These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Monday, April 30, 2012
go fly a kite
As I watched that kite it struck me too, that my daughter is that kite--she's starting to spread her wings and try to fly. She's getting the hang of it--crashing off and on, and so far she still letting me guide her, but as she pulls higher and higher, sooner or later she'll gone, flying free. She'll make a lovely dragon...
The White Is Gone
And Back to the Grind!
Attending the I Ho Chuan class definitely switched my focus and passion back onto Kung Fu (along with providing a nice hour long interlude to my work shift). I'll admit that I was embarrassed and a little ashamed at forgetting portions of Mlong Kuen, and I felt that my technique was horrible. However, along with that, I am also excited, as it has given me a little "checkpoint/waypoint," and now I'm able to conduct training at a more committed and stronger pace. I'm also excited with this weather, as I'll be more mobile (i.e. not getting stuck in my driveway) and also able to train more often with my spear.
Sifu Joe Harrigan
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Healthy Meals #4
Steak and potatoes Healthy style
4 to 8 oz of New York strip loin (it is one of the meat with the least amount of fat on it)
Brussels sprouts( if you do not like brussel sprout then maybe have spinach instead cooked or not it good either way, and if you don't like them, then start liking more vegetable they are good for you)
Beets (the beets are optional, because every time we have this meal my Dad has beets, but I don't like beets)
Baby potatoes (put a little bit of butter on them and add spices it really makes a difference.)
Spices like usual Mrs. Dash
I do not specify how much for the vegetables and potatoes, because the amount for me changes every time, I never really have the same meal twice. Also same with the spices. I personally do not measure anything, when it comes to cooking. This meal is simple, and maybe you have already had it before, but it's a healthy meal.
Sihing Langner
I've got blisters on me fingers
So far my approach has been to just try and remember moves but now I think I'm just going to remodel the form. Instead of worrying about remembering every detail I can take this opportunity to recreate it. The positive side of this is I can cut out some of the stuff I didn't like as much and make the form shorter. It was a bit too long before. The forgotten parts are mostly the in between moves. I remember most of the highlights.
I've definitely lost a lot of finesse with the weapon. It will take me a lot more practice to get my strength and control back to where it used to be. The expansion is going to be a lifesaver for me to get more practice time in.
The Journey
A funny thing happened on my way to getting my black belt, I was so busy with the journey, I nearly forgot what I was going for. It may sound a little hard to believe but it is indeed true. Someone really smart always used to tell me that it is about the journey and once I completely understood that, then I would be ready. Of course, at the time I nodded my head and thought, no I WANT my black belt! I continued to train and believe in my really smart mentor and I began to notice that I really enjoyed training and I could see all kinds of changes happening. My thoughts were changing, my approach was changing and my skill level was improving. Once I immersed myself in that process, the end goal seemed less and less important.
So a couple of things have happened this week that brought me to this reflection. I opened my bag to ensure that I had everything that I needed for class and was surprised to see my black belt laying there, it was only a second but it was noticeable to me. Then I was thinking about extra training at the kwoon and my thought process was, first of all we will need a black belt, followed quickly by Oh Yeah, that's me. Then I was with a group of people about to embark on a training session, when I suddenly realized that I was the black belt in charge. All of these little instants have led me to the realization that I continue to be focused on my journey and I am no where near the end goal.
I think that I major part of my change in focus has been being a student member of the UBBT for the last couple of years and now the I Ho Chuan team. I just continued on with my training, I tallied my numbers on Dec.31 and began again on Jan.01. I think that I am now hard wired to set goals and work towards them every day. When I run into obstacles, I just figure away around them and keep going. Years ago, I remember all of the ' I can't ' statements that used to run through my head each day and now I look for solutions first.
Mar/12 - then i wrote this and again questioned whether or not i should share my thoughts and feelings, today i want to remind myself that i am on the right track
I often wondered what it would feel like to be a black belt and I had a difficult time imagining it. Now that I am here, I know that it feels exactly as it should, Fantastic! I feel like I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, all the time, every day. Whether I am at the school, the track or at work, I am doing what I am meant to do and it feels pretty good.
