This was not an easy task. I tried to find what is the best way, for me, to be able to memorize it.
I was thinking about some of the theory we teach the kids in the Advanced Black Dragons. The first that came into mind was the 100 times theory. You do something properly 100 times and then you will know how it is done - muscle memory, right? Well, I started with reading M
astery as much as I could. At home, at work, while working out. I was understanding the content but I still didn't feel I was going to be able to memorize it.
Goal setting: set a goal, set a plan (and get a success coach), keep consistent action, review your plan and review your goals. I know what my goal is... I made a plan to read every morning, at lunch break and in the evening while doing plank or in horse stance. I was taking consistent action and every few days reviewing my progress. I knew I had to change something as I was not progressing as fast as I was supposed to. I decided to break down the goals into mini goals. Tackle one paragraph at a time. That seemed to help as I got half of the first paragraph memorized.
Another theory concept - how to learn for exam? "creative repetition and consistent review". Find different ways to study and keep studying. I was already reading it. I recorded my self and started listening to my self narrating it on the drive to work. I also made a recording with gaps in between sentences so I can repeat after the narrator.
The first paragraph was the hardest. Then the second one was the hardest. The third was a bit confusing but I think I got the confidence of "I'm able to do this". Then came the 4th and it was the new "hardest". I think I spent the most time on this one while keeping tab on the first three.
I finally got it memorized. My kids are running away from me whenever I start "Mastery in our career...". But I still face the toughest challenge - the test. I'm going to be so nervous that I might black out completely.
More theory help - how to relax: breath, pressure points... DON'T PANIC!!!
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