I know this blog is a day late and I too have been hit with both life and blog-slog. I have a few thoughts bouncing around in my head so instead of trying to decide which to write on, I'll let them all speak.
I have noticed that people treat their cars better than what they treat their bodies. They will treat a disposable thing with more care, compassion, and respect than what they treat the "one-of-them" to which there are no replacement parts for and get only one of in this lifetime. Care and attention is taken not to red-line the car, but expect the body to run at full red-line all the time and wonder why it breaks down. If it's a gas engine, avoid the yellow pump because that's fatal news for the engine, yet stuff the self full of toxins and preserved junk and wonder why the "knock and ping" as well as wondering why one can't perform at Olympic athlete performance. There may be a connection. What if the so-called aging symptoms are actually a result of dietary deficiency or of foods that cause/contribute to the inflammation? What if the vast majority of diseases, disorders, and whatnot are actually directly linked to the diet? Adjust the diet, and see what happens, but here is where a truckload of resistance and excuses kick in. Yet, a suggestion of a better fuel or a fuel additive for the car and one is right on that. I don't get it. I am increasing my smoothies (preferably green) and homemade juice into my diet. Need more raw plant food. Besides the other Donohue, anyone with me on this?
What impact do I want to have in this world? How do I want to make a difference? Can I be all I want to be, do all I want to do and be intact at the end of the day without the stress? I believe so. I believe that stress isn't a given, there is another way and I fill find that path. What does my heart/soul yearn for?
The one thing that the Dragon team did that I (as well as the others involved) really liked and appreciated was to take time at the end of our training session to bond and get to know each other beyond our weapons and fight choreography. We trained, we ironed out mistakes and then as a team, did pushups and situps, then sat around in a circle and talked. We talked, we laughed, we giggled, and we had fun. If we could have lit a campfire, I'm sure the marshmallows would have surfaced. The fudge did and so did a birthday party for Sihing Langner. There's no mistake as to why we came together so strong for New Year's. We knew each other beyond our weapons and gave each other support, encouragement, and fudge.
Fudge does make a difference.
Sherri Donohue
Hot Torch, Room Full of Glass and a Kung Fu Kwoon
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