Saturday, June 9, 2012

Scratch ONE personal goal

Being away from home the past while has been a tough problem on the Kung Fu front.  There has been some relief however.  I knocked off one of my personal goals (well almost).  The death race is approaching and a website promoting the team run is up and running ( there is my shameless plug.

This year, my running regime is dismal at best, but I am strangely comfortable with it. What I’ve learned is that the Death Race is oddly a great deal of fun. This year is going to be more epic than any other because I get to run with friends and family.  I can't wait to share their experiences, see how they adapt to situations, and hopefully share in their accomplishments.  This year my focus more than anything will be to run in the moment.  To understand why I am there and what I am doing, and hopefully tally more than take a few random acts of kindness along the trail.

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