Dennis has had lung issues pretty much all of his life, but recently they have been getting worse and when he failed his lung function tests for his work, medical attention had to be sought so off to the Doctor, and then the Lung Specialist. After the battery of lung function tests, blood tests, ECG, chest x-rays, and CT scan, the Specialist had the results, the diagnosis, and the "prescription". The good news is that there is no scarring and no asbestosis, which is always on the back of ones (and spouse's) mind when one works industrial. However Dennis has inflammation in his lungs and the causative agent is organic in nature vs inorganic. During Dennis' initial Specialist visit, a complete history was recorded and the question of whether we have pets. The answer was yes: 4 cockatiels and 2 dogs. Dogs are outdoor, however for obvious reasons the cockatiels are not. So back to the organic causing agent. In a heartbeat the Specialist told us that because the causative agent is organic the cockatiels have to go and the house professionally cleaned because HEPA filters are no match for bird dander. Bottom line sentencing: birds have to go (and so does the dust, but that's a given).
Considering that we have had these birds for at least 5 years, some of them 10, and we've had cockatiels for 18 year, this is like being told to get rid of your child and in this case, 4 of them. Better yet is the assumption is to choose between Dennis and the birds and of course the choice would be Dennis because the birds are just pets and they can be "gotten rid of". WRONG!!!! Yes I am still keeping Dennis and we are also keeping the birds because in the realm of possibility, there is ALWAYS another way, ALWAYS, just have to figure it out. So far we have a solution, just have to test it out.
For starters we don't have any ordinary home and those who have been to our house can attest to that. First of all we do not have a furnace nor do we have carpeting so all dust is in the open and visible so that makes for easy cleaning. Still not wild about washing down a whole house, but whatever, needs to be done. Plus we have a whole house HEPA air-to-air exchanger where the whole house air is dumped outside and fresh taken in. Next is that the birds will be moved into my office (that I'm in frequently) which is the next room where they are now and the bonus with that is the door can be closed. Now here is our genius idea: a dust containment system. We are putting the cage into a screen house that will catch the majority of the dust and I can wash it frequently. Plus in the screen house we will also put a small HEPA filter as it's one thing to purify a room or a house, but when the area is small the efficiency of the filter goes way up (think fumehoods).
As far as we can see, it's worth a try as neither one of us want our birds to go. As much as I want to BBQ them sometimes, they are entertaining, they are companions, and there is bonding between us, all of us. We are a family and families find a solution. So right now I have a tentlike screen house in my living room that's waiting to be moved, a house that needs cleaning, and furniture to be relocated. The other good news is that this gives us a very good opportunity to declutter and organize so best wear my pedometer to rack up those kilometers. One thing that I can say is that living with Mr. Packrat, this is going to be interesting.
Sherri Donohue
These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
A Bug, But Definitely Not the Lovebug
Well, I caught whatever bug was going around our office. No fun. Been down going on two days, but I'll be heading to class in a few minutes regardless. I hate the feeling of being medicated, but I haven't been able to drag myself off the couch otherwise. Wish me luck, and I'll do my best not to share.
Sifu Rybak
Sifu Rybak
Drawing the Line
There seems to be a fine line!
I quite often say…..
There’s just not enough time in the day.
I lead my own journey,
that, I’m fully aware.
I try to fit in so much,
in the end realize,
that’s not too smart or very wise.
I don’t really think it’s an issue of prioritization,
because of my list of substantial size.
I am my own individual, who always tries his best.
I’m big on maintenance and staying on top of the list,
therefore find my mind, without any rest.
I'm doing this and doing that;
nothing stays the same, with constant change.
So I ask, is this the answer?
Keep on, you will see!
I am not number one and maybe I should be,
but the way I see it, is my family comes before me.
For this to take place,
the funds must roll in,
so into my truck I go, to call another Inn.
Even though my training still goes on,
It is different alone
and away from home.
I focus on the mental, and how I eat,
I do my push-ups and stay away from the treats.
I often think that it is not enough or all I can be……..
Who is that I’m trying to be?
I’m not Superman!
I’m just a humbled soul, who is trying to be all he can.
So, why can’t I see this guy I feel I want to be?
Why the challenge of being me?
I’ve held this pencil high,
but have yet to see, the distinct location to draw the line,
where I think I should be.
Is it this call or challenge, of" change" for me?
The one I continually face, the one in front of me!
This could be it… It’s been this way so long, it has to be, my destiny!
Don’t forget the rest…and what I mean,
is a little R and R and mind relief is key.
I lay down my pencil,
and finally see,
that it’s the change, that's meant for me.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu
I won't lie; I'm definitely demoralized right now.
It's incredibly frustrating and infuriating to put a great deal of effort into something, as well as changing up your approach, only to find that neither seems to be yielding any results. It is especially frustrating to be running at a stand still in a particular field that you have little motivation in and fail to see the reason why you are in said field. Unfortunately, I'm quite stubborn and bull-headed, and hate feeling like I'm quitting (especially when I've invested a great deal of effort into this field...4 years and a boat load of money to be exact). However, with that, the constant feeling of failure and frustration is a constant kick in the proverbial ghoulies and demoralizes.
When we fail at something, it presents an opportunity (when a door closes, another door opens). This situation I'm currently in has presented an ample opportunity. I'm demoralized; however, I need to pause, breathe deeply, and regroup. This allows for a logical and methodical plan to be developed, as opposed to a hasty and impromptu approach born out of feeling alone. Right now I know that my approach is not working, and I need to change my mindset if I wish to succeed. However, this leads to a fork in the road, and the direction I choose to take will (like all opportunities in life) help dictate my career and success down the road.
I think that this is going to be a very, very, very interesting year.
Sifu Joe Harrigan
It's incredibly frustrating and infuriating to put a great deal of effort into something, as well as changing up your approach, only to find that neither seems to be yielding any results. It is especially frustrating to be running at a stand still in a particular field that you have little motivation in and fail to see the reason why you are in said field. Unfortunately, I'm quite stubborn and bull-headed, and hate feeling like I'm quitting (especially when I've invested a great deal of effort into this field...4 years and a boat load of money to be exact). However, with that, the constant feeling of failure and frustration is a constant kick in the proverbial ghoulies and demoralizes.
When we fail at something, it presents an opportunity (when a door closes, another door opens). This situation I'm currently in has presented an ample opportunity. I'm demoralized; however, I need to pause, breathe deeply, and regroup. This allows for a logical and methodical plan to be developed, as opposed to a hasty and impromptu approach born out of feeling alone. Right now I know that my approach is not working, and I need to change my mindset if I wish to succeed. However, this leads to a fork in the road, and the direction I choose to take will (like all opportunities in life) help dictate my career and success down the road.
I think that this is going to be a very, very, very interesting year.
Sifu Joe Harrigan
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Finding Balance
I have, for the last 2 weeks, struggled with finding balance between my training and my other commitments. The initial setting up flavors pages and a blog page, coming up with challenges that meant something to me and trying to come up with a plan as to how to tackle this year, has had my mind racing. I have felt a little overwhelmed and kind of nervous. I have read over requirements again and again for I Ho Chuan and find myself wondering how am I going to accomplish this?
I am fortunate to have a family who is very patient and understanding. Even though, I have found myself feeling guilty that I have neglected some things while focusing on others. Somehow the days seem to be flying by and I feel a little disappointed that I haven’t accomplished all that I wanted. I have found that as soon as my numbers and reps are done for the day, the rest of the day goes so much smoother. On the other hand, if I don’t get that training in until later on in the day, I seem a little anxious and wanting to get to it. It is not that the other things are less important, I think it’s just my personality, if it’s on my list, lets get it done. I find kung fu seems to be on my mind all the time, even when I should be focusing on other things. My oldest son jokingly told me the other day that I should take the nunchuks out of the kitchen because every time I start playing with them, while waiting for something on the stove, the smoke detector goes off and we have another burnt meal (it only happened twice). Although I need to focus more on what I am doing at a particular time, I realize just how much kung fu has become a way of life for our family. This goes from our diet, importance of exercise and activity, acts of kindness, how we deal with everyday situations in our life, and so on. It’s in everything we do. All around us people are plugging away, just trying to make it through another day, the same thing day in and day out, a life of the ordinary. I really want something more!
There is more to life than just that one thing. It is made up of a variety of different parts, each needing care and attention. This is everything from work, school, family, kung fu etc. Finding balance varies so much from person to person, depending where they are in their life and what commitments they have. I am relieved to hear that I am not the only one who has been in this place before, trying to sort it all out. I have been told that I need to fit kung fu into my life not my life into kung fu. How true this is. I need to have a plan but need to be flexible to change and alter as things come up, whether they are due to sickness, injuries etc. I am so working on it!
I have come to the conclusion that I am going to take one day at a time, to focus on what I am doing and have a purpose for doing it. All anyone can ask of me, is to do my best. That is exactly what I intend to do. I so agree with Mr. Chervenka’s last blog on heart. When a person puts all he has into something, because it is important to them, you can only get one more step to something great.
Alana Regier

People often ask me why I preach about bullying so much when I teach the kids classes. My answer to them is simple,I have been bullied off and on since grade 6. I know what it feels like to by threatened, pushed around, the subject of rumours, publicly ridiculed and cyber bullied. I don't believe that I would have the confidence that I still have today if it weren't for my Kung Fu. Kung Fu teaches you two very important things besides self defence... Discipline, and respect.
I cannot tell you enough how hard it is to walk away and ignore someone that is publicly humiliating you when you're standing
four feet away from them, and not to mention keep calm. But, Kung Fu taught me the strength and the courage to do exactly that.
Now, I'm not saying that every person that is enrolled in Kung Fu has been bullied. Neither am I telling you that that is the reason that I was enrolled in Kung Fu. There is certainly a good chance that most of us have been bullied at some point, whether it be as a kid, or as an adult. The question, "well sifu, I've never been bullied, or a bully, so why do I have to learn about what to do when you're being bullied?" Comes up once in awhile and my answer to that is simple as well. This is one of the ways that I can teach someone empathy in a very simple way. By learning about bullying, and being educated about the effects about bullying, it's not very hard to put yourself in the shoes of the guy that's being picked on at the bus stop, or excluded from playing a game. It makes it way easier to be his or her friend;
and not be tempted to be peer pressured into becoming a bully yourself.
