Saturday, September 15, 2012

An Epic Battle With the KNAPSTER!

-I won’t push a grandma out of the way to get further in the line up for an I-Phone5.

-terabyte is something I do on a tough steak.

-A hard drive is two boys buckled in the back seat and only one superhero action figure.

-My wife is the oracle when I need to play a beta tape.

-It may be a smart phone, but can it ride a bicycle?  Wait a minute... neither can I.

-Google, twitter, blog. After paying a handsome fee, those are the parts my mechanic said he fixed in my car.

I like welding, fixing and building on most things.  I really like seeing talented craftspeople in a well renovated kwoon, and quality workmanship like that of a glass dragon.  I appreciate a nice car for what components it’s made of.  That would fall in the classical understanding in relation to Pirsig’s definition.  But some things, I just like the shiny good looking exterior.  That is until it fails to print in which it is hucked off the back deck or dropped out the second story window. 

I am kind of a person that is torn between classical and romantic understanding.  Unfortunately, when it comes to computers, and the myriad of technologies associated with it, the balance is tipped towards the romantic understanding.  I follow it because the exterior shows promise, its overall concept is shiny and romantic.  The components and programs and processes that make this technology what it is, make my eyes gloss over faster than a class of high level calculus.

Public journaling has been a challenge for me to say the least. Turning the computer on when it is something of little interest to me is tough.  However, being away from the kwoon, I can’t emphasize the importance of the team member’s journals to keeping me on track.  I read every journal of every team member.  Every entry has importance to me while I am away.  I can learn a little bit about the people that are contributing to my successes, and relate to the experiences they encounter.  It is motivation and encouragement.  This is why I journal.  If the journaling tool is this significant to me, then it may be significant to other members of the team as well.

If you are considering skipping your journal entry this week, or maybe catching up down the road, please think of me.  Your journal entry is not flying into a cyberspace black hole. It is being read by me and every word is important for my success.

Anyway, I guess I will wrap this entry up before my computer breaks its Android again.


  1. Right back at ya Sihing. I always appreciate your posts.

  2. I always look forward to your blogs Sihing--we are missing your presence! And that is a very good point--we should all be mindful of posting so you can see whats happening!
