Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nerves of Steel?

Iris’s dilate to take in the reflecting light from the sheeny coat of the approaching grizzly bear.  That wavelength of light is transposed to chemical, and then to electrical pulses running down a system of channels to a complex matrix of pathways within the brain.  Brain computes….more electrical pulses….brain sends electrical pulses back down the narrow highway to the length of the fingers….hand tightens around the Pringles container…..Brain computes…..more electrical impulses to the other hand tightening around the large stick.

Nerves.  Without nerve function what are we but massive piles of bone and goo.  But when the aches and pains catch up with us, how many people consider that the problem may be related to nerve function.  I for one had never considered it up until a recent appointment with a Chiropractor.  After a pretty lengthy run through of some scientific, electronic, voodoo, pixie dust type testing, nerve function is a consideration for some of the problems I am having with over tightened and damaged muscles, stiff and soreness, lack of sleep and tiredness, and the inability to properly heal.

I had always envisioned my nervous system more like copper wiring in the walls of my house.  Bomb proof and never changing.  Don’t mess with it, don’t think of it, cause the lights will always come on. Well according to the Chiropractor, my nervous system more closely resembles a box of Walmart Christmas lights. 

While I am not a big fan of amplified noises of Rice Krispy type sounds coming from my spine during a bone crunching session (Chiropractic appointment), the explanation and reasoning surrounding stimulating nerve function and healing seems sound to me.  I am going to keep up with it for a while with some pretty big expectations.  I will keep you all posted.

As for the Grizzly bear, he felt a tube of Pringles wasn’t worth dying over…….Foolish bear.

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