These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Veggie month
Today is the last day of my vegetarian challenge! It was a good month and as always forces me out of my food ruts and gets me and my family trying new things. It gave us an excuse to talk to the kids about why we think cutting down on meat is a good thing- for our bodies and for the environment. Now that they are getting older it's cool to hear their opinions on the state of affairs in our environment. Going vegetarian sparked some good conversations and some good food.
I think the favorites this month were stir fry with teryaki tofu, veggie won tons, and my personal favorite- a grilled veggie sandwich with goat cheese and pesto on ciabatta bread... sooo good. I know this might sound silly, but the better I eat the worse I feel when I indulge in something not so good for me. It may sound like there is no down side to this problem, but there are times you have to eat not so awesome, maybe eating at a friends or on a road trip etc. or even getting popcorn at the theater. My stomach and my love of food that isn't always good for me are constantly at war.
I'm glad I did this challenge but I'm also really looking forward to eating a turkey burger tomorrow. Anyone else doing the veggie challenge this month find any new favorites?
Andrea Prince
The one thing that has been missed the most since going off gluten is a good hamburger bun. Now one might think that "hey just get the gluten free version". Wrong!! Have you tasted them? Blah!! Most gluten free bun versions (and bread too, for that matter) are heavy in starches which both spike the blood sugar and can cause the gut to be cranky. Okay, so I'll make my own.
Oh boy what a journey that has been with a lot of not-so-great results. Too starchy, falls apart, didn't rise, texture not "right", and the list goes on. I have tried a lot of recipes with a lot of "failures" and it was getting to be on the tad bit depressing side when a recipe stakes it claims and in real life is "not so much." Recently there was a pancake-like recipe that did hold the burger, tasted pretty good, and it wasn't a bun. Truthfully both Dennis and I were missing the downright function of a good burger bun.
That is until tonight. I had the recipe in my resources for a good while, but didn't get around to trying it for various sad excuses. However today was the day I was trying this particular recipe that staked the claim of being a good burger bun with a serious rise during baking. Yes, I was skeptical because I've read it before. However to my pleasant and total surprise, this recipe ROCKS!! And I am in complete squirrelarific heaven. I FINALLLY have a bun that is a true burger bun. Looks like a bun, tastes like a bun, acts like a bun, and holds the burger just like a "real" bun!! Granted this bun is more airy than the wheat version, but it works and it rose!! And, it's free of starch and high in protein. Recipe is quite simple and the ingredients are quite easy to find. A big ol' WOOOOOHHHOOOOOO!!
The recipe came from Food and Yoga for Life blog written by Heather Pace. The exact link to the bun recipe is found here The only regret I have is not making this recipe sooner. So with out further adieu, here's a picture:
To say the least, I'm in love. :)
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Oh boy what a journey that has been with a lot of not-so-great results. Too starchy, falls apart, didn't rise, texture not "right", and the list goes on. I have tried a lot of recipes with a lot of "failures" and it was getting to be on the tad bit depressing side when a recipe stakes it claims and in real life is "not so much." Recently there was a pancake-like recipe that did hold the burger, tasted pretty good, and it wasn't a bun. Truthfully both Dennis and I were missing the downright function of a good burger bun.
That is until tonight. I had the recipe in my resources for a good while, but didn't get around to trying it for various sad excuses. However today was the day I was trying this particular recipe that staked the claim of being a good burger bun with a serious rise during baking. Yes, I was skeptical because I've read it before. However to my pleasant and total surprise, this recipe ROCKS!! And I am in complete squirrelarific heaven. I FINALLLY have a bun that is a true burger bun. Looks like a bun, tastes like a bun, acts like a bun, and holds the burger just like a "real" bun!! Granted this bun is more airy than the wheat version, but it works and it rose!! And, it's free of starch and high in protein. Recipe is quite simple and the ingredients are quite easy to find. A big ol' WOOOOOHHHOOOOOO!!
The recipe came from Food and Yoga for Life blog written by Heather Pace. The exact link to the bun recipe is found here The only regret I have is not making this recipe sooner. So with out further adieu, here's a picture:
To say the least, I'm in love. :)
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
A Vicious Circle of Suck
My forms and combinations suck! I know I'm doing a bunch of things wrong but I can't do them in front of people to get corrected to do them right and when I have to do them in front of people in class I start doing random basic things wrong or completely get confused and start doing the wrong form halfway through. I have this total paralyzing fear of being watched doing kung fu which seems to render my limbs useless, this also happens when I spar too, I seem to just get hit alot. I was told it is a bad example for me to organize the demo and not be in it. That makes me feel bad but it makes me feel much worse the thought of having to do kung fu in front of everyone. I'm going to try to do a self defense thing for 10 seconds, I hope I can at least manage that. I used to even try to be farthest away from the benches if there was anyone there watching a class. I don't know why I have this irrational fear, I just do and it sucks!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Hello everyone sorry for the late post, anyways i am beginning to
wonder if we are supposed to get injury's as a part of kung fu, because
every time i here some one getting injured they need to refocus on every
thing because it hurts to much if you do it the wrong way which ends up
helping you in the long run. I think injury's help because it is a
time when you must truly focus your mind on the six harmony's if you
don't you will hurt. Now i am not saying go get yourself hurt or
anything, or that all injury's actually help you get better, it is just
that your so used to using that one part of body for so long then one
injury takes it away and now you must re invent your way of moving and
thinking or basically your going to be poked with a red hot poker. You
fix it right away because nobody want to intentionally inflict pain on
themselves unless they are doing bone density stuff or other things. A
very good example of someone who got an injury and improved upon it, was
my mom sifu Langner she was driving a pallet jack when all of a sudden
she lost control and smashed her knee into the wall. Just the slightest
of movements made her cry out in pain. As she got better and was able
to got back to kung fu she said all of her stances and kicks felt
different, because when she would throw a kick that was slightly off or
go into any stance just a little wrong her knee told her right away noo
that is wrong it should be exactly like this. which would suck, but she
had to really focus on how her body moved to prevent it from happening
again. Now i would definitely not want to go through what my mom had to
go through, but the injury in the long run ended helping her out. i
never really know how to end theses thing probaly so for now have a good
day or a good night for whenever your reading this.
231 Lbs
Sihing Langner
231 Lbs
Sihing Langner
Man in a box
Well after three demo practices things are going well for us
as a group. Have to remind ourselves things will slowly evolve and come
together over time and we are way ahead of last year’s demo team. As for myself
after doing my form dozens of times over these days I found myself having
trouble with its overall feel. I couldn’t get things to work quite right, it
felt off. I realized I am trying to stay within this small space which we will
have to do for this demo and am shortening my stances which are killing my
form. I was shortening my stances and my centre was too high leading everything
to be disconnected. I was having trouble with my transitions, speed and timing
you name it. Will definitely have to make a few adjustments for this demo but
the biggest thing is my stances have to be properly grounded and will have to
work within this small space. One drawback I guess with having long legs, it doesn’t
take more than two steps to be from one side to the other. It’s been a good
thing to slow down my form, when I was going fast and shortening each move I knew
it was off you just feel it. Again not too flashy but well-grounded execution. Sifu
Rybak is already is calling me “flashy”, maybe it’s just my hair….