I could describe all the incredible things that have been happening but that doesn't quite feel right. So I will leave it at this, if you work really hard to accomplish something, you will reap the rewards! It is totally worth it; the hard work, the self doubt, the struggles it takes to complete requirements everyday, all of it! And it makes you want to continue to work hard so that you continue to reap the rewards from it. It is pretty cool!
I often write my thoughts and feelings down on my blog shortly after they happen so that I can keep track of what was happening for me. Today I went back and reviewed all the drafts that I had and relived one of the best parts of my journey so far. On Jan.31/12, I made a list of all the cool things about the weekend (on the top of the list was the irresistible urge to smile non-stop) I didn't publish it and I probably won't but having it and re-reading it brought back all those wonderful feelings and thoughts. I was a non-believer when I started blogging, but now I can't imagine not thinking out loud (on my blog).
I still can't stop smiling!!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Relax, Don't Sweat it.
An unstoppable force meets an immovable object. That is every spring breakup for me. It is the time of year where the winter work slow down kicks into high gear following break up. Its the period of time where full steam Kung Fu meets the requirement to feed my family and self with a work schedule that takes me away from home for many days at a time.
This year it is sure to be a collision of astronomic proportion, with the addition of the I Ho Chuan and UBBT. My nerves are getting shot even thinking about which is going to give. I come from a long line of worriers, and telling me not to worry so much is like asking you to quit breathing oxygen. I am fortunate enough, however to not be in this alone. I had a great discussion with a Sifu today which led to more thinking.....I am going to enjoy rereading this in December.
Thank you Sifu Regier for your wise advise and wisdom.
finding inspiration
It's Good To Be Home.

Friday, April 27, 2012
All Over the Place....
I read the previous posts from fellow teammates, which I shouldn't do prior to writing my own because it doesn't help me focus on my individual thoughts. However, just to clear the air, I regretfully missed the polls on Monday, I had to head to Drumheller for work early that morning. My 21 speed bike is ready......for the past couple years my shifters had been acting up, which made biking in certain area a little dangerous, so off to United Cycle a couple days ago, and picked em up...installed them and they work great, so I'm looking forward to getting this thing on the road. There's also the required time on my Shadow, also important:), which I must add, I recently serviced and is ready for me! The lawn was looking like it could have used a de-thatching before this morning, so last night I drove it into the garage and serviced it...Alana and Brandon are already fighting over the seat for this season.
Most of my kung fu and Death Race training may take place in Brooks this summer. I just got word from the office that Brooks may be my central point of work this year. So, I'm entertaining the thought of buying a second house, renting or just dragging our RV trailer down. This will present another challenge again this year, not really a change from my past years, just a different one! I've always said that all the change and uncertainties in my life assist in my growth, so, being stationed in Brooks can only be a good thing...just a matter of what I do with this opportunity.
Darcy Regier
Sifu Beckett
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Another day
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Canada: Really Big Country to the North
The other amusing part of our weekend was when the course was over and we were packing up my stuff, a couple of the tech crew walked by with one of them saying "I wish someone would just dropkick me in the head". Both Krysta's and my heads swiveled around with "I can do that!!" (he didn't hear us though). It was funny how we both had the same reaction at the same time and then went on to discuss as to whether the flying scissors would first be better to take him off balance or should one of us just do a roundhouse and be done with it. It was amusing.
The course was called Rock Your Prosperity and it rocked in so many ways on so many levels and as a result I got a whole heart full of tools, aha's, and clarity. My focus with this course was my glass art and now I have some much clearer direction. I tuned into what my genius is and I can have more than one thing to be genius at. Right now it's glass and it goes deeper than that, my genius is about my creativity and expression, which I do through my glass, my Kung Fu, and my cheffing.
I also got clear as to my big "why" for following my passion. The big "why" usually springs from having pain during a time in one's life. For me my why stems from being very censored and suppressed so my why is to freely express myself and because I am doing that gives permission for others to do the same.
