These are the journals of Silent River Kung Fu I Ho Chuan team members as part of Tom Callos' Ultimate Black Belt Test.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
Julia's first halloween. She had a great time, we all did. It did mess up the routine I've been building for the past couple of weeks though....have to go hard-core tomorrow.
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 4 miles
Acts of kindness; invited my family along for Julias trick-or-treating, made Mike lunch and breakfast, helped someone
Today I consumed: a breakfast sandwich and hashbrown from tims, an apple, some leftover tuna casserole, some tortilla chips with salsa, a cup of coffee and 8 glasses of water and a cup of tea.
Feeling Good
Feeling good. Might just be the sugar high from all the Halloween candy I commandeered from my kids but… no matter.
Been thinking about Master Brinker words that we need to stay focused on this year and not be planning next year already. Wondering if my thoughts are written on my forehead or if M.Brinker can really read minds.
It is hard not to think about how we can improve on our mistakes. And I do think it is valuable to do so. It is a way of motivating ourselves to try harder, to be better. But I agree, we need to stay focused and not give up on the present moment. At some point, we need to commit ourselves to being here and just really make that count. Not saying I am there yet. Rather, just realizing how much more work I need to do internally for this mastery thing. For me, it is all mental. Well that, and the 50,000 pushups. 
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The way of the future
In the beginner class tonight Sifu Brinker talked about how the future of Kung-Fu resides with the white belts. I completely agree. It's amazing to think that among those students is the next great grand master, the next chief instructor, the next instructor of the beginner class. It is so exciting to see them progress and to see their passion for the martial arts develop. I can't wait to see what they are doing 10 years from now when they are telling the newest beginners that they are the future.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3.5 miles
Act of kindness: let someone ahead of me in traffic, said thank you to someone, made Mike lunch and breakfast, gave the dog a belly rub
Today I consumed: some toast with jam and butter, half an apple, a lara bar, some peas, a cheese and tomato sandwich, some tuna casserole and a piece of chocolate cake. I drank 2 cups of tea and 8 glasses of water.
Tiger Challenge
I really liked helping with Tiger Challenge this year. Watching all the events and seeing everyone compete at all levels was awesome. I'm always so impressed with the people who are so nervous but get up there anyway and do their thing, that takes a lot of bravery since it's so much easier to just not show up. That's kind of what I tend to do. I was surprisingly kind of sad to not be in the dragon dance, I didn't think it would bother me but I just can't keep up yet. The way I look at it though is I can only get better, I'm a work in progress and I've become ok with that. I was actually nervous to read peoples scores out loud, kind of a stupid thing to be nervous about but I was, after a few times when I realized I could in fact count to ten, I was ok. I was really happy to see Mr. Hatton from my class win gold for breaking all his boards. My favorite part was watching the blackbelts compete, you all seem to have such a good relationship with each other and that's such an awesome thing to see. I thought it was great of Mrs. Csillag to organize the pizza afterward. It was a great way to end the day. Although, I'm not too sure I'm a huge fan of rutabaga. Anyway, these are my random thoughts about Tiger Challenge. Good job everyone and shout out to Sihing Csillag (and anyone else I don't know about) for doing a lot of the organizing.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Adopt a driveway
I'm excited about the adopt-a-driveway program this year. We seem to have so many people involved, it's going to be great. I have many fond memories of shovelling with training mates, some of which are gone now. Cherish the opportunities you have to spend time with your fellow-Kung-Fu-ers while you can. People invariably move away or what-have-you. It's nice to have fun memories to look back on.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 4 miles
Acts of kindness: made Mike lunch and breakfast, gave Julia a treat, gave the dog a belly rub
Today I consumed: an apple and a half, some toast with butter and jam, some veggies with pasta, a boiled egg, half a Lara bar and some poutine. I drank a cup of coffee, 2 cups of tea and 7 glasses of water.
Never Give Up
I can't lie. I'm scared. Nervous. Exited. Terrified. Doubting my self. But not ready to stop, to give up.
I've been training for 6 years and yes, if I had to do it again I would probably do a better job, but I think I did my best. Dedicated myself (especially in the last year) to Kung Fu.
