Monday, April 30, 2012

go fly a kite

My daughter found a dragon kite this weekend--and instead of sleeping, my partner took her out to learn how to fly it. (I did go too.) It was a relaxing couple of hours, watching is very mesmorizing, and she was thrilled to be getting the hang of flying it--and learning how it related to what she just learned in science! The next day, when we were chatting about the day, she mentioned what a great day Sunday was. I was surprised how that small interlude of time had made such an impression. (The rest of the day we had been watching lacrosse, shopping--all stuff she hates.) But that hour and a half of focused attention, doing something fun but not 'required' had completely changed her attitude about the day. And I have to wonder sometimes if all the things we do are really so important. (As all the alarm bells go off in my head--but I have so much to do for work/UBBT/kungfu/family...) Maybe we should just go fly a kite once in a while. Or play in the dirt. Rescue worms. Wait--am I teaching my children or they teaching me?
As I watched that kite it struck me too, that my daughter is that kite--she's starting to spread her wings and try to fly. She's getting the hang of it--crashing off and on, and so far she still letting me guide her, but as she pulls higher and higher, sooner or later she'll gone, flying free. She'll make a lovely dragon...

1 comment:

  1. Love the dragon!!! Isn't it amazing how much fun "kid play" now that we're "all growed up".
