What does it mean to "have it all?" This question was asked in the course I am embarking on shortly and as prep work for the course the question was asked as to whether we are committed to having it all and what does that mean to us individually. That's a good question with not a right-snap easy answer.
In the 80's "having it all" for women meant a husband, family, job, home, the works. Credit card companies came in full force and 'having it all" meant that having the house, the cars, the toys, the vacations, the lifestyle was not only yours to have, but to have it all NOW (just pay for it later). The aftermath of this "having it all" that no one expected also includes the burnout, the exhaustion, the chronic fatigue, the depression, the divorce, the 80-hour work weeks, the fill-in-the-blank. And, it's not only women who feel the repercussion of this, men do too. Is this what "having it all" is supposed to look like? Have the material goods, but be numb to the who one is or one's surroundings?
The problem with the standard definition of "having it all" was that it wasn't my definition. So what does "having it all" mean to me? I had to go deep inside for the answers and what I found was that "having it all" has nothing to do with the material world, but everything to do with the expression of who I am. "Having it all" to me means to create glass art to my heart's content because there is where I'm in the zone, spend quality time with Dennis, be the kitchen wizard that I am and have fun creating, grounding in and training in Kung Fu (key word is grounding in), and to have the abundance flow. (A note that abundance is all encompassing)
So I shall pose the question here, what does "having it all" mean to you?
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
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