A very wonderful man, and in a lot of ways still grieving the loss of his son as well.
I have been told that in past years, Jane used to go all out at Christmas. At least 16 trees in the house, of all different sizes, plus garland, snow men, lights, and decorations of all kinds all over the house. Since the death of her son, Jane refused to put up a single decoration. Not so much as one tree. This added to the heartache of her husband.
This year, as the two of them told me stories of all the wonderful decorations that Jane used to put up I threw out the question, "why not this year?" "What the hell do I want to decorate for Christmas for?" "no, I am not doing anything for decorations!" I told her that I wanted to give her a present, and I couldn't do that if I didn't have a tree to put her present under. "Then don't bring me a present", she says. A similar conversation went on the next week I visited and cleaned her house. Same attitude. "I don't want a bloody tree in my house. I have no reason to put up a tree. No, no, I don't want any decorations up."
The following week, somehow we got into the same conversation. Jane also told me that at Christmas family gatherings, everyone who came to visit had to bring a home made ornament to hang on the tree. It was a family tradition. I told Jane that it would be real nice to see a bit of her old self and how she used to do up the house at Christmas. I told her I would love to see that. Again she went into her rant, "why the hell do I want to put up bloody Christmas decorations?" Beside us on the wall was a large photo of two of her very young grandchildren. I pointed to it and said, "what about doing it for them?" Not much of a response this time.
I went about my work cleaning the back bedrooms of the house. I could hear some kind of low key confrontations coming from the family room. Something about not having enough room, or no where to put the furniture and it was too much work, or too heavy. Then I hear, "hay Brenda, can you come help me for a second?" Fred needed my help moving a chair out of the family room to make room for a tree. Jane wanted it yet was being tough and fighting it all the way. She couldn't let anyone know she was giving in. "You will never get that chair into the other room. It's too heavy." Then we got stuck trying to get around a corner wall. "I told you it wouldn't work. That chair is just too big to move". The whole time, Fred is looking at me with this huge grin on his face. He was going to get his tree, and he knew that a part of Jane wanted it too, even though she wouldn't admit it. We turned the chair on it's side and voila, managed to get it into the other room. This left a corner of the family room for the tree. I asked if they needed me to vacuum out the corner before they brought out the tree. Fred said no, that they wouldn't be bringing out the tree right away.
About a half hour later I hear something coming from the family room that sounds like, "well, you just going to leave that big hole in the room with nothing in it?" Then Fred's response, "If you want I will be happy to go right now and get the tree. You don't have to ask me twice". I come into the room a short while later and there is Fred, hauling up the tree. He looks at me with his back to Jane and gives a huge smile. He set up a special gadget on the wall so that Jane could control the lights on or off without any trouble.
I still had a bit of cleaning to do, but Jane and Fred had to leave to run some errands. They turned the lights off on the tree, and before they left, Jane gave me a warning. "Next week when you come, you had better bring a home made ornament for our tree. It's your bloody fault that thing is up." I told her that I did not mind at all taking the blame for such at thing
At work the following day, Fred thanked me immensely for helping get a tree up in his home. I told him that maybe it was just time, and maybe enough healing had gone on to let it happen. He was so thrilled. Not just in having a tree, but in seeing this small bit of healing in his grieving wife. He told me that when they came home that night, he had left the lights off on the tree, and went downstairs to putter a bit. When he came back upstairs about a half hour later, Jane was sitting quietly in front of the lit up tree.
The following week, as I returned with my home made ornament, I found not only the tree fully decorated, but a few other Christmas items displayed around the house as well. This was a great experience for me to be a part of. This is truly one of my favorite acts of kindness thus far, and will always be a memorable one.
Good way to start
Sihing Langner
Group Inspiration
For a long time I have been doing more or less the same thing , review , train and practice. Sometimes very focused most times to maintain a certain level of proficiency. But always on my own.
This year I am excited because I feel I have something different to experience with the I Ho Chuan.
The group of new Sifus have inspired me by the way they supported one another and trained with one another. I believe they brought themselves to a greater level through their efforts and and went beyond because they could count on one another and motivate one another.
Good for them and we can all learn from their example, I hope to!
Oh, by the way, thank you Sifu Brinker for your generous words, I was a little shell shocked at the time and probably did not say thank you properly.
JC Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Last Night!