Sifu BryantMy Blog
Alpha Mind Training Course
I took this four day course quite a few years ago and it has made a huge difference in my life. I am a multi-tasker constantly being distracted by the urgent rather than the important so yeah I get alot done ... but do I get the right things done? I found the alpha mind training improved my focus daily, allowing me to be more in the moment rather than performing mental gymnastics with a number of different things. It helped me define ME and what I consider important, helped me with my goal setting ... my fear of failure ... my unwillingness to take risks, it showed me how to use my brain and achieve more with a lot less emotional anxiety and stress, lets just say that I loved the program and what it has done for me. This program also totally lines up with the I Ho Chuan and its concepts ... so as far as I can see you can't go wrong with taking this course.
Go for It ... You Won't be Sorry
Demo Dilemma
Well, I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to organize the first demo. Especially since I haven't even ever been involved with one. I think I might give my mom a call and see how many times she dropped me on my head as a child. As an orange belt it's really difficult to speak up and say what you think when surrounded by so many higher belts. I started off trying to appease everyone and realized very quickly that won't happen. I completely understand alot of the reasons behind not being able to make it to practices. Family, classes, work, sickness...all very good reasons. I personally know what it's like to not see much of a significant other and it sucks for me to have to watch people having to make the decision in either telling their spouse they can't spend the evening with them as planned or having to tell your I Ho Chaun team mates that you can't make practice. Either way, you're disappointing someone. So at first I tried to hold a spot for everyone. That didn't work out so well. After watching a group of 8-10 people consistently showing up, trying to practice without their partners...well, this didn't seem fair either.
So what do you do? For me it's tough, especially coming from where I am in the heiarchy. I had to make difficult decisions and pull people from areas that they wanted to be in simply so we have the potential to have something ready in case this demo is in a week.
I see myself doing this very differently in the future if I'm ever crazy enough to do it again.
So what do you do? For me it's tough, especially coming from where I am in the heiarchy. I had to make difficult decisions and pull people from areas that they wanted to be in simply so we have the potential to have something ready in case this demo is in a week.
I see myself doing this very differently in the future if I'm ever crazy enough to do it again.
Karma May Get Me Later...
The demo craze is back, and it feels good to have a common goal again. My own training didn't show the same progress in the beginning of the year as it did last year when we started the demo's, and I'm excited that we got an earlier start this year. Huge kudos to Ms. Gibbons for stepping our of her comfort zone and taking charge. You're doing a great job.
I notice that a few of the big weapons have yet to make a debut, including my own spade. That too is something I'm looking forward to, finally, FINALLY being comfortable enough to get my spade involved, and seeing the new kwan dao, three sectionals, broom, hooks.
A few of you are aware already, but I'm pushing myself out of my own comfort zone and trying an aerial move. As I've said before, I'm a ground person and never been strong with any aerial or flying techniques. I just feel weak and unsure when I lose that connection with the ground. And I prefer not to fight gravity... Wish me luck, and wish Sifu Robinson luck. Or at least a speedy recovery if something goes haywire.
I notice that a few of the big weapons have yet to make a debut, including my own spade. That too is something I'm looking forward to, finally, FINALLY being comfortable enough to get my spade involved, and seeing the new kwan dao, three sectionals, broom, hooks.
A few of you are aware already, but I'm pushing myself out of my own comfort zone and trying an aerial move. As I've said before, I'm a ground person and never been strong with any aerial or flying techniques. I just feel weak and unsure when I lose that connection with the ground. And I prefer not to fight gravity... Wish me luck, and wish Sifu Robinson luck. Or at least a speedy recovery if something goes haywire.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Spent 10 mins at the driving range yesterday. Didn't want to over do it since it been roughly 7 months since last swung the clubs. It's good to be out there.
This is where I find the most correlation between my Kung fu training and my hobbies. I've written about this in the past so I won't bore you again.
With golf, when I can synchronize the six harmonies, I generate a lot of power and accuracy. I golfed 7 times last year, they we all scrambled tournaments where you go out and have a good time and try to hit every shot as hard as you can.
After I made the connection between the harmonies and my golf late in the season but when I did it really showed. I golfed my last 2 tournaments after this realization and I won the longest drive in both of them. That's right, a 5'5" guy winning the long drive over some bigger guys (just everyone is bigger than me).
I'm trying to continue and develop that connection this year. You have to golf a lot to get good scores but you can be a good ball striker with playing a lot.
My goals with golf this year is to golf at least 10 times and one round under 90.
Demo Crunch
Seems like we are getting back into the old hectic demo practice
schedule. There is always a lot of positive energy in the air when
everyone is working hard to put something together. Exciting times! I
finally feel comfortable with my sword, still have lots to learn but at
least I have enough basics to work on a form. So far my form only has
about twelve moves but I think there is enough there for the demo. I
will try to add a bit more before show time but I think I officially
have version one down.
Can't believe Pandamonium is already next weekend. It really snuck up fast and I'm a bit behind on my fundraising, I'm going to have to step up my game.I'm excited for Saturday and I think it will be interesting running one of the night shifts.
Sifu Jesse Wetter
Can't believe Pandamonium is already next weekend. It really snuck up fast and I'm a bit behind on my fundraising, I'm going to have to step up my game.I'm excited for Saturday and I think it will be interesting running one of the night shifts.
Sifu Jesse Wetter
Bad Week
Well I made myself a schedule to follow 2 weeks ago and I think I followed it for 1 day. WOW! 1 whole day , I thought it would easier and I definitely fell apart completely this week as far as my training goes. No one is harder on me than me , so that means kicking my own @$$ and putting it into gear again. Monday is a new day and I will do better.
Scott Fuhr
Back to my roots

This is where my roots are. This is where my base is. It feels great to visit here again and reflect on everything that shaped me the way I am and whom built my core values.
Just like training in Kung Fu, we all need to know our base, our foundation.
Strawberry Shortcake, Huckleberry Pie, who’s going to be my special guy…
Day 2 in Israel and I have yet to get a routine down.
The flight was hard and I am always the last one to recover in our family. We also seemed to have landed during allergy season and I am sneezing and snotting everywhere. Yuck. Sorry.
I am skipping instead of running and I completed my first skip yesterday. It was great with my kids chanting the alphabet to see who my “special guy” was going to be. They got bored after 10 minutes and without their support, so did I. Ended on Y.
