Back from Whitehorse this weekend.
I enjoy Whitehorse, I try and take time out to visit some of the historical sites there.
Lots of Canadian history. I think we have it easy compared to what some families had to go through back then but that’s another blog all together.
Where am I…
...that is the theme for the I Ho Chuan team(unintentional rhyme).
My sai form has been one of frustration. About 6 weeks ago, it was to the point, where I had to put them down.
I have been trying to create a form that is worthy of a demo but has meaning and originality. It is quite apparent to me now that this is really a 5 year project the way I envision it and trying to cram it into 6 months has only left me annoyed and resentful.
It was Mr. Chervenka that suggested I try throwing the knives outside…so I did.
SHAZAM, I say!
Suddenly its fun again. Creativity is back and I can see how the weapon really is a weapon and not something I am twirly around like a fool.
I am certainly not finished the form, it is a long process that will take years to perfect and master but thanks to an I Ho Chuan teammate I have been pushed forward again.
Thanks to the I Ho Chuan philosophy I am better than I was and I feel the wheels moving again.
But not so fast…not sure if it was overdoing the sai form, push ups or age, both my deltoid muscles have been screaming in pain to the point of hindering further practice. Ice,heat and rest have not helped so I am going to have to seek other resolution, seems like something always pops up. If motivation is gone the body is able when the body breaks down the motivation is back on line.
Looking to make motivation and the physical ability come on line at the same time, then look out!
When I ask myself "Where am I at this point of the year" I don't mean to sound angry , it is not anger but frustration with where I thought I should be.
A visit with my Aunt put things in perspective again...its not a race against time, time always wins but its the challenge to savour time that counts.
I know you have heard this a few times, but it is true, we usually learn the most when we are injured! Just saying......