I believe that this is an essential part of my identity as a black belt, and has drastically changed the way that I approach my teaching in Kung Fu.
For our orange belts in the kids classes, we started the new green stripe requirement of them having to create a multimedia presentation on bullying, which will eventually be displayed on the monitor in the school. The picture I included in this post was one from a project that one of our orange belts handed in. There was my chuckle for the day. =)
Sifu Wonsiak
Sifu Wonsiak
A Time To Chill
I have been forced to take a small break this week. Somehow on Saturday, I injured my shoulder. Not sure how, but I remember feeling something and thinking, "ow". Then just that quick, I forgot about it. By Saturday night, I was in a lot of pain, and by Sunday, I was in very severe pain. It felt like something was jabbing into the top of my lung as deep breaths were very painful and near impossible. My collar bone ached and felt like it wasn't where it should be. Same with my shoulder blade. To add to the discomfort, the pain went up into the back of my skull. Anything I did made the discomfort harder to bare. Movement of any kind was too much, including coughing and sneezing.
I went to the chiropractor on Monday morning, and he said that my shoulder issue was related to the sciatic problems I have been having. I know for a fact that both problems are related to the mattress I am now using. I need a new one. Until I can afford one, I have taken up sleeping on the couch. I did that last night, and my shoulder is better and my sciatica didn't bother me today.
Needless to say I did not do any kind of workout on Sunday and Monday. I felt well enough this morning to go to the gym today at 5, and biked 13 km. I just kept my arm tight against my body, to limit any jarring in the shoulder. I still can't do any pushups or ab work. Funny how our bodies work, but any kind of straining or tightening up, causes pain in my entire shoulder area. I could maybe do a few, but I prefer to wait it out and make sure I am well mended before I jump back into everything again. It is a minor setback, and it most definitely is annoying, but I can live with it.
I went to the chiropractor on Monday morning, and he said that my shoulder issue was related to the sciatic problems I have been having. I know for a fact that both problems are related to the mattress I am now using. I need a new one. Until I can afford one, I have taken up sleeping on the couch. I did that last night, and my shoulder is better and my sciatica didn't bother me today.
Needless to say I did not do any kind of workout on Sunday and Monday. I felt well enough this morning to go to the gym today at 5, and biked 13 km. I just kept my arm tight against my body, to limit any jarring in the shoulder. I still can't do any pushups or ab work. Funny how our bodies work, but any kind of straining or tightening up, causes pain in my entire shoulder area. I could maybe do a few, but I prefer to wait it out and make sure I am well mended before I jump back into everything again. It is a minor setback, and it most definitely is annoying, but I can live with it.
Monday, February 27, 2012
In cruise mode
I don't know if its good or bad that I seemed to be in cruise mode this past week. I'm still geting up early getting in my push-ups and sit-ups. Even when I goofed tuesday and set my alarm for pm and got up late at 5:20 I still got ready and got my push-ups in with no fuss or panic( amazed my wife and myself). Having the monday off was odd. You would think the week would fly by but I always feel like I missed something during short work weeks. I'm getting alot of 5 or 10 minutes of practise in all over the place and it is definately working for me. No set times to worry about meeting, just do what I can when I can. Even when making supper the other nite I found I had time to do a couple reps of kempo 1 and 2 and work on my stances and how I move in the form.
I'm am not anywhere near effortless effort but I am finding myself much more aware of my time and what I am doing during the day. I have even managed to be close to completing my first book. It is "How to be Compassionate" by the Dalai Lama. It is not an easy read as I find myself rereading alot of the chapters trying to truly understand the concepts and ideas in the book. For all he has been through in his life, the Dalai Lama is truly an inspiring man. I thought I was a fairly compasionate person before I started reading, but now realize I have a long ways to go to achieve true compaasion for everyone I meet and encounter in my life.
Neil Hamilton
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, Alberta
I'm am not anywhere near effortless effort but I am finding myself much more aware of my time and what I am doing during the day. I have even managed to be close to completing my first book. It is "How to be Compassionate" by the Dalai Lama. It is not an easy read as I find myself rereading alot of the chapters trying to truly understand the concepts and ideas in the book. For all he has been through in his life, the Dalai Lama is truly an inspiring man. I thought I was a fairly compasionate person before I started reading, but now realize I have a long ways to go to achieve true compaasion for everyone I meet and encounter in my life.
Neil Hamilton
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, Alberta
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Coming down with a sickness and the numbers continue to pile up. Running into
life obstacles and getting knocked flat while kilometers await. Having to work
through your breaks to complete a impairative task. A major or minor injury
occurs and there is a mountain of training ahead of you and a close family
member or friend needs your help and you have to drop what your doing to help.
Getting up in the morning and figuring out what part of your training needs
attention and how far behind you are on what and still get ready for work.
Keeping track of your spouse and children, making sure they are healthy and
happy. Being counted on and sometimes expected to fulfill duties and obligations
for your work or children that require alot of time that you don't have and
somehow still find time to throw some kicks and practice what you learned at
class that night. Two and a half feet of snow out side to shovel and a garage
full of vehicles and projects that need attention, and no room to practice your
weapon. Sound brutal? Sounds alot like life and training; your Kung Fu. What can
possibly drive someone to maximum output and exhaustion and keep them motivated,
focused, and strong. Heart. If you don't have this majorly important tool the
tendancy to find excuses or quit always comes up with ease and
justification. Even if you can't get done what or how much you wanted too, as
long as you pulled your weight and did your absolute best, thats your heart
working with you. If you have a strong heart and will, your determination
alone will lead you through anything and motivate you to better yourself
and also many people around you. Intimidation from life and what it can hand
you will become easier to handle, because you have the will and the knowledge to
kick its ass and leave a trail of pride and self respect. Knowing that you did
it, your drive, your Kung Fu. Your heart.
Brian Chervenka
Brian Chervenka
Miss Comunication
This week was my Mom's Anniversary and we had to through two separate parties, one for family, and one for friends. Well i was told that I had to get a cake for both party's. So I did when we got to the first party I brought the cake in, and a friend looked at me with a Oh No face, then told me that he bought a cake too. So on that night my Mom got two cakes. On the next party i brought my cake once again, and guess what my relatives also bought a cake, so in two night, my mom got four cakes. So basically what i learn from this is next time call and find out for sure who is in charge of getting the cake. All in all it was two great nights, to much cake and laughs all around, and i still got my U.B.B.T stuff in as well.
the blahs
This week has been a struggle, mostly because I hit one of those 'lulls'. Know what I'm talking about? When you're just blah, cant seem to get the enthusiasm to do anything. I seem to cycle through these about every 6 or so weeks. The numbers keep me going--and my spear. Somehow, I can still get into that. I'm so thankful for fitness class especially when I'm like this--its different every week, its a more relaxed atmosphere, we can egg each other on and laugh about it. And sweat! Good grief do we sweat! But I love it. Hopefully I sweated out my blahs and am ready to dive back in next week. My spear is still waiting...
Sore but smiling
This was a busy one and frankly would love to feel a little less sore but still content. Yesterday I tackled my front driveway shoveling and pulled my lower back so was left walking around like the hunchback of notre dame the rest of the day and most of this one. I have done this before, a year ago almost to the day. This time I feel it easing and should be better in a few days. The reason I’m smiling, I had a great weekend with practising and still working on day to day routines. Judi looked at me and thought I was nuts practising a weapons form in the living room last night with no weapon in hand. She said “why are you doing that, leave it for another day when you get better.” Just couldn’t do it, still wanted to practise and keep it in front of me. I feel better tonight already and know that I need to work on strengthening my back. I had noticed the last few months that my posture as I sit was pretty awful and now I have a reason to improve upon it. Looks like I’ll be creating a new exercise routine for my back which frankly was overdue.
Sifu Bryant
How do I know if I am Inspiring?
I was going to write about how amazing my kung fu week was, it was fantastic, and then I read my daughter's blog(
In the past three years, I have changed my routine, settled my focus, and made many other forever changes in how I live my life. I was (and continue to be) very goal oriented and very focused. I kept looking (peeking really) at my daughter in hopes of inspiring her to practice more, get more excited about kung fu, be ready to change her habits. She patiently supported me, learned how to do laundry and cook chicken in a quick and efficient way and did many other amazing things but still no new excitement. I figured that I didn't have what it takes to inspire her, so I kinda set those hopes aside.
On the night of the Chinese New Year's banquet, that hope was re-ignited. After we got home and I finished reliving all the amazing moments, conversations and happenings of the evening, Katie very quietly and confidently stated, 'I guess it is my turn now.' She was ready to get more excited, practice more and set some goals. I was thrilled, I wasn't sure if I inspired her but I made a vow to support her as thoroughly and completely as she has me.
Today, she helped me see that I can have an impact just by being me and I don't have to try to inspire, I just have to keep trying.
In the past three years, I have changed my routine, settled my focus, and made many other forever changes in how I live my life. I was (and continue to be) very goal oriented and very focused. I kept looking (peeking really) at my daughter in hopes of inspiring her to practice more, get more excited about kung fu, be ready to change her habits. She patiently supported me, learned how to do laundry and cook chicken in a quick and efficient way and did many other amazing things but still no new excitement. I figured that I didn't have what it takes to inspire her, so I kinda set those hopes aside.
On the night of the Chinese New Year's banquet, that hope was re-ignited. After we got home and I finished reliving all the amazing moments, conversations and happenings of the evening, Katie very quietly and confidently stated, 'I guess it is my turn now.' She was ready to get more excited, practice more and set some goals. I was thrilled, I wasn't sure if I inspired her but I made a vow to support her as thoroughly and completely as she has me.
Today, she helped me see that I can have an impact just by being me and I don't have to try to inspire, I just have to keep trying.
Fruits of My Labour
There are a lot of things that change in an individuals personality with age,
through experience and through life altering experiences.But there are just
some things that will not change until you are aware of yourself , not only
through your eyes, but through the eyes of others. I have been working on many
aspects of my disposition, which I had hoped would make me a better person, both
at work and in my everyday personal life.
I work in a field where typically there is not a lot of positive heart delivered feedback that goes through the sound waves. Last week was a week of exceptions....! I received compliments
on my composure through stressful events which occurred while on the job and
how I reacted so calmly and with confidence. I have worked to become the
person I have become and not the one that I was destined to be. So, to
receive positive feedback on certain things that I have worked quite
diligently on changing, is so rewarding.