Religion Of Progress
I have been reading the ArchDruidReport for
several years now, as well several of his books. The current theme is about the
“Religion of Progress”, where the belief is that due to technology, human ingenuity
and our privileged place in the American Empire (Canada is a privileged vassal
state, as long as we continue sending tribute south) life will continue to get
better and better, for us as well as our descendants. I have extracted some of
the comments from other readers that I feel agree with our journey in Kung Fu.
“Furthermore, this suggests one of the deepest flaws in a worldview resting on the Faith of Progress. If one believes that we are all inevitably headed to a shiny Star Trek future of moral, technological, and economic enlightenment, there's no need to get out of bed in the morning to fight for it. It's going to magically appear someday anyway, isn't it? It has to. Maybe not in this lifetime, but that's okay, as long as we get there some time. Time for some cartoons and cereal.”
Which ties in with another comment:
“Of course, the enervating lifestyle of assured success is not very fulfilling at the end of the day. A fight for progress with an uncertain outcome and no permanent success, while less appealing on the surface, brings so much more meaning to life. Because one's ongoing participation really can make the difference between success or failure of the things you hold dearest. That's a real reason to get out of bed.”
“Of course, the enervating lifestyle of assured success is not very fulfilling at the end of the day. A fight for progress with an uncertain outcome and no permanent success, while less appealing on the surface, brings so much more meaning to life. Because one's ongoing participation really can make the difference between success or failure of the things you hold dearest. That's a real reason to get out of bed.”
And this comment:
“Giving up faith in progress doesn't mean giving up on the
idea of a better world. It means giving up on the idea that you're guaranteed
one, and thus realizing that if you want one, you're going to have to get up
off your backside and do something to make it happen.”
I try and relate what I read to my life, which means I also
try to relate it to Kung Fu, as this is currently a large part of my life at
this time. Kung Fu dates back to a time before the religion of progress, to
when the prevailing views were of cycles of life, not an arrow in time. This is
also reflected in the quote “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water,
after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water”.
My personal view at the moment is that we are on a cycle
through time, with ancient solar energy being the current dominant driver to
the western worldview, and the fact that we passed the peak in the extraction of
that energy back in 2005 (Peak Oil). As
things progress down the backside of Hurberts curve, things will change. This
is as much recognizing that as the leaves turn yellow in the fall, winter is
approaching. This is not Doom and Gloom, any more than putting up firewood for
the winter is. Those that want to pretend that summer is endless will have a
much rougher life come November then those who read history and prepare
One final thought: To those people that plan on spending
every free moment at the Kwoon preparing for transient events, where are your
long term plans? Part of my I Ho Chuan goals this year is raising the long term
sustainability of my home, which includes gardening and building windmills. I cannot
drop everything for endless practices to perfect a transient demo, because my
long term goals demand that same time. Some practice is required, but keep in
perspective “Good Enough”, and make sure that goals that matter get done vs.
merely urgent goals (see Stephen Covey and his time management matrix, or many similar
sites for what I am talking about).
I am calling these demo’s ”transient”, because ten years from now, will
a minor error in timing in front of people that don’t understand what the
intended timing was matter? It will only matter to those people performing, whether
they fret over “what should have been”, or if they don’t care enough to put on
a good effort regardless of what they do, as opposed to aiming for that happy
medium of good enough. Remember, that the audience is unlikely to appreciate
the difference either way.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Random Thought Part 1
The answers to all questions is "1010010001110100101000110010". Ok I just made the up.
Cats are fuzzy and so are bunnies but the softest animal I have ever touched is a chinchilla, they also go good with sour cream and salsa.
I am proud to be part of the May demo but disappointed that we don't have 100% participation at the practices. But life always find away to get in the way and prevents some things from happening.
Horses are big and scary, mice are small and scary, I don't think size matters much.
I have had to write this twice, since Internet connections can not be depended on.
Again cats are fuzzy and "1010010001110100101000110010" might be the answer.
Where am? I What am I doing?
Friday, April 26, 2013
Even My Bamboo Fan is Heavy
I am back from the trade show in my hometown. Had an absolute fun time as I saw a ton of people I hadn't seen in years. Plus it was good for Mom to get out.
16 hour ish drive = 10,000 crunches later.
Countless pairs of geese are wondering why the ponds they are standing on, they are standing on instead of swimming.
Routine is a survival mechanism especially for those in the antique vintage. Mess with the routine = chaos.
Today I've been feasting on gingerale, living under a heap of blankets, and been asleep more than I've been awake. My bamboo fan is too heavy to pick up and my shoulder hurts. This is highly over-rated.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
16 hour ish drive = 10,000 crunches later.
Countless pairs of geese are wondering why the ponds they are standing on, they are standing on instead of swimming.
Routine is a survival mechanism especially for those in the antique vintage. Mess with the routine = chaos.
Today I've been feasting on gingerale, living under a heap of blankets, and been asleep more than I've been awake. My bamboo fan is too heavy to pick up and my shoulder hurts. This is highly over-rated.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Thursday, April 25, 2013
hurray for nose plugs
Just a quick post to say I got nose plugs to try with my kayak rolling challenge and I'm happy to say they're making a big difference! I was able to work on the technique of rolling instead of focussing on the panic or the insane burning of my sinuses. So yay! I still havent rolled by myself yet. Sigh. Hopefully soon, only 2 more sessions...
I Slept Through Class
I said I would post why I missed a class for now on so here it is...
I was not at class yesterday because I sat down to eat at 5:30, the next thing I knew I looked at my clock at it was 8:23. I fell asleep. I struggle with these later classes and having to be up so early the next day. I'm hoping my body adjusts eventually. Monday and Wednesday nights I get home at 10:30 and I'm up until almost midnight if not later, then waking up to go to work. How did everyone get through this as an orange belt?
I was not at class yesterday because I sat down to eat at 5:30, the next thing I knew I looked at my clock at it was 8:23. I fell asleep. I struggle with these later classes and having to be up so early the next day. I'm hoping my body adjusts eventually. Monday and Wednesday nights I get home at 10:30 and I'm up until almost midnight if not later, then waking up to go to work. How did everyone get through this as an orange belt?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Big things and little things
One of my goals this year was to get to know the core curriculum better- really try to focus on one technique at a time and understand why I was making certain movements and why or why not things work. I've had a few big light bulbs go off about a couple of techniques, which was awesome, but then the realization that I'm a good year into black belt and I'm just figuring this stuff out. Feels like white belt again sometimes, and it feels good. I know that training this way is improving my eye for detail and makes me a better martial artist in the making. I actually laughed out loud during black belt class and then couldn't keep a silly grin off my face once I realized how a simple adjustment made to one of the knife defenses made all the difference in the world.
I am considering what life would be like working in Westlock- my practicum placement wants me to stay. I can't say enough good things about the clinic there and the people in it, but a big change. For now it's just something to think about- but it's made me think about the fact that often we make sacrifices in our quality of life mentally for convenience and/or money.
See you all Friday!