The performances by our 5 new Sifus were Awesome (notice the capital "a") and, coupled with the metal they blasted over the speakers, I was literally vibrating in my seat while watching. Congrats again, Sifus!
I think my personal favorite part of the night was leading the dragon for our dance. After our months of practice and hard work, I'm really glad that I didn't do anything stupid or forget anything. I don't think that dance could have gone any better. I'm sure everyone on the team could feel me speed up a little bit as I got more and more excited up on the stage. Luckily nobody slipped on those greased up mats. Big fist-bump to the dragon dance team. We rock!
Also congratulations to all the kids in the Little Leopard, Tiny Tiger and Black Dragon classes for an awesome effort on stage! You all put on a great show and your hard work shows. It takes a lot of courage to get up on stage and show hundreds of people your skills so give yourselves a huge pat on the back plus 20 pushups just for fun.
A big thank-you to Sihing Jerky(sp?) for organizing our roles for setup and takedown of the hall on kwoontalk and to everyone else, Sifus, Sihings and other belts, for helping out wherever you could and to those I voluntold to do things as well (especially the kid-wranglers in the basement, all fully capable of herding butterflies).
I can't wait until next year's! But I'm not going to lie, as I watched our old Sihings become new Sifus I was a little envious. But I'll be on that stage next time. I've put it off too long and am working hard to be with the next freshly minted batch of black belts.
Happy Year of the Dragon everyone!
Jon Robinson
Before the Banquet...After the Banquet
Of course, I have goals and plans for the coming year but it doesn't seem like I will be ready to begin with those until after Saturday.
Today I can say that have experienced that moment in time where everything is as it should be. When I was on the stage last night, either huddled in the corner with my team awaiting my turn or performing, I was in the moment. It is such a pure feeling, I am still so overwhelmed by the experience that thinking about it brings a tear to my eye. Everything was perfect, the feelings, the comments, the actions, the people. What an incredible feeling.
I am fully ready for all that the Year of the Dragon has to offer.
Sifu Kichko
And so it begins again
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Where Have I Been?
This is going to be a good year for me, once I do get going. I am excited for this year, and the journey I have begun. This push for me to become truly engaged in my kung fu has come at a great time for me. It has come at a time when I need some definite direction in my life. My kids are grown and on their own, I have downsized my home considerably, and unfortunately, even all my pets are now gone. I feel a bit lost, but through kung fu, I know I will once again be found.
I had great anxieties over the celebration of the Chinese New Year tonight, and I almost got out of going. Almost. Until Sifu Brinker cornered me this morning. Most years, I come away from the banquet feeling not very good about myself, and memories long, long passed come floating back. Personal memories I need not speak of. I see so much success all around me, but I myself don't feel very successful.
This time it was different. This time I came away excited about my training. I came away pumped and ready to give it all I got. Why is it so different than most years? Because this year I am working at my kung fu. Other years that I didn't feel good about myself and didn't feel very successful, was simply because I wasn't. I wasn't successful because I wasn't training very much. How can I have success when I am not doing anything? I can't move forward if I am not trying to.
As I helped out this afternoon setting up, and again tonight, cleaning up, I felt remorse. Remorse for all the times I let the opportunity to lend a hand go by. Remorse for all the times I left everyone else to do the work. Remorse for all the many kung fu projects I chose not to help out with. I walked away tonight with a conviction to be there when I am needed to be there. A conviction to be a better person, a better black belt, a better member of the kung fu family.
It's past midnight, I am tired and my thoughts are jumbled, but I know I feel good at what I am doing. I feel good to be a part of Silent River Kung Fu. Tonight, I chatted with a couple of the elderly ladies we shovel driveways for. We are very special people, in their eyes. I realized, that we are very special people. . . in my eyes too.
I Ho Chuan begins
I have started the year a bit behind the eight ball as the saying goes. I have one heck of a headcold that is very draining and persistant. It has gone froma very stuffed up nose to pressure on my right ear. It like when you are in an airplane and need your ears to pop, but no matter what I do I can't seem to releave the pressure. It has always amazed me that a tiny microscpic organism can bring you down to size so easily. Very humbling when you think about it.
This year I will be doing Stick 1,2 and 3 and at least Kempo 1,2 and I hope to work in 3 if possible. It's going to be a big learning curve to start out with and I am looking forward to the challenge.
