Happy stuff:
Whoa. The Chinese new year banquet performance was incredible. I really liked the fight choreography, and the lion/dragon dance performances. Nothing like seeing something done so well to have a goal to aspire to.
I find though, the personal speeches resonated with me the most. It provides something to think about when you hear about the very human struggles of the people you see around the kwoon, whom until now, in your mind seem perfect. It never seemed apparent, nor did it really occur to me that maybe other people have felt of would feel as I do at times in this journey. Which now that I say it seems rather obvious, but when you look up to the leaders in our kwoon, it's hard to imagine that they might have struggles as well. I find that this could really help us connect with each other better, if we would just be more open, and be more receptive perhaps. I guess moving forward I think I would do well to listen and watch more.
Last note on this though, I thought it was really cool how quickly everything was cleaned up after when everyone lent a hand. One minute it was all there, and the next everything was neatly put away. That really speaks volumes to what can be accomplished with a team. Again, seems obvious, but it's a tad different to be right there to see it.
How to keep thoughts happy:
I have heard many times that the way to move forward, is to be patient, and pick a few things to focus on, and do those, once you have done those, then choose a few new ones, and so on and so forth. I'll be honest and say that I did not understand this for a long time. I used to look at everything I learned, and voraciously attack everything, giving very little thought to focus, and just push as hard as possible, in a rushed and ravenous fashion.
I think I have found but one reason why I should take this advice. I found that after a period of time, when you try to do everything, you only marginally improve, because you only have limited resources. This is acceptable for a while but at some point it'll creep into your mind to consider how much time and effort you consistently put forth, and yet you do not see a commensurate increase in performance.
Which is one of the reasons why I now feel that it is imperative to focus on no more than just a few things at a time. This way, you can track, and see your progress, when it isn't spread out over so many things, and it ends up being constant positive reinforcement to keep on going. Otherwise, it is difficult to sustain substantial efforts when it is difficult to see your progress.
I guess this is another thing pertaining to patience, which I feel like I keep finding, and losing, and finding, and losing. I'm starting to feel like I'm repeating myself already. What if I really am just constantly finding and losing the same things over and over? Have I not been learning the lessons before but just thinking I did? Am I just repeatedly lying to myself? I don't know, but I probably will get back to this in a future blog post.
Not as happy thoughts:
This is going to be another post about my knee. I recently went to the doctor, as my previous "strain injury" seems to have come back. After my doctor passionately berated me for what felt like an hour and me quietly listening, he told me that it might be a bit more involved, and that I should wait for another MRI. After more "advice" from my doc, he set forth more restrictions which include: knee brace and orthotics, or else no training! Not sure what to think. This is uber frustrating, because I am almost useless with my left side. So with my right knee in a brace it's going to hinder my leg cannons a great deal. Either I should stop kicking, or learn to kick with my left side. Then again, I should focus on what I CAN do and not on the CAN'Ts. I know this and yet it doesn't make it easy.
Richard "BroHammer" Leung