Sifu Prince
Monday, April 22, 2013
My life as a rabbit
So far the month of April I am staying committed to being a vegetarian. The smells of barbecues in the spring air has been challenging though. There has been many a time I almost broke down and raced straight to the store to buy something that was once alive with the intention of putting myself in a meat coma. Actually the transition hasn't been that bad. I did notice a difference in how I feel though. I don't seem so full and can for sure feel a change for the better. I have been experimenting with all kinds of different foods and vegetables. Vegetarian burritos with some kind of beans and sweet potato as filler. Lots of different grains like quinoa, bulgar, and others I am not even going to try to spell. Basically I am eating everything I can get my hands on that's not meat. Smoothies, fruit, vegetables I didn't even know existed. I guess the most important part I have benefited from this challenge is the amplified awareness it has created to what I eat. I have watched what I eat for the most part, but now I watch closer. You can't trust these companies that supply us with food. They are infested with greed and don't seem to care how many people they kill or install diseases. My intention is to somehow get more involved in the agenda to bring this more into the public eye. To help stand beside those that choose to devote some of their time to stop this craziness. The amount of poisons that are put into our food is staggering. Our medical system is already exploding with sick people. Whats that going to be like for our children or future generations that are stuck with the burden of a overpopulated and highly expensive health care system. How can we as people let our government allow owners of food companies to sit on a board that decides what can and what can't be put into or distributed as food. Talk about a major conflict of interest. How can it be okay to genetically modify food or try to patent a vegetable. It's not. So this is one of my long term goals to raise awareness and make a solid commitment to my children and to others.
As far as my training is going, slow but steady. Some requirements are not bad, while others are completely messed. My focus lately has been my weapon form and Long one, and two. Working my way towards a 10 min horse stance. Doing some five animal form reps whenever I have some time. Trying to get in some kicks and stretching. Time is lean right now but I am doing whatever I can. Pretty soon I will starting riding my bike again and that should help alot for mileage and endurance. I want to ride my bike to class in the near future. I just have to ride to the kwoon and see how long it takes. Then pretty much set a time and consistently try to do better. I have to work on my 5 techniques here pretty quick. I am also in the process of learning Lao Gar and it's moving ahead little by little. That's all for now.
Brian Chervenka
As far as my training is going, slow but steady. Some requirements are not bad, while others are completely messed. My focus lately has been my weapon form and Long one, and two. Working my way towards a 10 min horse stance. Doing some five animal form reps whenever I have some time. Trying to get in some kicks and stretching. Time is lean right now but I am doing whatever I can. Pretty soon I will starting riding my bike again and that should help alot for mileage and endurance. I want to ride my bike to class in the near future. I just have to ride to the kwoon and see how long it takes. Then pretty much set a time and consistently try to do better. I have to work on my 5 techniques here pretty quick. I am also in the process of learning Lao Gar and it's moving ahead little by little. That's all for now.
Brian Chervenka
There is always something…
Taxes are done. So on to the next stress. Seems like I have a line up of stressors just waiting for their turn to whack my brain. Life is like that I guess.
So now I am busy packing and organizing for our trip. Wish I could get excited about our trip but… Hopefully, I can get excited on the plane. Ha. That’s funny.
Anyway, I am getting my form numbers back on track but still need to spar more (yet to recover from the bruises courtesy of Si Hing Langner).
Still bummed about missing pandemonium… and possibly the demo. ;-(
I've spent most of my life being jealous of those that are good at things that I would want to be good at. Or I'd try something and just quit right away because I felt I wasn't good enough. What a stupid thing to waste time on. I was always to embarrassed to be in front of people learning something new. Still am, but I'm forcing myself out of that habit. I'm learning to be ok with sucking for now and one day slowly, there will be things I don't suck at. I am no longer allowing fear of failing stop me from doing anything. I'm living my life off my couch now and loving it.
Thank you all for allowing me to attemp to organize our first demo. I apologize for being so wishy washy and not getting it together better. I'm intimidated working around so many great martial artists and I don't want to get 20 ninjas mad at me.
Thank you all for allowing me to attemp to organize our first demo. I apologize for being so wishy washy and not getting it together better. I'm intimidated working around so many great martial artists and I don't want to get 20 ninjas mad at me.
my weight
hello everyone i was thinking about what some people were saying
about my scale, that maybe i should throw it out, or switch to measuring
or just use the mirror only to see how my progress is going. To tell
you the truth they all sound like great ideas and i think i will use all
of them except throw out my scale. I may not be able to tell weather i
am gaining weight because of fat or because of muscle, but i can tell
you i will not give power to the number i post on here anymore. I will
still post them the only difference would be is that i will take
measurements as well, and judge myself in the mirror, does it look like i
got smaller or do the numbers reflect. I am still going to try and lose
weight of course i just won't be as bummed anymore if it goes slightly
up or down then back up again, because i know i will eventually get to
my goal.
236 lbs
Sihing Langner
236 lbs
Sihing Langner
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Demo Memento
I was out and about all day, got my taxes out of the way. I wish it
wasn't 10 o'clock already, here I am blogging before bedtime again.
Therefore this will be short and I'll save the good topic for next
entry. I'm excited to see the demo ball rolling again. I liked the
feeling of anticipation that was in our meeting on Friday, I believe
there is eagerness in the air.
The demos in last years I Ho Chuan, especially the dragon dance, was a huge motivator for me. I loved the team spirit we developed and the crazy schedule we were running on. I'm very much looking forward to see what we can do this year. Lots of people have already taken the initiative in leadership, which is great. Ms. Gibbons you are doing a great job organizing the upcoming demo, keep up the good work!
Sifu Jesse Wetter
The demos in last years I Ho Chuan, especially the dragon dance, was a huge motivator for me. I loved the team spirit we developed and the crazy schedule we were running on. I'm very much looking forward to see what we can do this year. Lots of people have already taken the initiative in leadership, which is great. Ms. Gibbons you are doing a great job organizing the upcoming demo, keep up the good work!
Sifu Jesse Wetter
Just a thought
What a hectic week it's been. The third week of the month always seems busier with functions, events, meetings, etc. I wonder why that is.
Why not the first week? Is it too close to end of last month and everything that wasn't done last month get carried over the first week of next month? Maybe that week is used the plan for the month.
Why not the second week? Maybe there isn't enough time to get everything arranged because you were busy get last months stuff done last week.
What about the fourth week of the month? Could it be that you're busy making a list of the things that you haven't completed that needs to done now.
It kinda makes sense why the third week of the month is the busiest.
I really enjoy the months that have a fifth week. Those weeks seem the least busiest of all but they don't come along very often.
Well it's obvious to me now that I have over committed yet again. Spent all day Sunday evaluating kids for baseball (11hours) and have committed to assisting coach a team that is playing from now thru till August. Am I crazy? It is going to be at least a 3 day a week commitment maybe more. I should get my head checked I don't have that kind of time.
