Sunday, July 15, 2012

Teach Them and They Will Grow

I had the opportunity to spend some very quality time with my 3 year old grandson this weekend. We had a lot of fun. We started the day at the kung fu school, where he took part in the 9:00 class. His mom, step dad, auntie and uncle were there to watch as well. After lunch, I took him out to Lake Chickakoo for a ride in my kayak, then we went to the outdoor sprinkler park. Lots of laughter, exploring, and lots of learning.

 I took the opportunity to try and teach my grandson appreciation for the outdoors. I told him that he should always try to respect and protect the outdoors and the animals that live there. I taught him about the blue dragon flies and how they eat moskitos. "Should I punch them nana?" (Like in kung fu) Oh no, I had to tell him, as well as the fact that we don't hit anything or anyone unless they are trying to hurt us or our family. I taught my grandson that the reason the birds were flying low and chirping so loudly as they swooped close to our heads was because they were trying to protect their family and their home.

 We saw lots of baby ducks and my grandson learned how important it was for them to stay close to their protective mother. He learned about the beaver dam and I told him of the beaver that chased me a few days before, slapping his tale on the water to tell me to go away from his home. After our kayak ride, we went for a walk in the trees. He loved it! I have taken him camping before and on a road trip to BC. He often speaks of the BIG mountains with such excitement, it thrills me. He remembers the thunder storm from camping, even though he was barely 2, and asks me all the time, "go camping nana?"

 I am blessed greatly to live close enough to be a part of my grandchildren's lives. I am hoping that my grandson can be a regular student at Silent River kung fu, but we just haven't figured out the transportation side of things, and I have a bit of a concern that he is still a bit too young. His mom, who made it to 2nd degree brown years ago, also wants to come back. This pleases me greatly. Again it is a matter of transportation as they live in Edmonton. I think it would be so cool to have 3 generations of martial artist in the family

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