On the flip side, there is the "why not", the reason as to why my butt may not be in gear. My "why not"? I have to be perfect. Talk about a setup for total failure! Punt perfect and insert excellence, or better yet, mastery. I think there is a poem written about mastery......
Specifically pertaining to my glass art, I learned about and discovered my Target Tribe, who they are, what they do, what they wear, what they believe in. Right now my Target Tribe is a reflection of me and my many facets. With the Target Tribe discovery I will be taking a close contemplation for shows and see which fit my Target Tribe. FYI: the Mane Event horse show that I'm going to this weekend does. Yay!
So what's next? I have made a heart decision to plunk my butt on the line for The Quantum Leap intensive program that is starting in the fall. The momentum is going and I want to keep it going with acceleration. For the first time I have rock solid confidence that the path I am on is my path and I am doing what I have been put on this planet to do. What a feeling!
Sherri Donohue
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
1 week to go
Sihing Langner
Getting my Ks
I started biking everywhere this past week! My plan all along was to get on my bike and pedal everywhere could and luckily my car's starter broke! Now, with no excuse not to, I have racked up 68km in the last 4 days! The best part is that if I am going downtown, I get to carry my bike up the huge river valley steps so that I can get that awesome rubber leg feeling at the top. I'm going to keep biking e everywhere i can even after my car is fixed tonight (fingers crossed). Hoping to get biking to Kung Fu from my place on the west end as well if this rain goes away.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Chin Up, Up, Up
I have decided to add another requirement to my already exceptionally long list. I want to be able to do at least one chin up by the end of the year. I can do the static arm hang for almost 2 minutes, but never been able to do a single chin up. My butt always seems to be far to heavy to lift, and my arms seem far to weak. I know now that it isn't strength in the arms that I need so much as it is strength in the lats.
My friend is helping me to accomplish this. Every time we are at the gym, he sets up the equipment and proper amount of weight and I jump on. He pushes me, cheers me on, and encourages me to do just that 1 or 2 more. I am very pleased and so excited to be able to FINALLY do a chin up.
Rally up for the Pandamonium
I know I missed out. I recognize the hard work that Sifu Lindstrom and his crew have put in. My contribution has been small by comparison and for that I will have to make up else where.
Next project to tackle is a BBQ event. In particular the Pandamonium outdoor BBQ.
Its going to be challenging as with any of event of this nature, its purely a guess as to how many people will show up for pancakes and what not.
I already have a great group of individuals whom have donated equipment and time but I know I will need more help.
Soon I will have to post on "Kwoon talk" to rally up volunteers who would like to show off their Pancake and Hotdog cooking skills!
I know we may be tapping into the student body volunteer reserve that is probably stretched to the limits already but I am hoping the school will dig deep and make this a great Pandamonium event!
JC Masterson, Silent River Kung Fu, Alberta, Canada
An Eye Opening Evening
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Rocking my world
'All life is energy and we are transmitting it at every moment" Oprah Winfrey
Content vs. Swaziland
I have to say that this last couple days of sun and beautiful weather has lifted me, it has been great to be out working in the yard. I also received a call from the company which I consult for and the Spring work is going to kick off next week....this is part of my bi-annual life balance - it will be great to get back to work.
During my black belt speech, I mentioned being at peace, more specifcally I said, "I was content with my life", which was true, however as I continue to grow I feel I want more, that there is more for me...that I can do more...there is a place that I can serve. This last couple days my family and myself were exposed to the situation in Swaziland, Africa, it was sad, in fact, it was terrible and unbelievable at the same time.
I sit here in our beautiful home, always with food, shelter, family, good health and all the good and fortune that I can imagine. After hearing of the economy (non-existent), the food supply (non-existent), health conditions and disease (plenty) and the abundance of orphaned children due to the dieing population, I was really set back and to be quite honest was ashamed of my ongoing attitude and to be quite honest, ashamed of all I possess, which I take for granted every day.
I'm not feeling as content as I had a few years back. I find even as a adult, it is quite suprising how comments from a 10 year old within the black dragons class or how children clear across the globe can have an immediate impact on my personal being. I have also previously written in a blog, how I feel I have control of my feelings, I still believe that. However, if I'm truly empathic, I will have reactive feelings, its my counter attack (feelings) which I have control of. I'm not sure when my journey will make a turn and I will throw my counter to what has been presented to me these past two days, but the seed has been planted and nourished more than ever......
