hello everyone i am feeling so sick right now. my head feels light
and dizzy, and i feel thirsty, but when i drink i feel worse. i feel
hungry, but when i eat i feel sick to my stomach. also i am getting a
stuffy nose and a soar throat. i think i might of worried myself
literally sick, or the weather did it. either way, i am still going for
my black belt, no stupid sickness will stop me. now i am not super sick
that i can't move. i am just feeling slightly sick and the those feeling
i mention early, i can still function, just it is going to suck a
little more. |So right now i am doing everything in my power to combat
this little sickness of mine. I feel super overwhelmed right now with
school and kung fu, but it is just something i have to deal with. also i
know that i am defiantly not the first person to feel this way before a
black belt testing. I just have to get my emotions under control, and
start thinking about this more positively. I should be trying to look at
this grading day a rare opportunity, because you have to do a lot of
work just for them to even say yes you can grade for your black belt. i
have to start looking at this as this is my epic journey, whatever
happens, happens, but i know after that day i will come out of it a
better martial artist and a person. So if i think about it that way it
does not seem so bad after all. so remember stay extraordinary.
233 lbs
Sihing Langner
Hope you're feeling better in 24 hours :) You're going to do great!