Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Inspirational People

Sihing Regier wrote on, “What inspires people?”

Answering this question may be a real eye opener for me. Do I really want to know the answer? Am I being the inspirational figure that I’d like to be? I feel I’m most attracted to or inspired by people, people who have something of value that I’d like to see in myself. I don’t mean materialistic items, I mean things like a true appreciation for life (like Sifu Masterson’s Aunt), people who have a contagious smile, people who portray a true sense of inner peace, people who are not selfish, good listeners, people who appreciate themselves, people who care for the environment and their surroundings, passionate teachers and friends.

There was a clip shown on T.V. a while ago, I believe it was a Special Olympics clip of a group of individuals with Down syndrome, they were running a 100m race and about half way through the race one of the contestants fell and all the rest of the runners turned back, picked up the fallen and all crossed the finish line hand in hand. That clip will never leave my mind!

There are many inspirational people through history who have had the courage to change things for the betterment of others and sacrificed themselves to do so, such as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma – “Great Soul”), Martin Luther King Jr and Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa).Inspiration can come in many ways, but I feel the importance of inspiration should come from do I inspire!

Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu.

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