The reason I volunteer is not just for my kids but for all of the kids. Someone volunteered their time for me when I was a child and I think it is my turn to give back a little. It does require me to take a couple of coaching courses and they can only make me a better person.
On a proud parent moment , I had my kids (9&11)help out with the younger ones(7&8) today. Teaching the proper way to stand at bat and how to throw a ball properly. They did fantastic I just wish all the advice they were giving they would listen to and follow. I guess that means at least they are listening to what they are being coached to do , and it is easier said than done.
Scott Fuhr

This was not an easy task. I tried to find what is the best way, for me, to be able to memorize it.
I was thinking about some of the theory we teach the kids in the Advanced Black Dragons. The first that came into mind was the 100 times theory. You do something properly 100 times and then you will know how it is done - muscle memory, right? Well, I started with reading M
astery as much as I could. At home, at work, while working out. I was understanding the content but I still didn't feel I was going to be able to memorize it.
Goal setting: set a goal, set a plan (and get a success coach), keep consistent action, review your plan and review your goals. I know what my goal is... I made a plan to read every morning, at lunch break and in the evening while doing plank or in horse stance. I was taking consistent action and every few days reviewing my progress. I knew I had to change something as I was not progressing as fast as I was supposed to. I decided to break down the goals into mini goals. Tackle one paragraph at a time. That seemed to help as I got half of the first paragraph memorized.
Another theory concept - how to learn for exam? "creative repetition and consistent review". Find different ways to study and keep studying. I was already reading it. I recorded my self and started listening to my self narrating it on the drive to work. I also made a recording with gaps in between sentences so I can repeat after the narrator.
The first paragraph was the hardest. Then the second one was the hardest. The third was a bit confusing but I think I got the confidence of "I'm able to do this". Then came the 4th and it was the new "hardest". I think I spent the most time on this one while keeping tab on the first three.
I finally got it memorized. My kids are running away from me whenever I start "Mastery in our career...". But I still face the toughest challenge - the test. I'm going to be so nervous that I might black out completely.
More theory help - how to relax: breath, pressure points... DON'T PANIC!!!
Reviews April 21 2013
Today’s blog will be a review, first my new Pedometer, or as
they like to call them these days, a “Personal Activity Monitor”, the one I got
is the “fitbit one”. The thing is tiny, and has only one button. Most stuff (including
tracking info into spreadsheets automatically) is done through a wireless
dongle, and is PC and Mac compatible, as well as various i-thingy’s. I have had
it for almost a week, and am impressed, mostly because it is suitable to tuck
on the waistband of our uniforms, so I can measure the most active time of my
day-class. (Women are typically shown wearing it tucked into a bra). Downsides:
it still measures frost heaves in our roads as steps, and one I’m not sure is
good or bad, the rapid up and down of pushups and other exercises is counted as
stair climbing. This is not technically accurate, but it does capture the
higher energy level involved. So far I recommend it, $99 from
The other
review is the new book by John Michael Greer, the ArchDruid that writes the
weekly ArchDruid report blog. The book is called “Not the future we ordered”
Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress. Now, as someone who has been
following the peak oil scene for years, I enjoyed this book as it attempts to
explain the psychology behind the different reactions to news of peak oil and its
ramifications. The interesting thing for me is that part of my motivation to
study Kung Fu is peak oil. Kung Fu was developed long before conventional oil
arrived on the scene, and will most likely be around once oil is once again a
precious rare commodity, not to be squandered on Sunday drives and disposable anything’s. Many things that your average couch potato slash
cubical dweller will consider unthinkable are already a normal part of a Kung
Fu artist’s life, things like “Hard Physical Work”, and human powered weapons. So
if you are starting to suspect that the latest plastic gizmo isn’t the be
all/end all in the quest for eternal progress, maybe you might be ready to
learn about peak oil as well.
The final
thought, the irony of a review of latest gizmo and a book about the incipient
demise of the world of latest gizmos is not lost on me. Remember, Peak Oil is
not the Apocalypse, it is recognizing that any resource on a finite planet has
got to be finite as well, and it is more about appropriate use of those
resources as they slowly decline in affordability and availability than
preparing for the doomsday of modern civilization. I choose to prepare for what
I see is as obvious as the changing of
the seasons, but do indulge myself in small ways as I go along.
Oh coffee!
I need to go over my numbers again. I have been writing them down more or less but I haven't been adding them up. I think that is a bit of a mistake. I think it would be more motivational if I totalled it every day. I think it would make me feel guilty too if I wanted to slack off.
I bought a watch today with an alarm so that I remember to do my kicks during the day. I've also started doing my forms in the morning before Julia gets up. That's been a life-saver. I want to continue that this week.
I drank a cup of coffee again today. Giving up coffee has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I thought giving up MacDonalds was hard, but you have to drive there to get it. Coffee is everywhere and everyone serves it. I had a cup at my mother-in-laws today for breakfast. It was delicious. But my stomach hurt shortly after....bad sign. Tea doesn't seem to bother me. I'm trying to switch over, but it has been really hard. It's funny because if you would have asked me which was harder before all this started, I totally would have said MacDonalds.
Today I consumed: 3 pancakes, a piece of bacon, some macaroni and cheese, some butternut squash ravioli and some popcorn and a doughnut. I drank 3 glasses of water, 1 cup of coffee and 4 cups of tea.
Sifu T. Playter
Helping out a friend
Well it’s almost the end of April and it was still snowing
yesterday – surprise! I’ve been recording my acts of kindness daily and
yesterday’s felt the best thus far. In the late afternoon we noticed a small
dog had snuck through our front gate and was looking for shelter on our back
deck. He was cold and wet looking for a place to get out of the wind by the
looks of it. I managed to bring him in and get him into our garage which was
warm and dry. After spending a few minutes with him and realizing he didn’t have
any I.D. tags on we tried to contact any vet still open. Nope all closed by
this time. He was obviously a little on edge being in a different home but
still happy to be looked after. When I went into the house to make some phone
calls to places around town we could hear him scratching our door to want in.
When Judi my wife went to check on him he wanted nothing to do with her he
would only come to me, guess he knew I was looking out for him and only trusted
me at the time (that or I smelled like bacon or something). We ended up
contacting the city animal shelter which was great and will take care of him until
he is claimed. He was just a little lost soul looking for some help which we
would have done regardless, I hope he finds his home again soon. My two cats
are behaving better today maybe they think if they misbehave they will go to
the shelter too.
Sifu BryantMy Blog
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Blogs and Blogging
One of the requirements of the I Ho Chuan is to publicly blog (post) weekly about our journey towards mastery. And even though I understand and believe in the reasons why it is important that we blog each and every week. I still feel uncomfortable expressing anything more the just basics. In some of my past posts I may have revealed more then I felt comfortable with but is was needed to explain what I trying to put into words. I always try to write about something meaningful, at least to my self. I think next week I see what happens when I try to write about random things/thoughts.