I've got my injuries. And weaknesses. Some days I feel tired - from work, from life. But there is a good reason why I do what I do. Actually there are few reasons. FAMILY, HEALTH, SUCCESS, FRIENDS and HAPPINESS.
I was watching this short video today. And if this guy was able to do what he did. Regardless of all the obstacles he faced. Anyone can. At least anyone can do their best and never give up. I know I'm going to.
I've been training for 6 years and yes, if I had to do it again I would probably do a better job, but I think I did my best. Dedicated myself (especially in the last year) to Kung Fu.
I've got my injuries. And weaknesses. Some days I feel tired - from work, from life. But there is a good reason why I do what I do. Actually there are few reasons. FAMILY, HEALTH, SUCCESS, FRIENDS and HAPPINESS.
I was watching this short video today. And if this guy was able to do what he did. Regardless of all the obstacles he faced. Anyone can. At least anyone can do their best and never give up. I know I'm going to.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The vaseline saga continues....
Julia's hair is still shiny...even tried corn starch....I have to say she looked pretty funny covered in white with her hair spiked out in all directions.
Someone suggested lemon juice.
The shampoo seems to be helping, albeit gradually. Oddly enough, this reminds me a bit about Kung-Fu. You need patience to progress and it can take time to see the effects of multiple efforts. I know eventually her hair will be nice after a lot of washings, just like I know my form will be better after lots of practice.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3.5 miles
Acts of kindness: helped some students, gave the dog a belly rub, gave the cat and dog a special treat, made Mike lunch and breakfast
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, half a Lara bar, some instant noodles with bread and veggies. I drank 2 cups of coffee, 8 glasses of water.
Another Tiger Challenge Success
One of the best parts of Saturday’s tournament was, first
being attacked by sharks in the Lil Leopards class and then being a part of the
kids divisions (those kids are machines with pool noodles)! Some of these kids I have known for a few
years and to see they are still dedicated to and growing in their kung fu is
really cool. Could an adult ever learn a
bundle from these little guys. Although
some might be a bit shy initially, they don’t seem to have the same degree of
anxiety and fear of performing that I think a lot of us adults have. They go out on those mats and have fun. When it’s over, they don’t dwell on their mistakes;
they move on and continue to learn, sometimes without even knowing it.
I found this year more nerve
wracking than the previous years. Moving
onto divisions with black belts and the thought of competing with so many
committed and talented martial artists was intimidating and made my legs shake. To get up and fumble a form that I have done
repeatedly seemed so silly and disappointing.
It wasn’t even the form I intended to do. So what did I learn from it? I need to jump on more opportunities to put
myself in similar situations. I need to
continue to build confidence. I know I
have grown in the last couple of years with still a long way to go, but it will
come. Next year hoping for a little less
shakiness J
Alana Regier
High fives
What to say, great weekend spent with a great team and
second family. All went great and I think fun was had by all. Was nice to have
so many black belts compete together and have some laughs along the way. I
enjoyed performing and getting feedback from the competition, I honestly didn’t
think I would place in the forms but was just a bonus I did. At one point I thought
I messed up during my weapons form (joy of having two versions) but I guess it
all worked out – again muscle memory takes over. Nice change having everyone together
after the tournament and just talking amongst each other, I think those are the
best times to bring us all together in a different frame of mind. Hope everyone
had fun, great job everyone.
Sifu BryantMy Blog
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Going hard on my form reps. If I keep to my schedule, I'll have my form reps done by the end of December. While that may be on track, my sparring reps sure aren't. Got to get on that. I work late on Tuesdays so I haven't been able to come to san sou. I should have went during the summer when I had the chance. Missed opportunity for sure.
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 2 miles
Acts of kindness: let someone ahead of me in traffic, gave the cat and dog treats, played with Julia
Today I consumed: 3 waffles, some apple slices, some macaroni with vegetables, half a cookie, 3 slices of pizza, a small piece of cake. I drank a cup of coffee, a cup of tea and 8 glasses of water.
No, Not Entering, No, No, Gimme the Form
For this year's Tiger Challenge I was not entering. Every cell in my body said not to enter. I wasn't in a space to enter the tournament. Usually when I enter into a tournament, game, bonspiel, it's "game on" and I play to win. This year I was abstaining from competing in the Tiger Challenge and that was that!! Until Saturday morning.....