The same thing is seen in the kwoon, it can be crushing to an individual who has worked so hard to improve from class to class and get no positive feedback. On the other hand, when you
receive the positive feedback that you deserve, the results can be truly
amazing. It’s not a feeling of...okay, I reached my goal, it’s a feeling of
.....yes....but I can and will do better!
The sense of accomplishment
that I felt through the compliments this last week were heart felt, and so
needed. I have worked very hard to at the same time be me, be confident, be
honest, true and act with confidence.This week was once again a reminder of
what some heart felt compliments can do to a persons day...week or
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung fu.
through experience and through life altering experiences.But there are just
some things that will not change until you are aware of yourself , not only
through your eyes, but through the eyes of others. I have been working on many
aspects of my disposition, which I had hoped would make me a better person, both
at work and in my everyday personal life.
I work in a field where typically there is not a lot of positive heart delivered feedback that goes through the sound waves. Last week was a week of exceptions....! I received compliments
on my composure through stressful events which occurred while on the job and
how I reacted so calmly and with confidence. I have worked to become the
person I have become and not the one that I was destined to be. So, to
receive positive feedback on certain things that I have worked quite
diligently on changing, is so rewarding.
The same thing is seen in the kwoon, it can be crushing to an individual who has worked so hard to improve from class to class and get no positive feedback. On the other hand, when you
receive the positive feedback that you deserve, the results can be truly
amazing. It’s not a feeling of...okay, I reached my goal, it’s a feeling of
.....yes....but I can and will do better!
The sense of accomplishment
that I felt through the compliments this last week were heart felt, and so
needed. I have worked very hard to at the same time be me, be confident, be
honest, true and act with confidence.This week was once again a reminder of
what some heart felt compliments can do to a persons day...week or
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung fu.
graham vs poor methods of belief formation
It occurs to me that I've complained too much about marking this past week. I often grumble about it, but this time around I'm doing it much more than usual. And to be honest, it's perfectly justified.
Wait--perhaps I'll give some context.
You all know that I TA philosophy, which involves both running small class sessions (tutorials) but also marking. Most of you can probably guess the difficulties that arise from having a bunch of first or second year students try to write decent papers. This is compounded by the fact that many students have the unfounded idea that philosophy is easy: so they don't try very hard and then sit in my office complaining when they get a poor grade. But that's a story for another time: the point is, marking papers is often a frustrating endeavor because at least 2/3rds of the students don't care. And since I care, it's disappointing. Two of the greatest treasures that belong to humanity are language and reasoning--one can only see them butchered so many times.
This semester, however, I'm teaching intro ethics. How to think about morality. What I've discovered is that most of my students don't do very much thinking about the subject. My experience is that the majority of students can't even conceive of turning these powerful tools of analysis onto themselves. Everyone has their biases, but some manage to simultaneously acknowledge their existence while rationalizing away their presence.
We're supposed to be discussing big ideas: concepts and debates that effect our daily lives! I'm not asking for excitement, but merely appreciating the gravity of a question like capital punishment. Instead I have the next generation of middle management staring back at me.
There of course exists glimmers of hope. One is the students who care--most won't become philosophers but there are a handful of students in every class who are actually striving to be engaged, thinking humans. The second is the possibility that if I hammer away enough, I can at least make a small crack in the wall of unreason and apathy I'm confronted with most days.
I should relate this to training so I don't simply sound like I'm venting.
If the goal of the I Ho Chaun is not only to become better martial artists but also engaged humans, the scope of such a project is intimidating. Because the difficulty and importance of such an endeavour goes all the way down.
In many ways, the reasons we have for holding a belief often matter more than the belief itself. This is because we tend to think of our reasoning process as static: it's hard to imagine oneself absent the beliefs and principles we each hold dear. But the reality is we are all wrong about some things, and we could be wrong about pretty much everything: our particular moralities, our faiths, whatever. I'm not saying that everything is merely opinion: I'm affirming the opposite. Each individual person, however, has flaws in their belief structure. Correcting those flaws takes a lifetime. There are few fixed truths in the world, but since we have the displeasure of dealing with it, best to plunge on with that in mind.
Sifu Robertson
If the goal of the I Ho Chaun is not only to become better martial artists but also engaged humans, the scope of such a project is intimidating. Because the difficulty and importance of such an endeavour goes all the way down.
In many ways, the reasons we have for holding a belief often matter more than the belief itself. This is because we tend to think of our reasoning process as static: it's hard to imagine oneself absent the beliefs and principles we each hold dear. But the reality is we are all wrong about some things, and we could be wrong about pretty much everything: our particular moralities, our faiths, whatever. I'm not saying that everything is merely opinion: I'm affirming the opposite. Each individual person, however, has flaws in their belief structure. Correcting those flaws takes a lifetime. There are few fixed truths in the world, but since we have the displeasure of dealing with it, best to plunge on with that in mind.
Sifu Robertson
True act of Kindness
The simple acts of kindness comes to play every single day of my life.We are suppose to do a certain amount a day to complete our requirements but it has become so much more for me. It has become so very obvious in my life how I wouldn't be able to function or to stay centred without receiving them. Small acts to big acts given by people every single day without any thought of how it may have impacted the receiver. This weekend has brought back winter in our area with a vengence.My elderly mother has a big driveway with nowhere to pile the snow. She is always worried about clearing it almost as soon as it touches the ground. I hired someone to clear it in the fall but have been sadly disappointed with the results. So the task fell to me. Randy is away and my kids are tied up in their own lives.I posted a statement that I would not be able to lend a hand with our adopt a driveway sidewalk this snowfall in favor of my Moms.Then it happened, that single act of kindness. The big one that snapes you out of your bad feelings. The feeling that brings you back to watching "Little house on the prairie". The Regier family showed up in their big white truck, piled out with shovels in hand along with hugs and smiles to help shovel snow! They are a great team. The boys silently work along side of their parents without complaint and everyone flows around each other until the job is done. The spirit in which they preformed this act was so much more than the deed . I felt very humbled and inspired to put more effort into my own acts of kindness. Thank you Regier family it ment everything to me. Linda Shipalesky P.S. please overlook the spelling mistakes I seem to be having problems with my spell check
Saturday, February 25, 2012
not to good of a week for numbers
Not much to report this week. It's been a not so good week for my
numbers with Chelsey being down and me not going to the extra classes.
I've really come to depend on the Monday/Wednesday classes for that
burst of extra training and as a place to do my forms. I finally got a
starting point with my stick form that I am working on in Friday's
class, so now I have something to build off of.
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Clear as Mud
Yesterday I wrote a blog speaking to the principles of techniques and applications in the martial arts.
Last night I had a frustrating class where the simplest concept eluded me. I was so focused on the right hand I did nothing with my left hand. Too focused on a small section, I missed the big picture, thanks to Sifu Freitag who pointed out the obvious and I was back on track. Simply put, the concepts of equal and opposite action, working to apply leverage and the result is a lock.
Once again, kung fu is ever humbling.
Sifu Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Last night I had a frustrating class where the simplest concept eluded me. I was so focused on the right hand I did nothing with my left hand. Too focused on a small section, I missed the big picture, thanks to Sifu Freitag who pointed out the obvious and I was back on track. Simply put, the concepts of equal and opposite action, working to apply leverage and the result is a lock.
Once again, kung fu is ever humbling.
Sifu Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Thursdays are my busiest days of the week, and with that, also the longest. I start my day by being up at 5 (4:00 if I go work out before I go to work), and then I am at my first job at 6. At 3:00, I go directly to my next job and clean a house for 2 hours, then straight to kung fu and help teach the kids classes until 7:30. The only break I get is an hour lunch at 10:00am. By the end of the day I am quite tired, my feet hurt and my legs ache. Yet still, this past week I decided to stay at the kung fu school at 7:30 and train with a few of the other I Ho Chuan members.
After 30 minutes of everyone working on their forms, we sparred for the next 30 minutes after that. I have sparred once in probably the last 2 years, if not even longer than that. My sparring skills suck, and so does my confidence. I can tell, because I am hesitant as I reeeeaaaach way out with my punches and try to hold my head back as far away from my opponent as possible. I am not sure why there is this change in me as I used to love sparring, as well as grappling.
While fighting in a tournament as a brown belt, I got in a fight for first place. Even though contact to the head was illegal, I took a bad hit to my face and my eye started to swell instantly. The injury was bad enough that I got taken out of the fight, and put in the care of the medical help standing by. My opponent was awarded first place. To this day, I wish I had been able to keep fighting. Not only because I might have taken first place, but because it is like the horse scenario. As soon as you get bucked off, you need to get back up on that horse. I had a real shiner for quite sometime as the bruising took up most of the right side of my face.
I don't know if this situation is what stole my confidence with sparring, but I suspect it was. I rarely sparred since then and when I had to spar in class, I hated it.
Thanks to the I Ho Chuan requirements, I have to get back at it, and rebuild my skills and my confidence in myself. This past Thursday evening was a big step for me. I literally had to force myself to spar, even though I was tired, and really didn't want to. I was so glad I did as I had a great time. I loved it and I loved the atmosphere that was there. Everyone was supportive, helpful and quite laid back. We all had a good time. I didn't feel in any way that I had to make an impression because of my rank. I didn't feel intimidated by the people there. I didn't feel scared.
When people talk to me about doing this I Ho Chuan they are amazed and think I am somewhat crazy to do it. They don't get it. They have troubles understanding it. I always tell people the same thing. This is the best decision I have made for myself in a very, very, long time. My boss came to visit me this week at work, and he always asks me how many pushups I have done so far. This week he questioned me a bit more about why I am doing it. He wants to know what I get in return when all is said and done. I didn't even hesitate. I told him that I will be a better person next year, than I am today.
I have very supportive friends and family. There are however a lot of people that think I am crazy. They think that it is very abnormal for me to do what I am attempting to do. They are absolutely right. That is just another reason why I do it. Because it's not normal.
After 30 minutes of everyone working on their forms, we sparred for the next 30 minutes after that. I have sparred once in probably the last 2 years, if not even longer than that. My sparring skills suck, and so does my confidence. I can tell, because I am hesitant as I reeeeaaaach way out with my punches and try to hold my head back as far away from my opponent as possible. I am not sure why there is this change in me as I used to love sparring, as well as grappling.