Mr. Hamilton
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, Alberta
There is continual mention of troubled individuals taking their lives and mention of behavior from people that just isn’t right. It makes me think of myself and my younger years; the things that I did, the way I felt inside and the things that I thought about that nobody knows of. I think of the path that I could have taken in life. It’s scary knowing that the majority of the people that I walk past each and every day could be thinking or feeling the same way.
My feeling is that there are many lost people circulating this globe, without direction. There are many who alter their minds with drugs and alcohol, trying to escape. There are many that try to sooth their souls with other addictions. It is very difficult to be and exist in today’s world as we see it if you’re not in control of your mind. The problem with controlling your mind with drugs or alcohol is, it is temporary and there are always negative impacts.
From personal experience, my belief is that it starts with the parents and there interaction with their children. This may seem like a strong statement, again this is my personal feeling and seems so true from what I have personally experienced and since seen, as an observer of this world that surrounds me. Children tend to be like their parents, they tend to act like their parents and need to be taught by their parents. Building a foundation for a child is key in the development of a healthy mind. With a strong foundation, a person develops boundaries, a person develops confidence, a good self esteem, and awareness of what’s right and what’s wrong and gives them the crucial start to life.
Individuals who start off lost in this corrupt world without direction, have a very difficult time finding themselves and usually take the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance is typically the path that doesn’t require a lot of effort, it is the easy out path.
Individuals who start off strong, will want to continue to grow and better themselves and in turn want to better what is around them. With a strong mental being......ego issues, humility and empathy will become assets to your personality.
The road will not be straight and narrow, until a person finds out who they are and what is required to change to become confident and in control of who they are and their every action.
The short and skinny is that life’s journey, without a well grounded foundation, can take many undesirable paths and as time goes on the rehabilitation can be a lot like trying to teach an old dog new tricks...not impossible, but may not come very easy. If a young person is given the tools and shown the correct way, they are much more likely to continue on that path.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung fu, I Ho Chuan, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
aha moment
'they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Teach me Lord, to wait. Teach me to wait, down on my knees till in your own good time you answer my pleas. Teach me not to rely on what others do, but wait in prayer for an answer from you.'
Waiting. Sitting in prayer/meditation. Strength. Endurance. Answers
I think I know what I need now.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Year of the Dragon (And Her Family!)
Sifu Brinker talked about keeping motivation and focus throughout as being the key to mastery. I can attest to this, not because I have thus managed to accomplish it, but because I have not. I know I lose focus and motivation quickly. My first, second and third time around blatantly tell me this. But, I have the solution. I want to develop the first ever Sifu Brinker bobble-head, complete with a little button that you can push any time you lose focus and it'll spit out motivational phrases. "Where am I? What am I doing?" or "Only 80 more push-ups" or " The answer is... 42".
But since I first need funding for my plan, I need to think of a more immediate solution to my lack of motivation. And, I want to figure it out and implement it before I fall behind. Proactive, it's a new thing for me.
I don't think there is any other way other than to make sure I'm fully engaged with my team mates. I am the loner that tries to do it on her own, the one Sifu Brinker mentioned tonight. I always have been, and its been difficult admitting that I can't do it by myself. I remember it being a part of my speech at my blackbelt promotion ceremony, talking about my ability and independence and blah blah. I got it so wrong. I cannot be alone in this now, just as I was not alone in it then. Horrah. Lightbulb. Finally.
By the way, I'm not a dragon, I'm a rat. But, big or little, we all need family!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I think we avoid doing something because we are avoiding the stress or challenge it will induce or its something we just don't find interesting.
If we think into the future, how would I feel once this is accomplished , I imagine a sense of freedom, a feeling of space , room to move or building blocks set in place for a higher achievement.
However, sometimes the task is or has become so large it takes the wind out of your sails to get started.
Starving the Procrastination Bug starts with one meal at a time.
If you have a form to master, a room to de-clutter or finances to get in order it all starts with a well thought out plan. One that has small steps to reach the final goal. A commitment to each of those steps that includes a timeline.
But be careful, if its too strict of a plan and you fail at any point you need to be forgiving and remember that the plan is just that, a plan.
Don't talk yourself out of something just because its going to be challenging, stressful or boring. Don't plan to have it all covered or completed in one go. 10 or 15 minutes of something frequently, can add up in short order.