Darcy Regier
My week
I also found out that we were accepted for a grant I applied for to sponsor the Pandamonium. It should take week or two for the check to make it through accounting and into my hands. I was hoping to have it in time for the Pandamonium but it might be just a little late. Either way we have $500 to put towards the event and the charities.
I was down in Conklin for a day of work and it got in a fair bit of overtime. It was the first time I've been down there. There are some huge plants out in the middle of nowhere, it was strange to see. I slept until one pm yesterday and it felt great.
I am looking forward to a gardening season where I have a bit more balance in my schedule so that I can enjoy my hobby. I enjoy digging in the dirt (even if I have to share it with the worms!), planting flowers and trying to make my small part of the world look pretty. I love to sit outside after all the flowers are planted and enjoying the sight and smell of them. My two favorite times are first thing in the morning with a nice cup of tea and a good book and after dinner as the sun sits just over top the houses across the street. I love the hard work, the sweat and fresh air. I could be out there for hours and not even notice the passing of time.
Sick and wanting to kick something
marvelous and amazing
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Can't do that with an Ipad?
On another note, it was nice to be back in class with all my fellow students. I will still have to take it easy until my eye fully heals. One step at a time.
It's been a while
Burning, burning, burning legs of fire
Some bad ...... Some good
Up and running.........sort of
Ok'd to start up......slow and steady for 5/6 weeks
Remember that no matter how much we think you are like superman/woman, we are not. We must take care of ourselves now or suffer the consequences in the future. Lesson learned.
The body strikes back...
Remember that no matter how much we think you are like superman/woman, we are not. We must take care of ourselves now or suffer the consequences in the future. Lesson learned.
Week 1
I downloaded an app to help me map and view my progress with my jogging. I think it is a good app, it's called imapmyrun and the best thing is that it is free. Well, you can pay for more services but the free version is all you need to record your runs. According to imapmyrun, my run was 3.51km (from my house to High Park to John Paul II then back home), it took me 18.53min, and my pace was 5:24min/km. Looking to get those numbers down in a couple of months.
I was also able to work on some of my personal goals today. I spent the enitre day with my family. Made breakfast, lunch, dinner and had a movie night with the kids. I even got in a nap :) I was tired and my body felt it. It was nice to chilax with the kids.
Now that the kids are sleeping time to get to work on my presentation for Thursday. With my focus on my black belt, it has begun to influence other areas of my life. The focus and determination is making it easier to complete my other duties.
up and going..........
Life insurance in order..................check
Medicial coverage up to date........check
Glad those two things are all in order.
After my jog, I thought I was dying. Hoping that feeling goes away in a few weeks.
I think I have my training program set. I'm doing a 3+1 cycle for my training. I don't know if its good but I will discuss it with the sifus later.
Since I decided to do this, I am more motivated to do my excercises and forms. There is an intensity and purpose that I was lacking in my training. My focus is on and I know what my goal is and I can put that in my sights and aim for it.
Thank you Master Brinker for the guidance.
The start of my black belt journey
I was taken back today when I meet with Master Brinker. I didn't know what expect. Normally, when you get called into the office you are in trouble. But not this time, he called me to in to give me some words of encouragment and a little nudge to get my black belt this year. With some discuusion with my family, I have decided to undertake this journey.
I want to thank Dara and the kids for your support today and I know I will be need it all year long if I'm able to complete this journey.
To all sifu's and fellow students at Silent River, I will need you to push me along and from time to time maybe a swift kick in the butt is needed. I look forward to learning and training with you guys.
My diet is killing me
I have been feeling pretty off lately. Mornings I really don't want to get out of bed I just feel really drained. I am pretty sure that it is a combination of weather my diet and my sleeping habits. Now that the weather is nicer I have been getting out so that should work it self on its own. My diet is the thing that I have to fix. I went from getting up and making fruit smoothies every morning to not eating until almost 2-3 pm. Also I have been eating very unbalanced lately. Lots of noodles but not a lot of fruits and vegetables. As a result my energy level has been taking a plummet.