While fighting in a tournament as a brown belt, I got in a fight for first place. Even though contact to the head was illegal, I took a bad hit to my face and my eye started to swell instantly. The injury was bad enough that I got taken out of the fight, and put in the care of the medical help standing by. My opponent was awarded first place. To this day, I wish I had been able to keep fighting. Not only because I might have taken first place, but because it is like the horse scenario. As soon as you get bucked off, you need to get back up on that horse. I had a real shiner for quite sometime as the bruising took up most of the right side of my face.
I don't know if this situation is what stole my confidence with sparring, but I suspect it was. I rarely sparred since then and when I had to spar in class, I hated it.
Thanks to the I Ho Chuan requirements, I have to get back at it, and rebuild my skills and my confidence in myself. This past Thursday evening was a big step for me. I literally had to force myself to spar, even though I was tired, and really didn't want to. I was so glad I did as I had a great time. I loved it and I loved the atmosphere that was there. Everyone was supportive, helpful and quite laid back. We all had a good time. I didn't feel in any way that I had to make an impression because of my rank. I didn't feel intimidated by the people there. I didn't feel scared.
When people talk to me about doing this I Ho Chuan they are amazed and think I am somewhat crazy to do it. They don't get it. They have troubles understanding it. I always tell people the same thing. This is the best decision I have made for myself in a very, very, long time. My boss came to visit me this week at work, and he always asks me how many pushups I have done so far. This week he questioned me a bit more about why I am doing it. He wants to know what I get in return when all is said and done. I didn't even hesitate. I told him that I will be a better person next year, than I am today.
I have very supportive friends and family. There are however a lot of people that think I am crazy. They think that it is very abnormal for me to do what I am attempting to do. They are absolutely right. That is just another reason why I do it. Because it's not normal.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Become a Student of Principle
Trying to be a student of principle. Sometimes its easy sometimes it takes a little more brain power.
In the beginning we tend to be students of memorization. Learning a technique or application in a very perscriptive manner. If bad guy does this we must respond with movement A then B then C.
I would ask tonnes of detail and try and practice exactly the same way every time.
Which is good, the body needs correct repetition for the correct execution of the application. Somewhere along the way I realized our curriculum is loaded with Principles in the applications and techniques that can be plucked out and adapted to other scenarios. Its recognizing them and applying them appropriately that has been fun and continues to be challenging.
Sfiu Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
In the beginning we tend to be students of memorization. Learning a technique or application in a very perscriptive manner. If bad guy does this we must respond with movement A then B then C.
I would ask tonnes of detail and try and practice exactly the same way every time.
Which is good, the body needs correct repetition for the correct execution of the application. Somewhere along the way I realized our curriculum is loaded with Principles in the applications and techniques that can be plucked out and adapted to other scenarios. Its recognizing them and applying them appropriately that has been fun and continues to be challenging.
Sfiu Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Yikes! It seems that quite a few people are getting sidelined by injuries. So, I'll throw mine into the pile (even though it's minor).
I've noticed that I'm quite behind with my push-up requirement, as I allow my elbow to heal. I aggravated it during max effort squat day (a heavy barbell apparently puts lots of strain on your elbows...but it was definitely worth it), so now, I'm just playing the waiting game and allowing it to heal.
With injuries, I've noticed how humbling they are, and how they allow for numerous opportunities. With my elbow injury, thankfully, I'm only limited in horizontal pressing movements (i.e. the bench press). It's humbling to be unable to train at the level that you were at as you allow yourself time to heal. It also forces you to swallow your pride and develop patience, and allow yourself time to recuperate. As for the opportunities, waiting and watching is still training. It's a great opportunity to gently tinker with your technique (whether it is martial arts, powerlifting, etc.) and find a better and more biomechanically efficient technique (pain is a very very effective feedback mechanism).
With that in mind....injuries are still freakin' frustrating. I hope all my teammates at Silent River Kung Fu recover and heal up ASAP, and are back in full fighting order and are in good spirit soon.
Sifu Harrigan
I've noticed that I'm quite behind with my push-up requirement, as I allow my elbow to heal. I aggravated it during max effort squat day (a heavy barbell apparently puts lots of strain on your elbows...but it was definitely worth it), so now, I'm just playing the waiting game and allowing it to heal.
With injuries, I've noticed how humbling they are, and how they allow for numerous opportunities. With my elbow injury, thankfully, I'm only limited in horizontal pressing movements (i.e. the bench press). It's humbling to be unable to train at the level that you were at as you allow yourself time to heal. It also forces you to swallow your pride and develop patience, and allow yourself time to recuperate. As for the opportunities, waiting and watching is still training. It's a great opportunity to gently tinker with your technique (whether it is martial arts, powerlifting, etc.) and find a better and more biomechanically efficient technique (pain is a very very effective feedback mechanism).
With that in mind....injuries are still freakin' frustrating. I hope all my teammates at Silent River Kung Fu recover and heal up ASAP, and are back in full fighting order and are in good spirit soon.
Sifu Harrigan
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I visited my family doctor yesterday after being referred there from whatever orthopedic doctor looked at my chart. He ran some tests by pushing and pulling my leg around to see what hurt. The test ruled out the ligaments as the problem. He is fairly certain I tore my medial meniscus cartilage. That's the cartilage in the knee joint that lies between the tibia and the femur. The cartilage kind of acts like a shock absorber.
There are different kinds of tears and I'm not sure which one I have. Depending on the severity of the tear, it may heal on its own or require surgery. My doctor said there is probably a piece of loose cartilage in my knee moving around which is causing the pain. The sensation of my knee giving out in one direction would be caused by the missing piece of cartilage. There is now a gap in the cartilage where the bone slides so instead of stopping where it used to it skips off/over it.
Anyway, I'm booked for an MRI to find out how bad it's torn. I'll probably have to wait a couple months before I can even get the MRI. There's pretty much two scenarios for the treatment. First:the loose piece of cartilage will dissolve and my knee will heal on its own by the time I get in for the MRI, this could take a few weeks. Second: my knee doesn't heal on its own by the time I go for the MRI, which probably means I have a serious tear and will require surgery. Not much I can do for in the meantime except baby it like I've been doing.
Obviously this throws a rather large wrench into the majority of my requirements so I'm going to have to be strategic. The past week I couldn't do anything at all but I'm beginning to think it might be alright to start doing certain exercises again.
Sifu Wetter
There are different kinds of tears and I'm not sure which one I have. Depending on the severity of the tear, it may heal on its own or require surgery. My doctor said there is probably a piece of loose cartilage in my knee moving around which is causing the pain. The sensation of my knee giving out in one direction would be caused by the missing piece of cartilage. There is now a gap in the cartilage where the bone slides so instead of stopping where it used to it skips off/over it.
Anyway, I'm booked for an MRI to find out how bad it's torn. I'll probably have to wait a couple months before I can even get the MRI. There's pretty much two scenarios for the treatment. First:the loose piece of cartilage will dissolve and my knee will heal on its own by the time I get in for the MRI, this could take a few weeks. Second: my knee doesn't heal on its own by the time I go for the MRI, which probably means I have a serious tear and will require surgery. Not much I can do for in the meantime except baby it like I've been doing.
Obviously this throws a rather large wrench into the majority of my requirements so I'm going to have to be strategic. The past week I couldn't do anything at all but I'm beginning to think it might be alright to start doing certain exercises again.
Sifu Wetter
Making Adjustments
I had my first physio appointment this morning. I have what's called Patellofemoral Syndrome. My knee cap doesn't track properly because some muscles in my leg are too tight, and some aren't strong enough to create a balance. Also, with much surprise, I have an issue with my lower back putting pressure on a few of my nerves which is apparently a huge contributing factor to this.
So along with some pain, we've got a healing plan worked out, and six sessions booked. He did recommend that because my forms and tai chi cause the most swelling in my knees, that I'll have to take it easy or it might disrupt the healing process.
Although this is going to be very difficult for me (I do A LOT of forms and tai chi) I want my knees to get better quickly. Some adjustments are going to have to be made...
It Couldn't Be Done
Believe it or not, I'm reading a chapter called "Dealing with Procrastination" in a book called Productivity Power. At the end of the chapter (which is only 5 pages long, guess the writer figured he'd better get to the point before we decided to put it off for a while) is a poem, which I'm going to quote here.
It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar A. Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied.
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he'd worried, he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one has ever done it."
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew, he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done" and you'll do it.
I like it. I plan on working "quiddit" into my daily vocabulary too.
Khona Rybak
It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar A. Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied.
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he'd worried, he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one has ever done it."
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew, he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done" and you'll do it.
I like it. I plan on working "quiddit" into my daily vocabulary too.
Khona Rybak
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
He Also Found the Milk in the Pantry Once
I don't really have anything specific to write about, so this is going to be a montage of things I've thought about over the last week or so.
I was just outside looking at the stars. I know we learn about stars and planets in school, but it doesn't really hit home about the size of this place until you're looking up at the sky and go, woah.
Animals are smarter than we realize. Chloe was staring at me from the floor, but as soon as I gave her a nod she jumped right up on the couch beside me. Have you heard that gophers have the most sophisticated language next to us?
Alternating from regular push ups to tricep push ups can leave you stranded on the floor.
Zombies are real. I watched Nick try to wake up at 3am this morning (had to be at work for 5). I went back to sleep.
When a rock is coming toward your windshield, I dare you not to duck. Now that's instinct in action.
A student asked me "when your doing a high rising block, what is your other arm doing?". I don't think anyone else in the room understood why I got so excited. Oh the teaching possibilities.
Several months ago, our coffee creamer went missing. After 3 days, Nick found it in the microwave. This is a good indication that I really need to practice "Where am I? What am I doing?" more often.
Sifu Rybak
I was just outside looking at the stars. I know we learn about stars and planets in school, but it doesn't really hit home about the size of this place until you're looking up at the sky and go, woah.
Animals are smarter than we realize. Chloe was staring at me from the floor, but as soon as I gave her a nod she jumped right up on the couch beside me. Have you heard that gophers have the most sophisticated language next to us?
Alternating from regular push ups to tricep push ups can leave you stranded on the floor.