Procrastination isn't because you are lazy, there are other thoughts working in the background that convince you to stay on the couch. Recognize the real reason you are not tackling something and go after it.
Now... where did I put that tax file...
JC Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Dancing 10 Feet Above the Ground
All of my life I have had the inner chatter of "not good enough" which is a real plague when I am an artist. People can tell me until doomsday how much they loved my work, but no amount of ego-stroking is going to made an iota of difference if I don't recognize the greatness within myself. However today was different as I do see the greatness. So, what changed?
On Monday I had an energy coaching call where I focused on the block of not going forward despite how much I wanted to. Within minutes the block was clearly identified as a big "not good enough" and it was set in very early in my life. Plus my parents played into that by holding me back in various things and event because they feared that I wasn't good enough. Time to clear that energy and replace it with energy that supports. To make a long story short, this was the most deep, intense, and powerful coaching call that I have ever had. I have taken a lot of personal development courses, been coached, have my Reiki I, and it all pales in comparison to this coaching session. Unbelievable!!
So today was my first day on the torch after the call and I was wondering how it was going to go. It was amazing as I had a peace and calmness that I have not experienced before and I really got into my "zone". After I made my first dragon I was (and still am) very proud of it even though there are mistakes. I looked at the dragon, learned from it, and made another incorporating the corrections. The result was an improved dragon. Dennis says that he can see a definite difference between the two dragons and so can I. I think that this is the first time that I can say that I am over the moon proud of my work. I think that if I plugged into a light socket I could easily light up Western Canada. What a rush!
And to make this event even more spectacular and great, I had an email tonight from a lady wanting to purchase, sight unseen, one of my early dragons as she is born in the year of the dragon. Only Dennis and I know what my dragons look like because they are still in the kiln. I think I have a bruise on my jaw from it hitting my laptop in joyous shock. Needless to day, I am dancing 10 feet above the ground.
Sherri Donohue
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Drives You?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Evolution of martial artists
My personal goals are as follows;
- To become a sihing by june. This will require extensive training and constant review of our curriculumn from beginning to end.
- Learn to play guitar and be able to compose 5 songs
- Learn to speak spanish and try to recite Mastery in spanish
- Balance my food intake to the four main food groups daily. I don't eat as much vegetables and fruits as I should so they must become a part of my daily routine
- 5000 kicks (thrust, side heel thrust, roundhouse, spinning back kick) total
- consume 1000 litres of water. The most important fuel aside from air. I am trying to stop drinking coffee, I drink way too much of this stuff and after discovering what coffee does to your body, good riddance
- sign up and utilize the physout tool thats available to help keep track of everything I am trying to accomplish
I chose the sais as my weapon form because it is not only a weapon but a tool as well. It represents a circle of life, it can create life by being used to make furrows to plant seeds in the soil and can be lunged through a major organ or skull to end life.
Probably one of the toughest challenges I am going to indure is the mending of a relationship. Most of the relationships that have ended in my life have been deemed permanent, not only have I burnt the bridge, but I blew it to vapors!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone and we'll see you at class!
Brian Chervenka
Back to the lab again
Side note the Chinese New Years celebration is coming up with weekend and I have taken on filming it this year which I am pretty excited for.
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Year of the Dragon!

Did you know that....
-It is considered lucky to be born in the year of the dragon
-People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be smart, energetic, ambitious and passionate, extroverted
-Martin Luther King Jr was born in the Year of the Dragon
-Dragons are creative people, often bursting with ideas and intention
-John Lennon was born in the Year of the Dragon
-The dragon is the most auspicious and powerful of the 12 signs of the zodiac, one associated with high energy and prosperity. It's also the only mythical creature in the Chinese astrological stable that includes horses, rats and pigs. This year is considered especially auspicious because it is the year of the water dragon, something that happens once every 60 years
Water Dragons – Years 1952 and 2012
Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow other’s to become involved.
I have been completely fascinated by the dragon since the first time that I saw it. I remember that Sifu Brinker told us that in the year of the dragon we would have a Dragon Dance Team and unveil the dragon at that time, at the time I wondered if I would have the opportunity to be a part of such a team. I am happy to say that that dream has come true. This new year will present so many opportunities for me and I am looking forward to each and every one of them.