Thursday, December 5, 2013

Entrepreneur Exchange

Tomorrow I am in an Entrepreneur Exchange and I'm excited. Granted I don't know hundreds of details about the event, but what I do know I'm excited. I was invited by the organizer on Sunday during a craft sale that I'm a vendor it. She said that the exchange is like Dragon's Den, but they're nicer and they have no money. I laughed, but I got what it's about. Basically it's an event where I present my business/ideas and I say the direction I want to go. Then the panel gives me feedback and coaching. An added bonus is that this is also a sizable networking arena as well and there's also training and resources available too.

I will be presenting my glass art as the business to expand. I have social media and use it, but do I use it effectively? Where do I find my market? I do have questions that someone else might have the answer to. And, I'm not in this boat alone.

I was thinking about my fudge and Goodies on Tap that I have a blog site for but is pretty vacant. I will still continue making and selling my fudge because I love doing it. FYI: I am taking Christmas orders and if you want me to package your fudge order in smaller containers, I will do that for a nominal container fee. Back to the original paragraph topic, over the past several months I observed what I love doing in regards to kitchen magic. I LOVE testing recipes and I focus on recipes that are (obviously) gluten and dairy-free, but are also whole food based. "Give/send" me your recipes" is a phrase I hear often and the answer I give is "I have over a thousand recipes, follow about 6 blogs (or more),  and have about 40 books on the subject, can we narrow it down some??" It's not that I don't want to help, I do and I'm not willing to hand over my database that's taken me some time to build. Then the room got a little brighter when I had the idea of what my blog will be about. I will blog about the recipes I have tested with links to the original recipes, books l like, and whatever else food related (can be second cousin 6 times removed) that I can post about with my own sense of humor. I have the idea of also having a Pinterest site that categorizes the recipes I have tested into various "cookbooks". I'm liking this idea.

And this has what to do with Kung Fu? First of all the obvious 3 questions that are ALWAYS asked of us "Where am I?" "What am I doing?" "Where do I go from here?" Okay so the last question is one I added in, but it's all about inner reflection, mindfulness, and taking that next step that takes one further along the path to the set goal. Oh speaking of goals, Kung Fu is all about goals where they're written or not. At first the goal is to do whatever technique/form without looking like a total idiot, getting that stripe, passing to the next belt, rinse and repeat for time immoral. Did I mention practice? It all requires mindful practice regardless of the genre and out of that practice come mastery (sound familiar?). As I see it, this is taking my kung fu into the world.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog

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