As I have been working on my numbers for the week I came to the conclusion that in order to fully take advantage of and complete the push up/ sit ups a person should probably adopt several different hand configurations and placements in order to create a broader strength and indurance. It could also help in the prevention of early joint wear due to repetition and consistant fatigue in the same zone. I have started changing the rep numbers and hand placements to try to develop all muscle groups around the joints and others I don't commonly use.
One of the things I struggle with in kung fu training is sittups. we have a love /hate relationship. They are constantly a work in progress for me. I usually have to use my arms to assist or take a run a it. After speaking with a fellow student I started doing reps with a weight on my chest and it has changed the way I see doing them in my mind because now I am more in touch with my core and what areas need to be engaged to lift my upper body and the weight.
Other than those few revelations thats all I have this week.
Brian Chervenka
I do the same, mixing up pushups and situps. Dont forget to add some backlifts--I found I was off balance in my core, being strong in the stomach but with a weak back.