Zombies are real. I watched Nick try to wake up at 3am this morning (had to be at work for 5). I went back to sleep.
When a rock is coming toward your windshield, I dare you not to duck. Now that's instinct in action.
A student asked me "when your doing a high rising block, what is your other arm doing?". I don't think anyone else in the room understood why I got so excited. Oh the teaching possibilities.
Several months ago, our coffee creamer went missing. After 3 days, Nick found it in the microwave. This is a good indication that I really need to practice "Where am I? What am I doing?" more often.
Sifu Rybak
Mornings... amiright?
Sihing Jon Robinson
I've been trying to make some changes to my life to help me finally step that last step towards my black belt. I'm eating differently, I'm going to all of the weekday classes (except mornings) and I even moved to the west end of Edmonton from downtown so I'd be closer. Sadly, this isn't gonna cut it. I've tried to avoid taking the final and most drastic step, but it might have to happen.
I'm going to have to start getting up..... EARLY.
I am not a morning person. My resolve is at the lowest and the only thing I am capable of is opening my eyes a bit and stumbling to the shower. I've lately been trying to get my first 100 right as I roll out but instead have been breaking my reps into smaller sets. I can do 60 or so pushups in a row, but morning-me doesn't want to. Starting tomorrow, I must get up and drag my sorry behind down to the stationary bike or treadmill and bang out some km followed by stretching and more pushups and situps. What I need from my teammates (meaning you guys) is some advice on how to make this happen more consistently. Any tips and tricks to get up early are appreciated.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thank Goodness For Strong Necks And Opportunities.

The title of this post pretty much sums it all up.
Last night, I wasn't paying attention and I ended up missing a step going downstairs to the kitchen resulting in me falling down 7 hardwood steps. After lying on the ground for a bit, I realized that I wasn't hurt, and I *thankfully* didn't knock myself out on the way down. I'd like to give a shout-out to my Kung Fu for this. The many minutes of laying flat on my back and holding my head off the ground really payed off for me. I was able to subconsciously tighten my neck muscles and keep my head up while I was falling down the stairs. I truly think that the fact that I didn't even have to think about doing this was awesome. I walked away with only sore neck muscles and what we think to me a minor concussion.
On a lighter note, I've been given an opportunity to develop one of my personal requirements tomorrow afternoon. I was asked to help photograph the dress rehearsal of our school production of Seussical The Musical. This is extremely exciting because I will be able to use one of our schools hi-tec cameras and all of our editing equipment. Since one of my personal requirements for the UBBT was to create my own photography portfolio, I will be able to use some of these pictures to kick start this little project. I am extremely excited as I've never gotten the chance to photograph theatre before, and I believe that there's a lot to be learned tomorrow and I'm excited for every chance that I get.
Cheers! :)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Funny that someone else has already blogged about running, must've been the gorgeous weather. Today I went out for my first run of the season--way earlier than usual for me, but it was sooooo gorgeous out today, I couldnt resist. I can honestly say, I look forward to runnng again this season. It wasnt always that way. I started running 4? years ago? after looking forward in my training to the black belt test. Knowing I sucked at running, I figured I should give myself a few years start (same with the pushups and situps. Too bad I never started the chinups.) I was a battle; I forced myself to run 3x a week, not really enjoying it, but determined. I used the podcasts from 'couch potato to 5km' to get me going.
Then last year, to my surprise, I found I was actually looking forward to running--chomping at the bit to get out even! That shocked me. And then to have Sifu Regier take us on 'a little run' my second week into it (only 8-10km) and I could do it! That was an amazing moment. I even went on the same run a few days later just to prove to myself I could do it again. Now I can honestly say I enjoy the run--I dont even listen to music, its like a meditation. I focus on my breathing, on my steps--keeping them easy,light and relaxed.
So for my first run I figured I'd see how far I could go--normally I start slow. And I did 3-4km. I'm impressed. I love the changes kungfu has made in me, I love being fit enough to jump into stuff. And Sihing Regier, my dog loves it too:)
Then last year, to my surprise, I found I was actually looking forward to running--chomping at the bit to get out even! That shocked me. And then to have Sifu Regier take us on 'a little run' my second week into it (only 8-10km) and I could do it! That was an amazing moment. I even went on the same run a few days later just to prove to myself I could do it again. Now I can honestly say I enjoy the run--I dont even listen to music, its like a meditation. I focus on my breathing, on my steps--keeping them easy,light and relaxed.
So for my first run I figured I'd see how far I could go--normally I start slow. And I did 3-4km. I'm impressed. I love the changes kungfu has made in me, I love being fit enough to jump into stuff. And Sihing Regier, my dog loves it too:)
The major change I did this last week was to change my weapon to master especially after seeing Sihing Lowery attack both herself and her lawn chairs with her spear and reading that Sifu Bryant's revelation was that chucks do go through windows quite nicely. After serious contemplation about having the Nerf pool noodle as my weapon, my fear then was that I would not be taken seriously neither as a martial artist or weapon bearer. It was then that I decided to reconnect with a weapon that I started to play around with last year and has been calling my name since and at times being a persistent "nag".
I have decided to change my weapon from the chucks (and save any surrounding windows) to my fan. When I picked up my fan again, it just felt right on so many levels. I was like a kid with a new toy seeing what happens when I do this or that and I do happen to think that the sound a fan being opened is very cool. After talking to Sifu Michael Playter about my fan (and getting the okay from Sifu Brinker) and how it's used for both as a weapon and as a distraction, I'm on a whole new level of excitement. Plus watching some of the videos on YouTube has granted a whole new level of respect for the fan as well. With my new-found knowledge I will be working out some cool moves and putting those cool moves together into a Beta version form so stay tuned.
Another change/phase is that gluten is one aspect that I will be scaling back on in my diet. I did try gluten-free for a period last year in November and it did not fair well for me. Looking back I was cold-turkey subbing out one starch for another and my body was revolting. This time around I will be doing the phase-out method while keeping my diet moderate to high raw. Today I got a recipe for a gluten-free pizza crust that uses chick pea flour. Guess what I'll be trying tonight for supper?
Sherri Donohue
I have decided to change my weapon from the chucks (and save any surrounding windows) to my fan. When I picked up my fan again, it just felt right on so many levels. I was like a kid with a new toy seeing what happens when I do this or that and I do happen to think that the sound a fan being opened is very cool. After talking to Sifu Michael Playter about my fan (and getting the okay from Sifu Brinker) and how it's used for both as a weapon and as a distraction, I'm on a whole new level of excitement. Plus watching some of the videos on YouTube has granted a whole new level of respect for the fan as well. With my new-found knowledge I will be working out some cool moves and putting those cool moves together into a Beta version form so stay tuned.
Another change/phase is that gluten is one aspect that I will be scaling back on in my diet. I did try gluten-free for a period last year in November and it did not fair well for me. Looking back I was cold-turkey subbing out one starch for another and my body was revolting. This time around I will be doing the phase-out method while keeping my diet moderate to high raw. Today I got a recipe for a gluten-free pizza crust that uses chick pea flour. Guess what I'll be trying tonight for supper?
Sherri Donohue
Getting more comfortable, bit by bit
This past week was my second round of sparring with members of the I Ho Chuan. I will admitt I was very nervous when I realized that all the people that had shown up were Sihings and Sifus. I have to thank everyone for making it a great learning opportunity. Everything I have done in sparring has been with as much control and limited contact as I could manage. I'm not afraid to spar, its more I know that I have limits on my control and reactions in sparring. The first rounds two thursdays ago were me basically trying to see when my opponent was moving and just trying to react to them, with an occasional front thrust kick or a couple jabs thrown by me. This last thursday I was finally seeing more and trying to counter and flow more. I know I have a long ways to go, but I am happy that I am growing more comfortable and gaining a better understanding of how people move. I see better now when and how my opponent is moving but I still have a long ways to go when it comes to my reactions. I know I tend to use the wrong block or really big movements that put me in unbalanced positions or open me up. I had so many aha moments as each of my opponents showed me different ways to counter, block or even attack with flow. Thanks to everyone that "schooled" me as the saying goes. With alot more practise and time I hope I can help someone in the future as much as I have been helped the last few weeks.
My Furry Training Partner
In June 2011, our family set out on a mission to find a cat. Our cat we had was very old and had disappeared. I had spent a lot of time searching on kijiji and in the local papers when finally an ad was posted. The lady who had posted lived only about 6 miles away, so off the kids and I went. When we got there, there was a golden retriever (my dream dog) tied to a tree, anxious to meet anyone coming in the driveway. As soon as the kids got out of the car they were like magnets to the dog. We all forgot about the cat. As it turned out, the cat wasn’t going to work, but we came home with the dog.
Our dog, Lady (not Darcy’s choice of names), is our almost 5 year old puppy. Her previous owners were an older couple who were not able to give her the attention and exercise she needed. We now have an almost 5 year old, 80lb, full of energy, addition to our family. She has turned out to be one of the best additions ever, especially for myself. I love to walk, and not a slow pokey pace, so this has been great, I think I have met my match. Before she joined our family, I still went for my daily walks, however, not with the same dedication and commitment. One of my challenges this year is to run a leg in the Grand Cache Death Race. As of last week it is official, I am signed up and paid for. I am not a natural born runner like some, so I am having to change my training in order to prepare myself for August. The most consistent and loyal training partner I have so far has been Lady. I find myself waking up before its light or anyone else is awake to take her out for her first walk/run/drag of the day. I have to be honest and say that there are many mornings where I say to myself “maybe I’ll just go later and sleep in that extra 30 minutes “ or “surely she isn’t going want to go out in 35 below temperture.” However, somehow I find myself getting up anyway, just in case. I am rewarded with trusting and happy eyes, a furry face and a wagging tail waiting. I think to myself, if she can hack it so can I, and off we go. It only takes the first kilometer to get a kick start and feel awake. The best time of the day for me has turned out to be early in the morning. It is quiet and relaxing, allowing a person to truly just enjoy everything around them. Our morning routine has turned out to be just what I need to get me started for the rest of the day! Lately I have noticed just what these walks/runs/drags have been doing for me physically. About a week and half ago we did the shuttle run in class and I felt great, I could have kept going. Then there are a couple of hills we encounter on our walk through the park reserve that I can take at a good run and don’t even have me puffing anymore. Something as simple as 10 km day walks has turned out to benefit me in more ways than I thought. I feel better both mentally and physically. In actually logging kilometers since January, I am amazed at how they can add up quickly. I have a heard a number of people say that the hardest number for them to keep up in their training has been their kilometers. This is the one for me that I find easy and an absolute joy.
