Monday, May 20, 2013

With intent

This past while I have worked on various defences vs. punches, knives etc. as we always do and they all have similarities with each other. They all require a block from the attack regardless of what it may be. This again leads to our variously infinite sequences of strikes, counters, locks etc. The reason I am writing about this is that with most of our techniques we have a defence for an attack which leads to our first option for defence. Now if this should fail in any way and our attacker still is a threat to us we then sequence into our second option and so and so on. Now as we become more proficient in our movements, blocks and flow the one thing we must be cognizant of is purpose. I see many of us flowing from one sequence to the other without any pause. Why is that? Well as I would watch more advanced belts practice as I was first starting out I thought that was great to watch – speed, technique all flashy and advanced looking. Later I saw a flaw in this perception. Remember if someone attacks you with a punch and you block with a technique are you going to fly into backup plan b then c and so on. I hope not. You must feel that initial block, feel that initial lock being performed and not get ahead of yourself thinking it has failed before even stopping to take stock of the purpose of it. If the lock or defence fails then move on to the next step but only after you feel it work or fail. If it fails, search to understand why it failed and then after fixing this move onto option b and so on. I still practice and slow down my techniques to check if this movement is sound or if I need to correct it. If I just flash through six movements without purpose I’m just doing a flashy dance hand sequence that’s all show and no purpose.
Sifu Bryant
My Blog

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