The first thought in my head after gaining consciousness after sleep was "I want in the tournament". I am making a last minute entry. After being so adamant about not entering why the switch? This year I was entering because I WANTED to. Not because I should, or because someone said so/asked me to, or because it was a requirement. I was entering solely for me and I was unattached as to what the outcome would be. I think I even had the thought of "what if I placed last" and for the first time in my life, it didn't matter. Now considering that I'm hardware driven, that's a big change-up.
Fast forward to lining up for the Sihing hand form division. I had the thought "I wonder if I can perform my Kempo with a different intensity than before?" Let's see what happens. I enjoyed watching the others perform their forms. Then it was my turn and my Kempo felt different. I was happy with how I did and my score didn't matter to me. I didn't win a medal and it also did not matter. Then to my surprise (and much delight) Sifu Brinker gave feedback on our forms. Usually the tune of "fix the intensity" comes out, however this time it was not so. This time was that my intensity rose during the form, I didn't start off being intense and I was acknowledged for the work I've been doing in regards to my intensity. Right there was my gold medal. Sifu Brinker also informed me of a couple of technical points for me to fix, but it was the feedback on how my intensity was that mattered the most.
This is the first time that I have not carried home hardware and it didn't matter. Usually I get into the "not good enough" and "self-criticizing" of what I could have done better and on it goes. This time I did my best in that moment and even though I have points to improve on, I was happy with how I did and the feedback I received. I truly had fun at the tournament.
What I also realized when driving to the tournament was what "game on" and playing to win actually means. It means to step into the ring, do my best in the moment without being attached to the outcome and that by doing just that I was playing to win. What a shift and what a gift the Tiger Challenge was to me.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
The first thought in my head after gaining consciousness after sleep was "I want in the tournament". I am making a last minute entry. After being so adamant about not entering why the switch? This year I was entering because I WANTED to. Not because I should, or because someone said so/asked me to, or because it was a requirement. I was entering solely for me and I was unattached as to what the outcome would be. I think I even had the thought of "what if I placed last" and for the first time in my life, it didn't matter. Now considering that I'm hardware driven, that's a big change-up.
Fast forward to lining up for the Sihing hand form division. I had the thought "I wonder if I can perform my Kempo with a different intensity than before?" Let's see what happens. I enjoyed watching the others perform their forms. Then it was my turn and my Kempo felt different. I was happy with how I did and my score didn't matter to me. I didn't win a medal and it also did not matter. Then to my surprise (and much delight) Sifu Brinker gave feedback on our forms. Usually the tune of "fix the intensity" comes out, however this time it was not so. This time was that my intensity rose during the form, I didn't start off being intense and I was acknowledged for the work I've been doing in regards to my intensity. Right there was my gold medal. Sifu Brinker also informed me of a couple of technical points for me to fix, but it was the feedback on how my intensity was that mattered the most.
This is the first time that I have not carried home hardware and it didn't matter. Usually I get into the "not good enough" and "self-criticizing" of what I could have done better and on it goes. This time I did my best in that moment and even though I have points to improve on, I was happy with how I did and the feedback I received. I truly had fun at the tournament.
What I also realized when driving to the tournament was what "game on" and playing to win actually means. It means to step into the ring, do my best in the moment without being attached to the outcome and that by doing just that I was playing to win. What a shift and what a gift the Tiger Challenge was to me.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Sifu'll never guess what happened!
The tournament went really well. I was really proud of everyone. What an amazing group of people to be around. The dragon/lion dance was great (thanks everyone involved! and extra kudos for the heads...Sifu Lindstrum and Sifu Wetter!) I saw new students compete for the first inspiring; I saw people try breaking boards even though they were afraid of failure; I saw an amazing group of blackbelts perform....the camaraderie and friendship I saw during the sparring only amplified the skill (Sifu Rybak and Sifu guys are awesomely funny!). We had a great bunch of score keepers and helpers too. Everything was organized beautifully and the day ran smoothly (thanks Sihing Csillag).
Getting together at the end of the day with everyone was a great way to end the day (Thanks Mrs Csillag and Sihing Donahue!).
Thanks everyone for making it a memorable day!