Where am I? What am I doing?
Meeting Challenge #4
For 40 years I have made excuse after excuse to avoid
getting on a plane. I have missed out on
how many opportunities because of a ridiculous fear of something I have never
even tried. Well very early tomorrow
morning I am biting the bullet and getting on my first plane ever. I had actually put this down as one of my
personal I Ho Chuan Challenges, but quite confidently thought to myself that I
could get out of it easy with a very legitimate excuse (have to work, no
babysitter, $...). Up to this point I
have stuck with holidays that I could drive to (or if need be, could have
swam). I have held back not only myself
but my entire family from some great opportunities and experiences because I
couldn’t go past my own back yard.
Enough is enough! I
have finally decided that there are things I want to do, things I want to see,
things I want to be a part of that are going to require me to get past this
fear. So I write this now when I should
be sleeping. We have to be at the
airport for three in the morning but I can’t sleep, getting a little nervous
the closer it gets!
Alana Regier
Random impressions of a crazy week
Ok, I'm back from the craziest week I've had in a loooong time. Not sure when I've been this busy! So no long thoughts this week-only impressions. Maybe it'll slow down now for more long thoughts to come:)
I still had work of course, and my usual classes, tues and thurs early mornings, and worked out monday. I confess the rest of the week was a washout. Oh well--was trying to get at least the minimum of sleep and wasnt succeeding either! But here it is, my week.
Mon--helped out with classes. This was cool, got to help teach forms. Its hard when the eye for detail starts to work--how many things do you give someone to work on in one form? What do you work on for now and what do you let slide? I also learned I'm glad neither Sihing Krebs or Sifu Leisk like to get up for early class and lead warm up:) Thats intense!
Tues-had our kayak drop in class at Grant McEwen, get home very late. Hot tubs are great--chlorine doesnt like me, and I still panic with my head under water especially when I'm strapped in to a boat. Sigh
Wed--had a gardening class at Alberta Hospital greenhouses way the heck and gone on the north east side of the city. Thats a cool place to check out--Doug, the head gardener, has banana trees, pineapples, coffee plant...theres nothing he's not willing to try. Learned alot.
Thurs--Seans boss was up for an award(which he won) so we went to the Contractors Banquet downtown. Late nights on thurs suck when you work the next day, and why do fancy do's like this always start with weird mushroom soups? Also, I've been having some trouble with my feet in the past year, and a night of high heels DOES NOT improve them.
Fri--Sihing class and I Ho Chaun classes-the most normal of all! Sifu gave us things to think about, mental training, fixing a problem we are all having in our forms (coming down to 6 harmonies) that should also help fix footwork issues, and then some grappling to play with.
So that was my life in a nutshell. Hopefully more thoughts to come soon.
LATER ADDITION--forgot to mention kungfu bruises in a sleeveless dress bring interesting questions...
Stay calm while your hair is on fire
Stay calm. Why is this
Take for example a fella who today is anything but Captain Cautious. Probably
due to the cold medication he is on. He heads out to his shop and sparks up a
project on the work bench. Now a MIG
welder throws heavy sparks, so he is extra cautious. He moves the jerry can of gasoline off to the
side, he might even put the lid back on, and might shove the propane tank out
from under his feet. Whoa! What about
that big stack of oily rags right there.
Good thing I…. I mean ‘He’ is super safe this time. That could have been dangerous.
No one could have foreseen the next few events. I mean, what are the
odds that welding sparks would fly through the air a good 24 inches, land still
ignited in a rusty bucket of bent nails, burn through a perfectly good plastic
shopping bag, ignite the fuse that was attached to a semi-to very long string
of Black Cat fire crackers. (yes, they may have been brought across the border
by one of his shady friends around the past 4th of July).
In the panic that ensues, a calm, collective reaction is unlikely. More likely this fella ends up dropping the
MIG welder into the puddle of water at his feet that is the result of seeping
water under a wall of his shop from backed up ice against a foundation.
Forget about 1000 rounds of sparring how about “1000 Ways to Die”.
I guess the lesson here is to expect the unexpected. The unexpected being the frightened animal
response that instinctively rises when you combine electricity, hot metal,
explosives and a nincompoop.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Captain's Blog, Stardate 2013.04.19, U.S.S. Enterprise - Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
I'm going to start off by saying that this has little to do with kung fu for the first while. It will though, eventually. But if you ask me, I would say that although it is important how it relates to kung fu, I think this is more important where it doesn't. So then, without further ado, let's begin.
I once read an article, that really resonated with me. I seem to forget about it now and then, but it always came back to me. The summary of it was that the author discussed the difference with the traditional roles and relations between the "smart kids" and the "cool kids". Now, if you've been to school, chances are you fell within one or the other. We have lots of names for this stuff and names for cliques and so on, but this is really what it boils down to, and it's nice to keep it simple. The conclusion that was delivered was incredibly simple, and logical.
It went such: The smart kids and cool kids are the same kid. At some point, people choose what they do with their time and ability. It rarely has anything to do with what comes easy, but more so about what they value and what makes them feel good. Now mostly, this is not a conscious decision, but just one that happens based on emotions. The thing that separates the "smart" and "cool" crowd has little to do with ability, and simply has to do with choice. The "smart" kids, spend more time being smart, and less time being "cool". Being a "cool" kid takes more time than any other job; given that in order for them to remain "cool" they are constantly judging how they react to people, situations, how they dress, and how they appear to others. This job never stops. Ever.
Now the "smart" kids, they go out and do their homework, they pay attention in class, they learn things, they're out spending hours being smart. To them, being "cool" is something they wanted, something that would be nice, something that is lower on the priority list than being "smart"
What and who we are has a lot less to do with "talent" and more to do with "choices". It is far too easy to say that someone is better than you at [BLANK] because they were born with certain advantages. Don't do this. In any way, any shape, any form. Save yourself the heartbreak. Don't let this happen. I don't know how to be any more clear. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, you CAN, if you just stop giving yourself excuses as to why you are innately unable to achieve it. The fact is, out of all the people who read this, the people who know and live this will nod and have the appropriate acknowledgement.
The people who don't yet know this will probably fly through this without much thought. I probably won't reach them. The human mind is indestructable when it comes to self preservation, regardless of right or wrong. I'm ok with that. BECAUSE THIS ISN'T SOMETHING THAT OTHERS CAN DO ON YOUR BEHALF. THIS TAKES YOU AND YOU ALONE TO OVERCOME. Which if there was the default of accepting your own excuses, then that is also not possible. A bit of a chicken and egg problem. Which is really the crux of it, because the literal chicken and egg problem is easy. Pick one. Any. Move on. Neither the chicken nor the egg cares.
It may sound like I know what I'm talking about here. But I don't. Sorry. The fact is, I still occasionally make this mistake, even though I stopped looking around. It seems that even if I just look inside, if I just compare me to me, apples to apples, moon rocks to moon rocks, the same thing occurs. I have a constant battle to fight, because present day me, is always underachieving in one way or another, compared to potential future me, or past me.
