Saturday, November 24, 2012

Colds to Cancer

Raymond has been home sick for three days now. Whenever I am home nursing him, I always think about health in general.

Our biggest investment to ourselves is the well being and maintaining of our health. That means Water, Food and Sleep.

Lets talk about food. Since it’s a blog , I guess I’ll just do the talking.

I am a firm believer in keeping yourself fuelled with wholesome nutrient rich food. Not just for optimum training and a shiny coat but for the days sickness comes calling. If you are running on all cylinders you are more likely to overcome flus, infections and other nasty stuff a lot quicker with less discomfort.

Unfortunately, I have seen too many around me affected by cancer in one form or another. A friend of mine contracted stomach cancer a while ago, we used to lift weights together. She was strong, in good shape and an avid health nut. She is down to 90 pounds now but her cancer is in remission. She is by no means, back to normal, but everyone is amazed by her condition after going through such hell.

This isn’t a scientific observation but it seems to me , if you look after yourself you have a better fighting chance.

As I sit here, waiting for the next ” ..mommy, can you get me…” I think about a comment from Sihing Chervenka, - trusting the food manufacturers,... the nutrients are not the same and what is that stuff their putting in our food?- I agree with him.

I also ponder on Ms Donohues great research into the matter. I shall have to bother her some more.

Colds to Cancer- our food matters.

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