Monday, April 15, 2013


I'm starting to feel guilty, when I miss class, when I eat McDonalds, when I'm not practicing when I know I should be.  Saturday I was at Shaolin Fitness.  That class kills me, I can't breath and my whole body is shaky when I'm finished.  I practiced rope dart for a bit after and went to get a well needed snack.  When I got back I went to the changeroom to wait for our I Ho Chaun meeting.  There was a Sifu practicing kicks in there while she waited for the same meeting.  I know I should've been doing the same thing but I just sat there and watched.  I didn't want to move a muscle.  In fact all I could think of was a nap.  When she was done we discussed pushups and situps, I told her that I was only doing 20, I couldn't do anymore.  She told me I could and gave me suggestions on different modified things that I could do since I'm having problems with my core not being strong enough yet.  I was only counting full pushups and situps because those are what counts during a fitness test.  I didn't know how it would look if I counted all these numbers but couldn't actually do the proper techniques in class.  What kind of modified situps and pushups do you guys count, if any?  I have problems staying straight and holding my core after 10 pushups, my back isn't strong enough yet, nor are my shoulders.  Also crunches and situps are a problem, again they hurt my back as well.  I also need tips on how to keep breathing properly during fitness class.  I try to breath slowly and into my diaphragm but I still end up taking shallow breaths and not get enough oxyjen.

Anything suggestions you have are appreciated.  I want to get to 75 of each a day before next meeting AND I want to LOG them!

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