I have become more aware of the benefit to having training partners, whether they are furry or not. Dedicated and encouraging partners motivate me to spend the time training as well as push me beyond where I think my limits are. I am very fortunate to have a few of these such partners, most of them in my own family. So a big thanks to them!
I wonder if they would allow a dog to run in the race?
Alana Regier
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Looking through the smoke
Thats the
perspective I am seeing at this time. I see that as the dust clears as each and
everyone works through our team requirements and challenges the full direction
of this challenge. You have to incorporate your kung fu into everyday in order
to achieve this challenge and better yourself , and others as a true martial
artist. I see a complete lifestyle make over and if you are working towards your
goals it happens without even thinking about it. As I go through my goals and
numbers, I am not dreading to do situps, throwing some kicks out, or seeking to
do something nice for someone. I see it as a turn for the better, for me, my
family and the people I hold close. Starting your day with some push ups or
sittups or whatever you do sure helps meet some numbers because you have already
completed something before you leave the house.
Its not all easy and great at times, in fact sometimes it sucks and can be overwelming. Injurys, unexpected situations, work and family commitments occur and you still have to find time to accomplish a daily requirement. There also comes thoughts of doubt at times, but fortunately we have each other and our journals to stay focused and give each other a swift kick in the butt or help dust one another off and carry on our journeys as a team.
Brian Chervenka
Its not all easy and great at times, in fact sometimes it sucks and can be overwelming. Injurys, unexpected situations, work and family commitments occur and you still have to find time to accomplish a daily requirement. There also comes thoughts of doubt at times, but fortunately we have each other and our journals to stay focused and give each other a swift kick in the butt or help dust one another off and carry on our journeys as a team.
Brian Chervenka
Focal Point
I often look at myself, and say, “ am I being true and honest to myself, am I living up
to my own expectations of who I want to be?”. Essentially, where am I and what
am I doing? I have found that the answer does not come very quick and clear, at
all times, which makes me wonder and think that maybe I’m not being and doing
all I can to be who I want to be.
I started reading a book on “Law of Attraction”, which I have belief in and feel
that with the mind control and self mind manipulation that you can make your
wishes and dreams viable and more attainable. Each and every step of my day, I
see and encounter challenges that test my ability to reach goals, success or to
make a difference. These goals, even the smallest are not attainable without some
sort of physical or mental effort. I can bypass many things through my day that
I have the power to change, but not only would I let myself down, but miss an opportunity
to make a difference and loss sight of my target.
Without a consistent and distinct focal point or purpose I find my target gets blurred.
I believe part of my issue, is that, my trails meander and don’t meet at the same
point in the road. I believe the key for me is to put more focus on the
challenges, instead of the straight and narrow stuff, which in turn should
allow more growth. That might seems like the obvious, but I think if I
occasionally throw this back in my own face and continue to manipulate my mind
in that direction, that it will remain true.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta.
to my own expectations of who I want to be?”. Essentially, where am I and what
am I doing? I have found that the answer does not come very quick and clear, at
all times, which makes me wonder and think that maybe I’m not being and doing
all I can to be who I want to be.
I started reading a book on “Law of Attraction”, which I have belief in and feel
that with the mind control and self mind manipulation that you can make your
wishes and dreams viable and more attainable. Each and every step of my day, I
see and encounter challenges that test my ability to reach goals, success or to
make a difference. These goals, even the smallest are not attainable without some
sort of physical or mental effort. I can bypass many things through my day that
I have the power to change, but not only would I let myself down, but miss an opportunity
to make a difference and loss sight of my target.
Without a consistent and distinct focal point or purpose I find my target gets blurred.
I believe part of my issue, is that, my trails meander and don’t meet at the same
point in the road. I believe the key for me is to put more focus on the
challenges, instead of the straight and narrow stuff, which in turn should
allow more growth. That might seems like the obvious, but I think if I
occasionally throw this back in my own face and continue to manipulate my mind
in that direction, that it will remain true.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, Stony Plain, Alberta.
Needed a boost
As the weeks go by and the routine takes shape things can become a little easier as we make our way through. Today unfortunately was a great example of low energy and motivation can be a detriment. This was likely caused by the past few weeks of little sleep and much worry. I always say that when I am energetic and motivated it is easy to tackle the daily pushups, situps and other requirements but when you have no energy and push through it can be more rewarding. This was definitely true of today, I really had to force myself to do these things but it left me with a smile that I could still keep up the pace and momentum. Tomorrow will be much easier I’m sure. Oh and when practising weapons such as say nunchuks and you turn slip and fire they can and will go right through a double pane window with ease. Luckily Home Depot was still open……
Sifu Bryant
Healthy Meals #2
Hey everyone it is time for my second healthy meal. What i will put down here is just enough for one Fajita. If you would like a second Fajita, just double the recipe.
1 flour tortilla
3 ounces of grilled chicken or 3 ounces of steak
1/2 cup grilled onions and green peppers
1/2 cup mushrooms ( you do not need to put mushrooms in it if you want I just like mushrooms)
2 tablespoons of salsa
1 tablespoon sour cream
For spice use Mrs. Dash( I do not normally say which spices to use, because i never measure, nor do I use the same spices all the time.)
The thing with this recipe is moderation and how much salsa you use and sour cream. Surprisingly enough buying some low fat products come with a different bite, and that is HIGH sodium. So be careful when buying low fat products. You are allowed sodium, but in moderation if you want to put less sour cream and salsa go ahead. Also the sauces does not have to be limit to just what i put up there you can have other sauces if you would like. You can use 1 tablespoon of avocado if you like instead, it is high in fat but good fat, fat that helps burn fat. So I hope you enjoy and now only ten of my healthy recipes to go.
1 flour tortilla
3 ounces of grilled chicken or 3 ounces of steak
1/2 cup grilled onions and green peppers
1/2 cup mushrooms ( you do not need to put mushrooms in it if you want I just like mushrooms)
2 tablespoons of salsa
1 tablespoon sour cream
For spice use Mrs. Dash( I do not normally say which spices to use, because i never measure, nor do I use the same spices all the time.)
The thing with this recipe is moderation and how much salsa you use and sour cream. Surprisingly enough buying some low fat products come with a different bite, and that is HIGH sodium. So be careful when buying low fat products. You are allowed sodium, but in moderation if you want to put less sour cream and salsa go ahead. Also the sauces does not have to be limit to just what i put up there you can have other sauces if you would like. You can use 1 tablespoon of avocado if you like instead, it is high in fat but good fat, fat that helps burn fat. So I hope you enjoy and now only ten of my healthy recipes to go.
Today is my rest day. Yet still, I feel a want to go play with my weapon, or jump on the bike. I won't. I know that my body needs today to rest, more than most Sundays. My glutes and my quads are really hurting today. I worked out for 4 hours yesterday and have been pushing hard on the bike all week. I love this feeling though. It is like a feeling of accomplishment: a feeling of pushing beyond. There seems to be a sense of power in this feeling somehow. Not in an arrogant way, but in a way that I feel I am in control. I am in full control of where I am going in my life by the choices I make, and making the choice to do the I HO Chuan this year has been the best choice for me of all at this time in my life. Tied directly to that are choices to be healthy, to be physically fit, to try and get close to my personal potential, to be a better martial artist, and to learn to be a better person tomorrow, than I am today. I control that. No one else. Therein lies hope, and faith, and the ability to be positive and move forward with a healthy attitude. Therein for me, lies the power.
The single life
This coming week will see a change for me I haven't experienced is at least ten years. Randy (my husband) will be working out of the country, Florida to be precise. The plan is for at least three months,but it's a wait and see thing. The good side if there is one, I'll have more time to focus on my training. The bad thing is focusing. I know from past experience that my emotions take a spiral. I will be fighting depression for the first few weeks and you know how hard it is to stay in the moment when all you can think of is him. My youngest daughter will have to see the inside of the change rooms a lot more often and I will have to make some adjusting to suit her schedule. I never minded being by myself as a matter of fact I like my own company,but he is such a big part of who I am that I never stop missing him I know what your thinking "suck it up " and you'd be right and I will eventually. I wanted to say I love my tai chi sword. I thought it might be heavy but it's well balanced and that makes a big difference. So I know I have no balance and I know you want to tell me how it should be done just remember to have patience I truly am trying.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Another boo boo
Last night I took a kick in the side of the knee while my leg was at the worst possible angle for it. After dropping to the mats for a bit, with some help, I got up and hobbled home. I would like to say thanks to everyone there for helping out. I'm borrowing a tensor bandage and an ice pack from the school. I was lucky to be giving Sifu Robertson a ride there because he drove me back home.
Today after lots of ice and ibuprofen it definitely feels weird moving my leg a certain direction. It feels like my knee has way less support than it should to the inside. So I went to the Royal Alex to get it looked at. The doctor confirmed there is more movement than normal to the inside but wasn't positive what it is. She suspected a sprained or torn MCL but made me an appointment with orthopedics to get it looked at again. Meanwhile I'm supposed to stay off it and keep a tensor on. I used my McNeil cane to the hospital and got a nice comment on it. Who knew? Its good for beating people and healing!
So it looks like I'm down for a bit. Obviously I'm a little peeved right now. I just hope it heals fast.
Today after lots of ice and ibuprofen it definitely feels weird moving my leg a certain direction. It feels like my knee has way less support than it should to the inside. So I went to the Royal Alex to get it looked at. The doctor confirmed there is more movement than normal to the inside but wasn't positive what it is. She suspected a sprained or torn MCL but made me an appointment with orthopedics to get it looked at again. Meanwhile I'm supposed to stay off it and keep a tensor on. I used my McNeil cane to the hospital and got a nice comment on it. Who knew? Its good for beating people and healing!
So it looks like I'm down for a bit. Obviously I'm a little peeved right now. I just hope it heals fast.