Oh...and by the way Sifu Prince, you'll be happy to know that this evening, after putting Julia to bed, she came down a while later covered in vasaline! She had gotten into the jar and put it all in her hair and on her pyjamas! At least she didn't put it on the walls!
Thought it would make you laugh.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 208 kicks, 204 pushups, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 2.5 miles
Acts of kindness: complimented someone, brought some veggies for the get-together, gave the dog a treat, encouraged someone
Today I consumed: a breakfast sandwich from tims with a hash brown, a ham and cheese sandwich with veg, 2 pieces of pizza, some veggies, fudge and carrot cake. I drank 2 cups of coffee, 7 glasses of water and a glass of wine.
Friday, October 25, 2013
May the force be with us tomorrow....
I have a couple of things I wanted to blog about but I think I'll leave it for tomorrow or Sunday. The tournament is tomorrow so I'm trying to clear my mind in preparation for that. I am always so nervous to perform in front of everyone. I hate it. The only reason I do it is to inspire my students. How can I push them to compete if I don't myself. I do see the value in it. Over the years of competing it has become easier. This is partly because I've made so many mistakes over the years during performances that really, how bad could it possibly be this year? Worst ever....busted my wrist the night before while working on my board breaks. I still competed with a bandaged wrist but boy did it hurt. Shouldn't have been experimenting the night before....probably shouldn't have competed either in hind sight.
So what's the point? The value in competing is pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone and giving us all a deadline to practice for. I hope by competing that my students see the value in it as well.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3.5 miles
Acts of kindness: gave the cat and dog treats, complimented a stranger, let someone ahead of me in traffic, supported a friend
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, half a cookie, some veggies and dip with pasta, some pear, some noodles with toast, a candy, 2 coffees and 8 glasses of water.
So what's the point? The value in competing is pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone and giving us all a deadline to practice for. I hope by competing that my students see the value in it as well.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3.5 miles
Acts of kindness: gave the cat and dog treats, complimented a stranger, let someone ahead of me in traffic, supported a friend
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, half a cookie, some veggies and dip with pasta, some pear, some noodles with toast, a candy, 2 coffees and 8 glasses of water.
And now I am starting to get nervous…
I was all excitement for the tiger challenge…. but now with only 1 day left to practice I am just a bundle of nerves. The introduction is the worst. If I didn’t have to introduce myself I am sure I would perform much better. I tend to physically shake when I am nervous and all that shaking really throws off my form. That and my constantly forgetting to breath.
Please G_d, expand today to allow for an extra 48 hours to practice my forms. I will also pay someone to introduce me… any offers???
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Dragon hope
Tonights practice was great. It was awesome having so many people. It gives me hope that we can have 2 dragons for chinese new year.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 208 kicks, 204 pushups, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: offered to hold the door for someone, let someone ahead of me in traffic, gave the cat and dog treats, made Mike lunch
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, some pear, one and a half coconut Lara bars, a tomato and cheese sandwich with snap peas, some fish with potatoes and brussle sprouts, a piece of chocolate cake and some cheese and crackers. I drank 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of tea and 7 glasses of water.
Bridging The Distance
There is a lot of significance instilled in this project. The piece on the left represents Stony Plain with an evergreen with a lamp post and it's snowing. The piece in the middle is a larger lamp post signifying that for our friends in Shikaoi, the light will always be lit. The piece on the right represents Shikaoi with the cherry tree and deer antler with red dot (Shikaio's symbol). The blown ornament or friendship ball in the middle represents the friendship between the sister towns. The red "ribbons" signify not only the bridges of Stony Plain, but the bridges that span to the ocean to our friends abroad. There is not only one bridge that connects, but many as there are many friendships that are a result of the two town's sisterhood. The black and red stripe behind the art project is the edge of my light box and it means that I didn't have time to properly set up my photo area before handing the project to the town.
I loved making this project as this was me in total creation. Pretty much everything in this project I had either never done before or not done to this large of scale. Plus, how the heck do I display the pieces so that they are stable and mean something? Thank you bananas.