Example, there are things I used to do well. My results tell me this. Given that in time, I grew out of those things. I was asking myself today, am I better today than I was before? I really didn't know, because I was looking in the wrong place, I was looking at ability. What took me awhile to remember is that even though I don't partake in the same challenges with the same measurable metrics, the fact is, I am probably better. I just chose to put my time into something else. Instead of placing all my time in [blank], I'm now trying what it's like to put all my time into [blank 2].
Which is why this brings me to kung fu again. I have been feeling the pressure with other parts of my life, and the extra time it takes is being taken from my kung fu. Given then, my kung fu has then suffered, and that makes me extremely upset, because why would my kung fu be worse than my past self's kung fu? What is wrong with me? The reality is that I just spend less time in it than my past self. That's all. Just like I spend less time in it than all the people around me who are all better than me. Now that's something I can't change yet, but when I can I will. It's not accepting something I have no control over, because I don't think I can't control it. I have simply accepted my own decision to temporarily prioritize other things in my life ahead of my kung fu, as I try to find my balance.
It's ok to not to be perfect. But I'm not aiming at perfect. Just that I won't accept being less that acceptable. Which means more effort. There are a lot of problems in the world, and a lot of smart ways to solve them. It's easy to forget when you come to a problem with no efficient solution, that the one thing the reliably solves problems is work. So grind it out, and if you need to get through a wall that you can't go around, maybe sometimes, ramming right at it is the thing to do.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
Crazy & Happy
Had a good week this week, spent time on my Cane form and it is all roughed in which is really encouraging.
Struggling with the stick form as parts of it do not seem to be transitioning very well. I’ve been paying attention to the foot work as this is usually where the problem starts but it hasn’t really been working out very well, not sure why!
Playing with the form I designed is exciting and frustrating ... I`ve been trying to change the orientation on parts of it so that it shows better as a performance but I keep changing my mind so I am essentially driving myself crazy with options. Will have to ask someone to watch me tonight at practice to get some second opinions.
My learning Spanish got seriously dropped ... company and recovery from the said company and I haven`t done anything for 3 weeks. Not good, got my office set back up and will get back into it this weekend.
The art project is rolling ... picked up a book on cartooning for beginners and having fun with it. You had to know that anything arty I did would involve words ... good grief. :)
Thursday, April 18, 2013
8 Hours in Pretty Much a Straight Line
That just about describes my drive to Sask. It's an easy drive with not much excitement unless someone decides to put in road construction. Thanks Parkside, now let's get moving on finishing that piece, shall we? So what to do besides meditate for those 8 hours, 16 including the round trip?
I usually pack a cooler full of food for lunch and to snack on. The food is usually healthy with the addition of chocolate, which I consider healthy anyway. However in the past as soon as I embark on the trip, pass the ripple chips, thanks. Here's the thing: I can have the bag in my house for months, but as soon as that bag is open, well chow away. So this time I decided to get "healthier" snacks like veggie straws, and similar snack type "junk" to see it that would do the trick. Yep sure did!! All bags are still intact even though 2 snacks were sitting just behind me and within easy reach. No chip hangover. :)
So what to do for the drive? I like to drive in silence because it gives me a chance to reflect and think. Plus I like to look around and see the scenery. However this time I did something a bit different: I challenged myself to do a set of 1000 crunches per leg of drive and there are 4 legs. So yes boys and girls, I did 4000 crunches by the time my drive was over and it kept my fingers out of the snack food. I still did have snacks (including some chocolate covered almonds and I even put a few back into the bag), but because I was hungry not looking for something to keep busy with. Because the crunches worked so well on the drive here, I'm challenging myself for the same back. Oh and chocolate covered almonds are still fair game.
PS Even though the hawks are back, the rabbits in both provinces are still white.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
I usually pack a cooler full of food for lunch and to snack on. The food is usually healthy with the addition of chocolate, which I consider healthy anyway. However in the past as soon as I embark on the trip, pass the ripple chips, thanks. Here's the thing: I can have the bag in my house for months, but as soon as that bag is open, well chow away. So this time I decided to get "healthier" snacks like veggie straws, and similar snack type "junk" to see it that would do the trick. Yep sure did!! All bags are still intact even though 2 snacks were sitting just behind me and within easy reach. No chip hangover. :)
So what to do for the drive? I like to drive in silence because it gives me a chance to reflect and think. Plus I like to look around and see the scenery. However this time I did something a bit different: I challenged myself to do a set of 1000 crunches per leg of drive and there are 4 legs. So yes boys and girls, I did 4000 crunches by the time my drive was over and it kept my fingers out of the snack food. I still did have snacks (including some chocolate covered almonds and I even put a few back into the bag), but because I was hungry not looking for something to keep busy with. Because the crunches worked so well on the drive here, I'm challenging myself for the same back. Oh and chocolate covered almonds are still fair game.
PS Even though the hawks are back, the rabbits in both provinces are still white.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I've been loading this page and closing this page all day. Its been one of those weeks, I guess.
Just to clarify from Saturday's meeting- yes, I will be kind to people I know, I just find it a bit unnerving for some reason when I get "caught". You see, my acts of kindness are not all opening doors and picking up dropped items; I make it a habit of always buying a coffee or lunch or breakfast for a stranger. Its just easier when I'm not identified- try to explain to a stranger that yes, I just bought you breakfast, no you don't know me, no I'm not hitting on you, no I'm not crazy. I pick a table, pay and run. That's my game.
As for my numbers- as always, I'm not as diligent as I should be. I have developed a habit of doing push ups and sit ups everyday, but I have also developed the habit of not completing them all everyday. Yeah, I know.
I miss being at the kwoon everyday, but this is a conflicting issue with me. I literally saw the candidates more than I saw my husband for a good while there. And while I was off fulfilling my kung fu dreams and schemes, my husband was working on our house by himself every night and my dog didn't get her walks. So now, I feel like I'm making that up at home- I have time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help at home, and if we're not working on the house we're just spending time together. Its nice, but now I miss the kwoon. There is no happy medium here- no matter what, if I trim my trips to the studio back, I'm still gone to kung fu a minimum 3 nights a week. But then, I'm not fulfilling my goals and my commitment to the team. So now I plan on adding in Thursdays for demo practices and Saturdays for Tai Chi (as soon as my ma gets back home), and now I'm back up to 5 times a week where I'm leaving Nick to handle the reno's on his own. Sigh.
Just to clarify from Saturday's meeting- yes, I will be kind to people I know, I just find it a bit unnerving for some reason when I get "caught". You see, my acts of kindness are not all opening doors and picking up dropped items; I make it a habit of always buying a coffee or lunch or breakfast for a stranger. Its just easier when I'm not identified- try to explain to a stranger that yes, I just bought you breakfast, no you don't know me, no I'm not hitting on you, no I'm not crazy. I pick a table, pay and run. That's my game.