4 of 52
So last night during pushups and situps I was watching the 'Nature of Things' with one of my favorite people David Suzuki. David and his daughter were doing a cross canada tour of 'Sustainable Urban Intiatives' through various cities in Canada. It was an awesome reflection on Canadians ... despite the federal mindset, REAL CANADIANS were involved with sustainable buildings, urban farming, alternate fuel sources, and recycling (Edmonton shines in this area). The majority of this is driven by young people, the future of Canada is changing... people with the heart and time to make sure that what has been started continues far into the future.
Not only do these concepts work in theory but the applications are effective economically as well, which can be a deciding factor in whether the concept 'takes' or not. These intiatives create jobs, improves quality of life in urban centres (80% of the population lives in urban centres) and provides locally grown food for a significant number of people. As all these young people continue to brainstorm and invent new ways of sustainable living these and new concepts will become integrated into society. Sure it will take a generation ... however if we keep careful watch on big business and governing bodies with their sociopathic tendancies we CAN change things.
On another note ... I know lots of people and a friend brought this to my attention ...
Internet law expert Michael Geist recently revealed that behind-the-scenes, Big Media is pushing for powers that include website blocking4, Internet termination for unproven allegations of infringement5, and huge threats for sites that host user-generated content (like YouTube)6 in addition to the “most restrictive digital lock provisions in the world,”7 which are already in Bill C-11.
This approach is backwards: it suffocates online choice and it’s patently unfair.
It's time for policy makers to stop listening to megacorporate lobbyists and work to put Canada on the map as a leader in Internet openness and affordability.
Tell the Prime Minister and the Industry Minister to say no to the Internet lockdown before it's too late.
Its something to think about and investigate ...
Sifu Beckett
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Just An Update.
I do have a certain blog post that I want to put up, but I have to think about it for a bit longer. So stay tuned.
But, I felt that It was time to put up another little update on how my training has been going.
First off,
I'm really excited about the get together between all of the I Ho Chaun members tonight after the kids classes. I've missed the last two, being sick and such; but today I feel the best that I've felt in awhile. I think I've finally beat this cold thing I've had for quite awhile. Needless to say I'm back into action.
One of the weapons that I've decided to focus on are the Sais. I've decided to try to create a 'rough draft' of an original form. I really struggled with this at first, but now the creative juices are starting to flow, and It's finally starting to look like something. Yay!
We have yet another short week at school, and we can all tell that the teachers are starting to stress a little bit. We've been getting tones of homework, but I haven't started falling behind, and I don't plan on that ever happening. So far I've been able to maintain all of my averages at around the 90% mark. Which is really good, considering my personal requirement was at least 80%.
My training has been going really well, and I haven't quite started to badly fall behind on my numbers yet. I've been booked to start physio on the 2nd of March for my knees, so we will see how that goes.
If we could see inside people we could see the true measure of their courage.
Often we do not even realize what someone is dealing with inside, we just see their actions.
Something that may seem courageous to us may in fact just be another day in the life of a well trainined individual.
The differeence or the true measure of courage is the size or extent of fear. Fear, aniexty, stress.
The larger the fear, the more courage is required to go where you dont want to go, sometimes at all costs.
From the outside we usually cant see this, mostly because people are pretty good at hiding their fears.
The fear of not succeeding, the fear of getting hurt(physical or emotional) the fear of rejection or not belonging, the fear of not being the right fit. The fear of embarrasment or humilitation, the fear of being alone.
There are many courageous people we encounter everyday, I think we really have no idea what some people go through, sometimes when we realize their fears by listening, taking the time to get to know them and their challenges we may be more than just suprised at their courage but inspired as well.
JC Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Often we do not even realize what someone is dealing with inside, we just see their actions.
Something that may seem courageous to us may in fact just be another day in the life of a well trainined individual.
The differeence or the true measure of courage is the size or extent of fear. Fear, aniexty, stress.
The larger the fear, the more courage is required to go where you dont want to go, sometimes at all costs.
From the outside we usually cant see this, mostly because people are pretty good at hiding their fears.
The fear of not succeeding, the fear of getting hurt(physical or emotional) the fear of rejection or not belonging, the fear of not being the right fit. The fear of embarrasment or humilitation, the fear of being alone.
There are many courageous people we encounter everyday, I think we really have no idea what some people go through, sometimes when we realize their fears by listening, taking the time to get to know them and their challenges we may be more than just suprised at their courage but inspired as well.
JC Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Comfort Zone Conspiracy
It seems to be that when I'm out of my comfort zone in one area, all other comfort zones feel the need to jockey for position to see just who is the alpha. Last week it was sparring that started it all. Well let's add in the fitness stripe test (squat thrusts are my nemesis), torch anxiety over making dragons, oh hey let's plunk down cash for a new kiln, glass order, plane ticket. Oh and don't forget show entries for Leduc Black Gold Rodeo, Lloydminster Christmas, Stettler is also saying hello, and I'm sure Ponoka Stampede will be following up very shortly. Did I miss any comfort zone here?
Even though this is almost a "feeding frenzy", there is good news on the horizon. All of the comfort zones are related so when I work on one, I'm working on them all. Does that mean when it's done, it's done? Not necessarily and it when I run into this conspiracy again, I will be at a whole new level and that is good.
As for the dragons, I have made another two and through each process I can see where to improve and make the process more efficient. I have found out that no matter which toe I put on first, it's always the easiest toe to put on. Yes it's a drag to melt one part while making the other (flame always gets in the way), but I shall get a system figured out. I have found that making the wings separate paid off and I will be trying that with the legs. As with my horses, I have found that my dragon heads are more caricature than "realistic" and yes I can find that frustrating. However as Dennis puts it, that just might be my innate style so why fight it? Yeah, he's right but do I really want to be a person who specializes in googly-eyed dragons? Hah! I knew there was another comfort zone lurking around.
Oh well, step by step, dragon by dragon, I shall get to the next level for that is the only way I will grow both as a person and an artist. Will I be ready for the next comfort zone conspiracy when this one is ironed out? Who knows, but I will make every effort to ensure that I'm the alpha, not the comfort zones.
Sherri Donohue
Even though this is almost a "feeding frenzy", there is good news on the horizon. All of the comfort zones are related so when I work on one, I'm working on them all. Does that mean when it's done, it's done? Not necessarily and it when I run into this conspiracy again, I will be at a whole new level and that is good.
As for the dragons, I have made another two and through each process I can see where to improve and make the process more efficient. I have found out that no matter which toe I put on first, it's always the easiest toe to put on. Yes it's a drag to melt one part while making the other (flame always gets in the way), but I shall get a system figured out. I have found that making the wings separate paid off and I will be trying that with the legs. As with my horses, I have found that my dragon heads are more caricature than "realistic" and yes I can find that frustrating. However as Dennis puts it, that just might be my innate style so why fight it? Yeah, he's right but do I really want to be a person who specializes in googly-eyed dragons? Hah! I knew there was another comfort zone lurking around.
Oh well, step by step, dragon by dragon, I shall get to the next level for that is the only way I will grow both as a person and an artist. Will I be ready for the next comfort zone conspiracy when this one is ironed out? Who knows, but I will make every effort to ensure that I'm the alpha, not the comfort zones.
Sherri Donohue
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Where I'm at...
Sihing Jon Robinson
Most of my physical goals are at or around par, except for the kilometres. Those pesky miles just keep sneaking past me. I need to be more diligent about hopping on those exercise bikes. I still can't get the hang of doing my 100 pushups before anything else in the morning but am working my way towards that. I took Mr. Hamilton's advice and am doing a handful of sets in the morning as I get ready for the day so that before I leave I complete at least 100. This is working nicely.
My personal goals are seeing steps taken to get me closer! I am officially applying to the local school boards as a teacher so that I can get my career started (personal goal #1). I also went to my first drop-in gymnastics session and practiced some flips and kicks on the springy floor so my 5 acrobatic techniques are on the way in (goal #2). I spoke with one of the people working there and found out about a school that is bilingual for English and Mandarin Chinese that i will try and volunteer at to increase my teacher-related skills (#3) as well as to help me become more fluent in Chinese (#4!). Also, definite plans are set for hiking the West Coast Trail (#5) and I even have some of my gear already. NO CANDY HAS BEEN CONSUMED!!! (#7).
Solid start, I think. I have a few more that I need to get started on, but they can wait for tomorrow. I'm not saying that in a procrastinarory kind of way, I'm just tired and hopping into bed.
Comments and thoughts are funny.
A single comment, however brief it may be, can act like a seed. Once a comment has been said, it may become planted in the mind of another. This comment (or seed) may then begin to grow and flourish, or it may simply remain a dormant seed. Or, it may begin to grow, but the resulting impact within our minds may simply be a fledgling train of thought that eventually dies out.
My brother asked a simple question today; I responded with a simple answer. But the seed has already been planted, and it already has begun to grow.
We'll see where this goes.
Sifu Harrigan
A single comment, however brief it may be, can act like a seed. Once a comment has been said, it may become planted in the mind of another. This comment (or seed) may then begin to grow and flourish, or it may simply remain a dormant seed. Or, it may begin to grow, but the resulting impact within our minds may simply be a fledgling train of thought that eventually dies out.
My brother asked a simple question today; I responded with a simple answer. But the seed has already been planted, and it already has begun to grow.
We'll see where this goes.
Sifu Harrigan
Spear saga
I have to admit, kungfu is not easy to fit it--not so much to your life, but into your living space. I have been in I Ho Chaun for over a year now, and have gained a plethora of weaponry. I love the weapons; its different, and great fun to play with. Plus it makes people ask questions when they come in the house. But the weapons have their price--in the process of filling the dents in the walls in my room, have dented my sword on the patio furniture, tons of marks on the deck, not to mention my own bruises. By far the most destructive (and yet my favorite weapon) has been my spear, with and without the pointy end. Nothing like losing your grip on that weapon and have it fly out of your hand to make you cringe! But now my spear is took on the deck chairs. They've already had it out with the broad sword, and have had a few skimishes with the cane,stick and spear (you'd think I'd learn and sell them or something), but this time it was a full out attack. I was practicing spear form and whipped the spear around hard, slamming it into the chairs, denting the spear tip/neck so bad the metal actually cracked. Crap. Not to be topped by the chairs, I ordered a new spearhead, which my ever-patient partner put on for me. It didnt fit the same, but he shaved some wood off, and got it fixed on tight. (After me playing with it and complaining it was loose.)