This year I invented a piece called a "wonderstone". Similar to a worry stone, but I say that there is too much worry in the world so I came up with a wonderstone where one can look at the "stone" with amazement and wonder how or where the colors and designs came from. Basically slow down and take some time for one's self. Each piece is unique and speaks to someone in particular. My plan for these is 1) keep making them, 2) wire-wrap some as pendants and possibly 3) make into rings. What I can say so far is that I don't have many left that are in the picture, thus I had to make more. Such a "tragedy".
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Reminds me
Fall time always reminds me now of being sick. I love fall, but 2 years ago at this time I was still undergoing chemo and it sucked. Today I was reminded how far I've come since then. I hope next fall I'm not reminded of being sick but instead reminded of my Kung-Fu. This year I've been trying to focus on my training and it's impacted my whole life. I feel strong and when I go to teach, I have confidence.
I wonder if other people will look back on their year as something great, or just another year. I know for me, it's been life-changeing. My evenings are now filled with training, not t.v.. So different. I feel like Ms Gibbons in a way...I can totally relate to the diet change thing. I've changed my entire lifestyle and I plan to carry it on after this year is over.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: gave the cat and dog treats, let someone in font of me in traffic, made Mike lunch
Today I consumed: some oatmeal, a peanut butter and jam sandwich, a hotdog, some broccoli and carrots, a cheeses and tomato sandwich. I drank 2 cups of tea, 1 pop and 8 glasses of water.
Tiger Challenge
This Saturday will be my 3rd Tiger Challenge that
I have actually participated in (not as just the camera girl but on the mats). It was my oldest son who gave me that extra
push to finally step up and set an example; as he said “if I should, so should
you!” He was absolutely right. I had made
excuses previous years and up to that point had no intention of ever going for
my black belt. Then something amazing
happened. As I was spending so much time
practicing, I started to see things differently. Up to that point I didn’t realize just how
much Kung Fu had become a part of me and just how much I had changed and
grown. This was a turning point for
me. It changed my direction and focus
and put me on the path I now find myself.
I know better than anyone how hard it can be to get up in
front of fellow team mates, fellow students and instructors, but the benefits
of following through far outweigh the fear and anxiety. It is so easy to find an excuse not to
participate in something that may gently push you out of comfort zones but the
rewards of stepping up to the plate and giving it everything you got may just
have some pretty great and maybe unexpected results.
Alana Regier
Happy Birthday
My sister had her birthday today. Now with technology it is easier to stay in touch. Phone, Skype, etc. it is all making our connection better even if there is an ocean separating us.
What would have happened 50 years back. Phones were available but I would probably have to get a mortgage just to cover my phone bills.
Now also think what will happen 50 years from now. Teleporting? visual phones?
Anyway - Happy Birthday to my sister and to everyone who had a birthday today!
(now assuming there are 7 billion people, and on average 19 millions were born today, I just wished happy birthday to 19 million people!!!)
What would have happened 50 years back. Phones were available but I would probably have to get a mortgage just to cover my phone bills.
Now also think what will happen 50 years from now. Teleporting? visual phones?
Anyway - Happy Birthday to my sister and to everyone who had a birthday today!
(now assuming there are 7 billion people, and on average 19 millions were born today, I just wished happy birthday to 19 million people!!!)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Basic numbers
Basic numbers: 208 kicks, 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: let a car in front of me in traffic, gave the cat some treats, made Mike lunch and breakfast
Today I consumed: a bowl of oatmeal, and apple, a doughnut, a peanut butter and jam sandwich, some instant noodles with toast. I drank 2 cups of coffee and 8 glasses of water.
I'm excited and a bit nervous for the tournament this weekend. It
snuck up fast this year. Its always a fun time, I always have a great
time judging and helping out. Its a fantastic event for everyone to come
together and show their Kwoon spirit. Always a big motivator to see
everyone pitch in to make everything happen. The only thing that could
make it better is having more students competing.
Every year I have that hesitation, that doubt, the question, do I really want to compete? And every year I do and am glad for it. It's a great opportunity to show your hard work and to boost your confidence. Even if you don't win a medal you've overcome the biggest hurdle by just putting yourself up in that ring. When I'm in a tournament, especially doing forms, I don't really think of it as competing against others. I tend to feel its more a personal challenge, like I'm testing myself in front of a crowd.
