Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Maintaining a high degree of optimism and high morale is very important. When things get rough, I always tell myself, "This isn't bad. It could ALWAYS be worse. This ain't bad at all!" It helps keep me in the moment, and allows me to keep my head clear and engaged.

This leads me to one of my golden rules: Never, ever, ever, say, "Oh man, this cannot get any worse!" 'Cause it definitely will, and anyone accompanying you is going to be ticked off when things go a little further south.

We have things pretty good, and I think we always need to be thankful of our good circumstances. It definitely doesn't take much to have it all taken away, and things could always be worse.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. You said it simply and truthfully. I can vouch for this too as my year 2011 was basically a string of things that are worse. Take the happiness while it's there and hope for the best. Thanks for the morale boost Sifu
    Jon Robinson