So there I went, happily whipping it around again, forgetting the chairs were still there, plotting more destruction. This time, I was practicing some fancy helicopter moves aka Sifu Playter, and the end hit the chairs, bounced back and speared me in the forehead. Blood, swelling, end of practice, murderous thoughts at the chairs......
You'd think that would be enough, but then, not 1 week later, I'm practicing again--yes the chairs are moved now!--and noticed the tip seems a touch loose. Strange. It was screwed in good, and didnt seem to have shifted. 5 mins later the tip flys across the yard as the spear cracked right up into the tip. Oops. Seems the chairs have won this time. Guess I'll be ordering another spear.....
So there I went, happily whipping it around again, forgetting the chairs were still there, plotting more destruction. This time, I was practicing some fancy helicopter moves aka Sifu Playter, and the end hit the chairs, bounced back and speared me in the forehead. Blood, swelling, end of practice, murderous thoughts at the chairs......
You'd think that would be enough, but then, not 1 week later, I'm practicing again--yes the chairs are moved now!--and noticed the tip seems a touch loose. Strange. It was screwed in good, and didnt seem to have shifted. 5 mins later the tip flys across the yard as the spear cracked right up into the tip. Oops. Seems the chairs have won this time. Guess I'll be ordering another spear.....
Feel The Love
Today is Valentine's Day and, in my opinion, is the most manipulative commercial conspiracy going. If a guy does not buy his gal flowers (which by the way are jacked way up in price a week before V-Day), on this "special" day he is an ultimate loser who should repent by spending the rest of his life in the doghouse. Tell me what's wrong with the gift of flowers on all of the OTHER days of the year. Oh yes, and if the gal does not receive gifts of flora, diamonds, dining out, and chocolate on this ever special day, well then she is just not worthy of such love and lavishness. Again, according to my calendar ( including Google), there are 364 (365 for 2012) other days in the year. Talk about a commercialism guilt trip of which many buy in to.
So what if today was used solely as an excuse to express love? What if today was an excuse to be kind to someone, give them that extra special jumbo charmer of a smile or pick up the phone to say "Hi"? What if today was used as an excuse to do something special for someone? And what if, just what if that someone was yourself? What would happen if today was an excuse to look yourself in the mirror, square in the eye, and say "I love you"? What would happen if today was an excuse to do something special for yourself today? What if this all felt so good that one couldn't wait until next Valentine's, one indulged sooner, monthly or even weekly? What if today was an excuse to give someone special (self included) a hug that lasted for at least 10 seconds (no timing allowed)? I wonder what would happen. It just might be something to try and after all, it just might be addictive.
So with a wave and a big, pearly white smile, Happy Valentine's Day.
Sherri Donohue
So what if today was used solely as an excuse to express love? What if today was an excuse to be kind to someone, give them that extra special jumbo charmer of a smile or pick up the phone to say "Hi"? What if today was used as an excuse to do something special for someone? And what if, just what if that someone was yourself? What would happen if today was an excuse to look yourself in the mirror, square in the eye, and say "I love you"? What would happen if today was an excuse to do something special for yourself today? What if this all felt so good that one couldn't wait until next Valentine's, one indulged sooner, monthly or even weekly? What if today was an excuse to give someone special (self included) a hug that lasted for at least 10 seconds (no timing allowed)? I wonder what would happen. It just might be something to try and after all, it just might be addictive.
So with a wave and a big, pearly white smile, Happy Valentine's Day.
Sherri Donohue
Traded Sand for Snowflakes

I'm back at work. I'm glad to be home, glad to be back at classes and such, but I really do miss the beach and not having to wake up at 5am. Took the dogs for a walk on Sunday since I'm not hiking and wandering Hawaii anymore. I learned it's easy to wrack up miles when you're in a tropical climate. Not so much here, with colder weather and icy roads, and no beach to wander down.
I still have my tan though. Proof that warmer weather exists!
Oh, I wanted to post this picture with my last post, but I couldn't figure out my iPad. Congrats to my brother and his lovely new wife!
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Plan of a Higher Power
Kung fu is what you make it....It can be strictly an individual journey, a
family journey, anindividuals journey to enhance his or her family life,
there are many reasonsthat lead people to this life style.
I was the first in our family to start kung fu, and really hoped it would become a
familyactivity/ journey. We’ll here we are nearly nine years later and five
of myfamily have joined after me.
I have been a member of the recently called UBBT, now I Ho Chuan, with this year being mythird year. This year I’m accompanied by two family members. A dreamcome true! When I
see such good results from a program or facility such as SRKF, I can’t
helpbut want all my loved ones to be a part.
So, with a couple of my family as a part of this annual test, I’m finding it quiteexciting. It could
sure help me stay more focused and on top of my game. It's feeling like this
could be my best year so far.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, I Ho Chuan, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
family journey, anindividuals journey to enhance his or her family life,
there are many reasonsthat lead people to this life style.
I was the first in our family to start kung fu, and really hoped it would become a
familyactivity/ journey. We’ll here we are nearly nine years later and five
of myfamily have joined after me.
I have been a member of the recently called UBBT, now I Ho Chuan, with this year being mythird year. This year I’m accompanied by two family members. A dreamcome true! When I
see such good results from a program or facility such as SRKF, I can’t
helpbut want all my loved ones to be a part.
So, with a couple of my family as a part of this annual test, I’m finding it quiteexciting. It could
sure help me stay more focused and on top of my game. It's feeling like this
could be my best year so far.
Darcy Regier, Silent River Kung Fu, I Ho Chuan, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada.
working hard
This past month has been the hardest I have worked on Kung Fu
probably ever. Aside from being sick or the odd commitment I have been
at the kwoon 4-5 times a week as well as training at home. Last sihing
class I learned that I am going to not only have to train harder but
also destroy the limits that I arbitrarily set up for what I am able to
push my body into doing. Also on friday I really started playing with
the weapon I plan on working with this year, the stick. I know have a
bruise the size of my palm on my right arm. So far for the first month I
am into a pretty good routine where I am doing alright with my numbers
and logging some serious training hours.
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Instruction From A Nine Year Old
This past Friday night was my first I Ho Chuan class. It was not pretty. It was not that I thought learning the nunchuks was going to be easy, but I did not anticipate as much frustration as I felt. It was definitely a practice that I would have liked to have been in private. I came home a little low, which I am thinking must have shown on my face, because Saturday morning I had two notes from other members of the team encouraging me and pushing me on. Thank you the two of you, you know who you are. So I dusted off the nunchuks and played with them all morning with fewer whacks in the head as the day went on. After kind of getting the handle on the reverse figure eight, finally, I decided to practice the portion of the form that we were taught the night before. My memory failed me on the second move. Back to being frustrated. My nine year old son was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal watching me and then he spoke up and said “that’s not the way dad does it.” I admit I was a little irritable and as nice as I could, I asked him if he could just eat his cereal and let me concentrate and figure it out. He continued eating as he watched, not saying anything as I got more and more discouraged and tried to stumble through. After about a half an hour he asked if he could show me how dad does it. I bit my tongue and handed over the nunchuks. Watching him, all of a sudden a light came on and I realized he knew exactly what he was doing. He made my day! After apologizing over and over again, I practiced over 80 times throughout the weekend. I left the nunchuks in the kitchen beside the phone, and every time I passed by or had a couple minutes waiting for laundry or the kettle to boil, I picked them up and played some more.
I was reminded of two things from this. The first was that my children are watching me. My behaviours and words are not going unnoticed. Everything, from how I handle someone cutting me off in traffic to the way I handle obstacles that come up in my training, I need to be aware that little eyes are watching and learning. I need to, and want to build young men with character, compassion and integrity. I think as a parent it is our responsibility to give our children a strong and positive foundation. Given the right direction, they will hopefully pass on what they have learnt to the people they cross paths with in the future.
The second thing I was reminded of, was that what kids have to say is of value and important, whether they are 2 or 22. The next time my kids want to show me something or have an idea, even if it’s different than how I would do it, I’m going to listen. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride, shut up and just listen. We might just learn something.
Alana Regier
no news is all news
I forgot to post yesterday! Welp, off to a good start.
This week has been uneventful: training so often is still an adjustment, but every day the routine solidifies slightly more.
Perhaps I'll have something more interesting to say later on this week. Due to a vacation to sunny Edmonton, I'm falling behind a little on my numbers. But that will just mean a fun week or two catching up again.
-Sifu Robertson
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Paper Mache and Kung Fu
So I had an insight driving home from class on Friday night. Studying Kung Fu is a life long paper mache project! First you start with a wire frame which translates into basic techniques, stances, how to kick and punch, things like that. Practice and study is how you layer the glue and paper onto your wire frame to make it stronger and take on shape. Still though you have a very rough, lumpy looking art project. The finishing touches require that elusive concept of realism and requires the eye for detail that Sifu talks about all the time. So now each piece of paper is applied with a great deal of thought and patience, water or straight glue (tears and sweat) is used to smooth out rough edges and lumps that have appeared.
Essentially you create yourself into a martial artist ... no two are alike ... each journey is unique. And the best part! You are never really done ... you add the magic of the six harmonies to give your project life ... the skill of teaching ... so you can share your knowledge and experience ... the gift of leadership/mentoring so you can contribute to the evolution of another human being.
Does it get any better ... it might ... after all the author is not done yet!
Sifu Terry Beckett
Paper Mache and Kung Fu
So I had an insight driving home from class on Friday night. Studying Kung Fu is a life long paper mache project! First you start with a wire frame which translates into basic techniques, stances, how to kick and punch, things like that. Practice and study is how you layer the glue and paper onto your wire frame to make it stronger and take on shape. Still though you have a very rough, lumpy looking art project. The finishing touches require that elusive concept of realism and requires the eye for detail that Sifu talks about all the time. So now each piece of paper is applied with a great deal of thought and patience, water or straight glue (tears and sweat) is used to smooth out rough edges and lumps that have appeared.
Essentially you create yourself into a martial artist ... no two are alike ... each journey is unique. And the best part! You are never really done ... you add the magic of the six harmonies to give your project life ... the skill of teaching ... so you can share your knowledge and experience ... the gift of leadership/mentoring so you can contribute to the evolution of another human being.
Does it get any better ... it might ... after all the author is not done yet!
Sifu Terry Beckett
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