Craig Janzen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Silent River Kung Fu
Friday, April 20, 2012
Cupcake for Change
Insert Title Here
Anyways, here's a video I found. It's a powerful video, and I greatly enjoy it:
- Sifu Joe Harrigan
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The last launch
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
T'he Daffodil Principle
The Daffodil Principle
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead "I will come next Tuesday," I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.
Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.
"Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!"
My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her. "But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."
"Carolyn," I said sternly, "please turn around." "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."
After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, " Daffodil Garden ." We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight.
It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.
"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. "Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.
On the patio, we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958"
For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than fifty years before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountaintop. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.
That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world ...
"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"
My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said.
She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"
Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting.....
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...
There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.
If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on to someone special. I just did!
Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Caught in the middle
Brian Chervenka
Freeing my mind
I have come out of a fog lately and find myself much more mindful of everything I'm doing and everyone and everything I'm interacting with lately. As an example, shopping for groceries the other day I was able to do 14 acts of kindness by just paying attention to all the other shoppers around me. They were simple things from helping reach items on high shelves for a few people to helping an elderly lady transfer her groceries from the cart to her car. I took my time as I shopped and realized how in the past I would just rush through getting what I needed and not pay attention to my surroundings. I meet some very nice people and totally enjoyed my shopping experience instead of missing out.
I honestly can't say what has changed for me, except a desire to want to better myself and my life. But I have opened my eyes to the world in a way I have never looked at it before. My stress level has dropped enormously and I am much more relaxed.
I have also started setting much more finite goals and challenges for myself. For example I have achieving my green belt in my sights now. I felt stagnated in my progress even though I was getting in my numbers etc. Now I'm feeling energized and motivated.(maybe it's the kwoon expansion, it's awesome working on the tools after so long) Also something else that really has stuck with me was when Sifu Brinker talked about how we can push ourselves harder and more then we realize, its all mental. That really hit a cord with me and I find myself pushing harder in warmup and class and holding stances longer even though my legs are screaming at me to just stand up. My mind set is changing in a good way and I'm definately seeing the results, yay.
Another Year Older
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
There's An App For That
I also downloaded the App for the airline we are flying back with so that I can check in and secure my boarding pass via my phone. Wow!! I feel like I am coming out from under a rock and discovering something new. Okay, so I am doing just that, one step at a time.
I am looking forward to this weekend as I feel its a rocket launch to the next evolution of my life, a much greater and more amazing version than before. Kind of a birthing process but with without the yuckiness, the pain, and getting my butt whacked to make sure I'm breathing. Not an App for this last part, however it will apply to all of me and my life.
Sherri Donohue
Goodbye For Now.

I leave on Thursday morning for a much anticipated holiday with my family and some friends of ours. I'm extremely excited to go not just because of the holiday itself, but for the challenge that has been placed in front of me for my UBBT training.
"Around here, we don't look backwards for very long... We keep moving foreword, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're very curious... And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." ~Walt Disney
Monday, April 16, 2012
My new babies
I Need a Smack Upside My Head
It doesn't normally interfere, but it does drive me crazy. People have made comments on how often I grunt or groan when I bend over or pick up something, put on my jacket, sit for too long. I'm finally noticing how often I say "my back hurts". Right now, my back and shoulders ache. Not so much that I can't go about my day, but enough that I want it gone.
Thinking about it, I'm realizing that it does interfere. I'm reluctant to go hard when completing the jumps in Mlong Kuen & spear. I try to just suck it up and do it anyways, but the jar at the end usually keeps me from doing too many in a night. It makes it harder to want to do my push-ups, cuz that just wreaks havoc on my back and shoulders. Sit-ups don't hurt until the next day. Then my back tightens up like crazy.
Sadly, I can't blame a car accident or such. It's all me, failing to take care of my body before it was too late. My mom can say "I told you so" a thousand times over.