Tournaments are probably one of the biggest influences I've had that helped relieve my fears of public demonstrations. It really does help getting comfortable performing. For those of you struggling with demo's or even speaking in public, you should be signing up for tournaments. Orange belt to blue belt I used to go to the Ging Wu open tournament, and occasionally Cheney's. They were always positive experiences and it was really cool getting to compete against people of all different styles. For those of you who have never been to an open tournament I highly recommend it.
Sifu Jesse Wetter
Every year I have that hesitation, that doubt, the question, do I really want to compete? And every year I do and am glad for it. It's a great opportunity to show your hard work and to boost your confidence. Even if you don't win a medal you've overcome the biggest hurdle by just putting yourself up in that ring. When I'm in a tournament, especially doing forms, I don't really think of it as competing against others. I tend to feel its more a personal challenge, like I'm testing myself in front of a crowd.
Tournaments are probably one of the biggest influences I've had that helped relieve my fears of public demonstrations. It really does help getting comfortable performing. For those of you struggling with demo's or even speaking in public, you should be signing up for tournaments. Orange belt to blue belt I used to go to the Ging Wu open tournament, and occasionally Cheney's. They were always positive experiences and it was really cool getting to compete against people of all different styles. For those of you who have never been to an open tournament I highly recommend it.
Sifu Jesse Wetter
An Act of Kindness
This weekend I was out with my younger daughter getting a few things for her to make Halloween crafts. I was at the check out and tried to pay with my credit card but they didn't accept credit so I went for my debit card. I couldn't find it anywhere... I realized I had put it in my jacket pocket and left it there at home. A very nice lady behind me insisted on paying for our items even though they were completely frivolous (well not to Teagan I guess). I felt so embarrassed, but she insisted. She told me to just pass it on, and I will. It was so nice I felt great for the rest of the day. It was a nice reminder of what it's like being on the receiving end of an act of kindness, and how good it can make someone feel. It's a great feeling to be part of a team that is doing stuff like this everyday.
Andrea Prince
Andrea Prince
Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk
I just watched the video on Sifu Brinker's blog, and I'm crying. I could try to write it off on hormones or too much coffee, but the truth is it ignighted something, I saw the potential that people have when they come together. Watch the crowd, I bet there are a few in there that were inspired to take up music lessons, maybe the child on the lamppost will become a great composer. It lifted my spirits on a day that I needed it, but at the same time it saddened me because it reminded me of our own wasted potential. My own wasted potential. Why can't we do something that magnificent, why don't we? The foundation is there for us to do it.
I'll admit, sometimes I get emotional over small things. I remember a commercial for Leons years ago where an old man knocked over a glass of milk and started crying. The theme was don't cry over spilt milk, come buy a sofa, they're on sale! Every time I saw that man cry, I cried for him. What a silly thing, right?
But the fact is, small things can touch people in unexplainable ways. Look at where we are, where you are right now. You are a member of the I Ho Chuan, a project in mastery. No matter what your mindset is at the moment, frustrated, disappointed, indifferent, something in your past touched you and inspired you to join this project. Maybe Sifu Brinker said the right words to you at the right time. Maybe you saw someone from past years and what it did for them. I don't know, but I do know that at some point in time you recognized the potential this project had. The I Ho Chuan can be life changing if only we make it so. Its not the words on a paper that you promised to fulfill, its the people on the team that will make it grand or let it die.
I want to set up another demo. A spontaneous, street clothes demo like the video. I am willing to coordinate, set the date, work extra hours at the kwoon to do this. But I need you. All of you. That musical number couldn't have worked without all of its members. Same for this. Are you guys with me?
I'll admit, sometimes I get emotional over small things. I remember a commercial for Leons years ago where an old man knocked over a glass of milk and started crying. The theme was don't cry over spilt milk, come buy a sofa, they're on sale! Every time I saw that man cry, I cried for him. What a silly thing, right?
But the fact is, small things can touch people in unexplainable ways. Look at where we are, where you are right now. You are a member of the I Ho Chuan, a project in mastery. No matter what your mindset is at the moment, frustrated, disappointed, indifferent, something in your past touched you and inspired you to join this project. Maybe Sifu Brinker said the right words to you at the right time. Maybe you saw someone from past years and what it did for them. I don't know, but I do know that at some point in time you recognized the potential this project had. The I Ho Chuan can be life changing if only we make it so. Its not the words on a paper that you promised to fulfill, its the people on the team that will make it grand or let it die.