As for my numbers- as always, I'm not as diligent as I should be. I have developed a habit of doing push ups and sit ups everyday, but I have also developed the habit of not completing them all everyday. Yeah, I know.
I miss being at the kwoon everyday, but this is a conflicting issue with me. I literally saw the candidates more than I saw my husband for a good while there. And while I was off fulfilling my kung fu dreams and schemes, my husband was working on our house by himself every night and my dog didn't get her walks. So now, I feel like I'm making that up at home- I have time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help at home, and if we're not working on the house we're just spending time together. Its nice, but now I miss the kwoon. There is no happy medium here- no matter what, if I trim my trips to the studio back, I'm still gone to kung fu a minimum 3 nights a week. But then, I'm not fulfilling my goals and my commitment to the team. So now I plan on adding in Thursdays for demo practices and Saturdays for Tai Chi (as soon as my ma gets back home), and now I'm back up to 5 times a week where I'm leaving Nick to handle the reno's on his own. Sigh.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Warm Ups are Scary
Well, it happened, I lead my first warm up. People came up to me and said I didn't seem nervous at all and I did a good job. You people are so nice. I don't know how that is possible. I feel really hot like you do before you're about to faint and my knees shake. If I come across as confident, it's a pretty good facade I've got going on. Regardless, I hope that's the last one I have to do for awhile, I was not prepared for that.
We did forms yesterday, I'm not sure why but I get all flustered and confused when doing group forms class. I do the wrong form half way through and start messing up very basic things. It took me months, almost a year before I could do my first form in class, even though I had been doing it months by myself at home. I don't know why I got this irrational fear of having anyone watch me do anything. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep trying.
On another note, I'm really sad about the senseless violence over in Boston yesterday. What drives people to do these things? I can't even watch or read the news anymore, I don't even like alot of these abuse posts that come up on my facebook. I can't handle it. It makes it so difficult to be nice to people and not live in constant fear. I understand why I have to do it though, everyone has a responsibility to make this world better.
Have a good week Snake Team!
We did forms yesterday, I'm not sure why but I get all flustered and confused when doing group forms class. I do the wrong form half way through and start messing up very basic things. It took me months, almost a year before I could do my first form in class, even though I had been doing it months by myself at home. I don't know why I got this irrational fear of having anyone watch me do anything. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep trying.
On another note, I'm really sad about the senseless violence over in Boston yesterday. What drives people to do these things? I can't even watch or read the news anymore, I don't even like alot of these abuse posts that come up on my facebook. I can't handle it. It makes it so difficult to be nice to people and not live in constant fear. I understand why I have to do it though, everyone has a responsibility to make this world better.
Have a good week Snake Team!
A little perspective
Saturdays meeting was the first I was able to attend and it was nice to be a part of the group. It's easy to get caught up in our own lives and the things that directly affect us- Saturday helped me reset my perspective. Thanks to the team members who share their struggles, it can't be easy and I know it helped me.
Getting excited about demo season- I'm going to try to re create a very cool cane fight scene- probably not for this time around but maybe the next.
Andrea Prince
Monday, April 15, 2013
Three for no Money
Oh no I'm a day late again! Going to have to make another post this
week. Sneak preview of the topic for my next entry: it will be about
mediocrity and how we are constantly surrounded by it.
I'm going to cheat a little on this entry since I just got home from work at 8:30pm and I'm bagged.This entry is going to be about the dragon dance and the household object choreography, I'm going to copy what I wrote here into the I Ho Chuan forum. Three birds with one stone!
First up is the dragon dance. I think it would be awesome to have two dragons going, especially since we are going to have an infinite stage this year. You can count me in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays work for me. I do want to learn how to lion dance so I could see myself in either a dragon or a lion if I actually learn it well enough to not suck. The logistics of filling up two whole dragons, plus backups, is certainly daunting. I think we might have to open it up to none I Ho Chaun members to get the extra numbers. Also, remember the stage will be huge but we will still need to be able to practice with two dragons in the kwoon.
I think doing a fight demo with household objects would be a blast, I'm all for it. We can setup a scene where everyone is going about their business using their stuff and then everything goes crazy with awesome and comedic results. I call dibs on extension cord, or maybe cables as my weapon. Does anyone have a short broken extension cord I can use? There is a good chance I'll wreck it so I'd rather not destroy a working one if I don't have to. Remember guys, whatever you pick still has to be safe to use. We cant have rolling pins and lamps falling apart and flying around the kwoon. Make sure your object is sturdy enough to survive what you want to do with it.
I have a few other ideas if anyone is looking for something. Piano bench (any bench really), leather belt, large wooden spoons, frying pans/pots, brooms and mops (Sifu Robinson), rolls of duct tape around the arms like iron rings, bmx bike, hockey stick, football helmet. Driving around with my ipod on random today even gave me an idea for a song! I'm throwing this out there, "Good Morning Aztlan" by Los Lobos. It has a good pace, not too quick, and its lighthearted enough to fit the silly theme. Here is a link:
Sifu Jesse Wetter
I'm going to cheat a little on this entry since I just got home from work at 8:30pm and I'm bagged.This entry is going to be about the dragon dance and the household object choreography, I'm going to copy what I wrote here into the I Ho Chuan forum. Three birds with one stone!
First up is the dragon dance. I think it would be awesome to have two dragons going, especially since we are going to have an infinite stage this year. You can count me in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays work for me. I do want to learn how to lion dance so I could see myself in either a dragon or a lion if I actually learn it well enough to not suck. The logistics of filling up two whole dragons, plus backups, is certainly daunting. I think we might have to open it up to none I Ho Chaun members to get the extra numbers. Also, remember the stage will be huge but we will still need to be able to practice with two dragons in the kwoon.
I think doing a fight demo with household objects would be a blast, I'm all for it. We can setup a scene where everyone is going about their business using their stuff and then everything goes crazy with awesome and comedic results. I call dibs on extension cord, or maybe cables as my weapon. Does anyone have a short broken extension cord I can use? There is a good chance I'll wreck it so I'd rather not destroy a working one if I don't have to. Remember guys, whatever you pick still has to be safe to use. We cant have rolling pins and lamps falling apart and flying around the kwoon. Make sure your object is sturdy enough to survive what you want to do with it.
I have a few other ideas if anyone is looking for something. Piano bench (any bench really), leather belt, large wooden spoons, frying pans/pots, brooms and mops (Sifu Robinson), rolls of duct tape around the arms like iron rings, bmx bike, hockey stick, football helmet. Driving around with my ipod on random today even gave me an idea for a song! I'm throwing this out there, "Good Morning Aztlan" by Los Lobos. It has a good pace, not too quick, and its lighthearted enough to fit the silly theme. Here is a link:
Sifu Jesse Wetter
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