Moral of the story- don't be stupid. I was, and I'm regretting it. I imagine I'll regret it for the rest of my days. I did get a contact from a friend for a great chiropractor and a doctor, and I intend on making an appointment with both. I was stupid and got myself in this mess. I need to be smart and seek out someone who can make it better.
After that, I'll consider finding out what I did to my foot three weeks ago in class. Still hurts. And my knees, which crackle and pop more than the cereal. Oh, and try to identify the random pain I get in my ribs on occasion. And the itchy, numb lump I get in the same place on my forehead every couple months...
Wow, I've been dumb.
Another Team Meeting and Only a Glimps of My Journey
What I feel is most important for me is to be truthful to first myself, which leads to the same translation to my team. The down fall/ or positive to this truth, depending on how you are seen or where your team is in their life, can seem all negative. I in particular have a hard time talking about all my successes and I also feel like I can always do better or should be doing more. Let me step back....I have however learned a lot in the past few years about progressing wisely and have learned a fair bit about myself. Then the "but" comes in again, but there is so much to learn on how to stay healthy and to stay mindful of absolutely everything, there doesn't seem to be the option of trusting our government regulators on what they allow to be marketed or what they allow to be sold in stores. Apathy is just not an option when it comes to your health, which leads to a huge consumption of time and research.
This past five years or so my hips and knees have been a struggle. I have tried eating different things, tried supplements, more stretching, less aggressive workouts...well a little bit!, changed out beds, I've stayed more mindful of my posture, I have had MRI's and x-rays, chiroprator, traction and acupuncture, I've seen my family doctor and a specialist at the Glen Sather, they say there is nothing wrong with my hips and knees, "just take tylenol", nice! There is so much that a person can do, you can flop your entire life style over and over and blend this with that and that with this. I'm a little frustrated and have so much yet to accomplish!
I feel that a lot of my "mental issues", when I refer to mental issues, I mean anything that is having an impact on my primary being, which could be the pain from my hips impacting my sleep, which impacts how I feel emotionally that next day.
So this past five years or so, has been a mental battle with me because of my hip and knee problems - I first thought this originated from my neck problems (another issue). But I'm not so sure...Anyway to cut this short, my knee and hip issues have a huge impact on me, both physically and mentally. Physically, because they dictate how I perform, how I walk, they aggravate and create an ongoing continue irritation (some days are better than others), however the physical disability is continual. I find rest to be most beneficial at this point (controlling swelling, and the banging that goes on in these joint regions). This I feel is where a huge part of my mental battle starts....poor sleeping patterns due to the joint pain, waking up unrested on a continual basis, constant irritability, which most times lead me into being or acting like someone I don't want to be. At this stage of my mental state, most of everything can be a challenge - going for and enjoying a walk can be and is a challenge, I have an ongoing continued appetite (never feeling satisfied), I find comfort in being alone, my energy level is at zero....It is a very depressing and lonely place to be, I don't feel content and I'm seeking change with hopes that the grass will be greener on the other side. Look out if I start to feel like I did six years ago!
I know I have other stresses which sit on the back burner and eat away at me continually but I feel that when I'm in the right frame of mind and rested, that my stresses are so night and day! It's the physical that is impacting my mental. Mastering my six harmonies seem so far off at this point, due to the disconnect in my body.
This has been a huge rambling on, but with this I hope to see a bit clearer and refocus. Diet wise/ supplements, I don't know where to start and what to change from where we presently are! The bed we purchased two months ago, I think has to take a walk! True holiday needs to find its way in the door soon!
I'm heading to work, nearly an hour ago...which means I'm behind schedule. Just had to get this off my mind, the little I feel I have left at this point. The positive for me is that I still have that inner fight left in me to get me through these ugly times...I'm most positive that its my kung fu that pulls me through.
Darcy Regier
Sunday, April 15, 2012
1/3 of the way
Sihing Langner
In celebration I tried playing an easy game of squash with a friend today. The leg was pretty stiff and I didn't run very hard but by the end of the match it felt pretty good. I'll be sore tomorrow but in a good way. Now its time to get back into the swing of things!