Monday, April 9, 2012

Being Blessed

I feel very quiet today. It's not like a sad quiet, but rather a humble feeling of having so much in my life. I celebrated Easter yesterday with my 4 kids, 2 son in laws, 2 grandsons, and my best friend. There were comments about moms new place being a bit too small for family gatherings, and I suppose it is. But the way I look at it and the way I explained it to my kids is that we are all real close and having wonderful conversations. Who needs more room for that?

I feel so much gratitude for being given the opportunity to have all my family together yesterday. We laughed, played, ate, took pictures, shared stories, and memories, and made new memories. My best friend fits right in as he always does. He even played soccer in the small hallway with my 2 year old grandson. We all had a great time and not one person leaves without a bombardment of hugs and "I love you's".

After everyone is gone, the house is quiet again, and my friend and I sit on the couch to reflect. Life has so many stages, and changes, ups, and downs. Children grow up, grandchildren arrive, and everyone moves on. But family. . . family is forever. As new members join our family, new bonds are formed, and old ones become stronger. I am grateful and as I lay in bed at the end of the night. I fall asleep going through in my head, all that I am grateful for. The list is endless.

1 comment:

  1. Something we all need to keep in the forefront. I'm glad your Easter was so memorable.
