The thing is, it was totally my fault. I had been having a great couple of weeks and my confidence was a little higher than I needed it to be. I was overconfident.
Well the result of that "overconfidence" was that the customer exploited every area where I failed to prepare. He exposed my weaknesses like oppon
ents have done in sparring class.
As difficult as it was to sit there and take it, I learned more than I ever ever had before. It humbled me and showed me that I am nowhere as good as thought I was. I learned more from that one call than I could have ever learned from all the good calls I had done in the past three weeks. I learned that preparation and proper mindset are the most important things. If I had the proper mindset, I would not have overlooked some of the things I needed to do. If I was in the proper mindset I would have been better equipped to answer the customers questions. I can't say enough about the lesson that the customer taught me that afternoon.
Thanks John for teaching me a very important lesson that afternoon in your office.
Mr. Repay
Student Of Silent River Kung Fu.
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