Thursday, March 22, 2012

De Ja Flu

On Sunday I wrote that I was in the middle of detox as a result of eliminating wheat from my diet. Little did I know, I lied. That was the middle of the brain/headache detox. Now my body has decided to go on its world tour and here I am in Round 2: the body. Since Monday afternoon I have been experiencing every flu/cold/lung infection/ear ache/sore throat symptom that I've ever had in my life plus drinking enough water and green tea to raise the Titanic. Yep the traveling circus of symptoms has come to town and they party hard. I will point out at this time about 14% of people experience symptoms like mine while the other 86% experience other symptoms. I'm not sure as to whether I should feel special or not.

So how could I tell that I didn't catch the flu or a cold? With diseases there is usually a progression of symptoms. Mine are haphazard, showing up when they feel like and also don't last as long as when in a disease process. Even though I can have a nap a few times in the day, my mind is sharp. Here's the interesting (and trippy) part: when the symptom shows up, the memory of when I had that symptom previous also shows up. Quite a few times I've thought "yep, remember when I've had this before and I have that feeling again." The good news is once it's gone it's gone, however I don't know when this traveling circus has completed its show and, believe me, the symptom du jour is getting real old. However, I must hang in there as I've come too far. I will also add that the Wheat Belly Facebook Group has been very supportive.

I'm very happy to say that Dennis has joined me of his own accord in this wheat-free journey. He wants to see if he will have lung issue relief by going wheat-free. As he puts it: try it for a month and if nothing happens, wheat wasn't the issue, but if something does, time to pay attention. Sage wisdom. So far a facial rash has disappeared and his hernia has shrunk. I am hoping the list of positive changes grows.

Since I have given wheat the boot, I have no urge, craving or whatever to put wheat in my mouth. Gag! I do find it amusing how people interpret the elimination of a "food group" as limiting when in fact, it's the polar and extreme opposite: it's very liberating, however one must be willing to go down that learning path.  For me, it's exciting as I get to explore more raw cheffing skills as well as my chocolatier habit. And yes, all is healthy and tastes fantastic (strawberry coconut macaroons anyone?). Sifu Brinker said in our I Ho Chuan meeting that an injury is an opportunity and I feel the same about eliminating a food out of my diet that is big-time harming me. I can either progress wisely, work through the "issues" and come out on the other side a healthier and happier individual or I can have have a hissy-fit, stomp my feet, and want the square peg to fit into the round hole. Since the latter is over-rated, I chose to progress wisely. On with the journey.
Sherri Donohue

1 comment:

  1. I hope this detox takes you in the right direction and that you begin to feel better soon, not to mention a positive break through for Dennis and yourself with the wheat-free eating.

