Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rocking my world

What a weekend! Ms Donahue and I  went to a 'Rock your Prosperity' conference this weekend in Denver Colorado. And it rocked us! This course we've been doing is kinda a self improvement geared towards finding out your genius and helping you show it to the world. I know, sounds kinda corny or like any other thing you've heard, but I have to say as skeptical as I am usually, the leaders were definitely authentic. And they live what they are sharing, you can see it in everything they say and do. And all through the weekend, I kept hearing many things that lined up so much with the Mastery piece we're memorizing--it was in everything! The leaders work alot with energy--Everything is Energy is their business actually. And one thing that reminded me of the UBBT is their teaching on how to move or change in your life, you need to move to a higher vibration--a different vibe than what you currently live in. And to do this, it helps to be around others that are at a higher vibe(I believe the phrase in Mastery is 'surround yourself with friends that expect more of you than you do'). And for a group to grow, there has to be a leader that is at a higher vibe than the group, so they draw the group up to their level. Sounding like UBBT yet? I truely have found in UBBT a group with higher expectations of themselves; that encourage and pull each other up and on to being a better version of ourselves both as people and as martial artists. And Master Brinker holds us all to an even higher place to aim for. And I learned alot about focused meditation ( a goal this year) and how it can help move me up to a higher place--and how if I'm not living or working in a place that resonates with what is really dear to me, what I believe deep in my core, then all kinds of things can manifest. After years of denying what I'm really here to do in my life, pain, sickness, depression, all kinds of things can manifest as you fight or flight constantly with yourself. The body and soul can only take so much after all. I dont want that for myself. I wonder if my winter time depression has to do with that--when summers distractions of the outdoors is gone and I have no way of hiding from the battle in me, that I wasnt really fully aware of, starts trying to be seen and heard. And my desire to be the person I was created to be continues to elude. I hope this weekend starts the process of never being that way again. I'm scared, but I hope it rocks my world!
'All life is energy and we are transmitting it at every moment" Oprah Winfrey

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