This week was a very cool start to the Snake year. We had full attendance on Friday! Too cool! I forgot how small the training hall can seem when we're all swinging those weapons--take your life in your hands to leave your staked out spot to hit the biffy! Lots of cool weapons this year and lots of enthusiasm. I can't wait to see what we can do to top last year:) Open training was really awesome too--a few of us Sihings started going through some of the curriculum together--found some holes for sure. But it was awesome to learn together, no pressure. Sometimes in class it feels abit like being in a fishbowl, Sifus prowling like cats around us. I know its to help!! Just intimidating sometimes. (Betcha didnt know how intimidating you are:) ). Having returning teammates is a strong start too--we are comfortable with each other already and I think its helping us reach out to those that are new as well. I think this is going to be a very memorable year as far as the team goes--not that each year hasnt, but I look forward to this one reaching new heights.
Something different I did for my requirements this year too, was to include some goals that are one time achieving--like a goal of savings, rolling my kayak (on purpose--and getting it back up)to complement the steady number ones. I like checking things off the list--this way I can do some of that before the year is up, I'm hoping. Gives me some fun things to look forward to, without being constantly working on them. Hope it works!
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