I want to set up another demo. A spontaneous, street clothes demo like the video. I am willing to coordinate, set the date, work extra hours at the kwoon to do this. But I need you. All of you. That musical number couldn't have worked without all of its members. Same for this. Are you guys with me?
Things That Are Scary
I didn't sign up for Tiger Challenge this year. Yes, I understand it would be good for me and logically I know I should do it, but the irrational fearful side of me is much louder than the rational side this time. The things I fear are; Public performances/speaking, centipedes/worms, clowns, heights and deep water...pretty much in that order. Yes, I've been pushing myself over and over out of that comfort zone. I've done warm-ups, the forms seminar, talked a lot more in front of the class, I walked the suspension bridge in Drumheller and went in the deep end at the wave pool in west ed. These don't seem like a big deal to the average person I'm sure, but I'm not sure that I'm all that normal. I'm the kind of person that has to gain courage on my own when it comes to things I'm afraid of, a little encouragement helps, but if I'm pushed, the claws come out and there's no way you will ever get me to do it. ever. period. It's kind of like Sihing Krebs blog about when he touched the tarantula. Do you think that he'd get over his fear if you threw him in a big pit of them, no, you'd give him nightmares and anxiety for weeks. You have to start off by touching one, then maybe you could hold one, then maybe let one crawl on steps. So, maybe I'm not advancing as fast as some people may think I should because I haven't done my form in front of the class yet, but I'm working up to it. Mrs. Csillag asked me..."What would work to help you?" I thought that was a great question to ask and I don't know the answer yet, but I'm thinking about it. I'm coming to volunteer for Tiger Challenge this year so I know what to expect and the goal is to participate next year. I'm not sure if this Blog makes sense, forgive me I'm still a little sick and it's early. :)
Monday, October 21, 2013
Please watch
I wanted to write something, but I think this person explains it better.
We have the power to do great things.....if we hold ourselves, and each other accountable for what we do or don't do.
We need to support each other, but we also need to be honest with ourselves and our teammates. If we aren't honest, accountability is impossible. We can't change what we don't acknowledge (I think Dr. Phil said that)...but often we don't want to acknowledge our mistakes or weaknesses. It makes us feel bad and it's easier to make excuses than confront that mistake or weakness.
If we aren't doing what we said we'd do, we need someone to tell us and be unhappy about it. That's motivation to get it done. I know all of us set goals this year that are important to us....I want all of us to succeed. Calling people out when they don't fulfill their commitment isn't a mean thing, it's a helpful thing. It's a tool to help push you to fulfill your goals.
If you aren't doing something you said you'd do (for instance me and my rollerblading...hasn't happened yet), you probably fell guilty about it and your first instinct when someone points out that your not doing it is to lash out, place blame and make excuses. But the truth is I haven't rollerbladed and if one of you cornered me in a back room and said, "Hey, you said you were going to rollerblade 1000km this year and you haven't started yet?!? What gives?!?" I would be embarrassed, ashamed and I would feel bad about letting you down. I wouldn't want to feel that way again so I'd get off my butt and start rollerblading so next time you asked me I could look you in the eye and say, "I've rollerbladed 10km just today." and I would feel great after.
That's what we need to do for each other. We don't need pats on the back for just existing, that's not what this is about. We need to push each other and expect more from each other so when we do pat each other on the back it actually means something.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 208 pushups, 203 pushups, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 4 miles
Acts of kindness: made Mike lunch and breakfast, helped a coworker, gave the cat and dog treats
Today I consumed: a ham and cheese sandwich with some tomato soup and a bun, a brownie, a turkey sandwich with peas and rice and a bowl of ice cream. I drank a cup of coffee, 9 glasses of water.
dealing with it
hello everyone i have been doing a little better with my schooling i
have been managing my stress better. i have two midterms coming up and i
am not super stressed about it. i have been studying a lot and keeping a
more positive attitude about things. what helped me a bit was finally
breaking all four boards. i know i could possibly might have to do them
again, but for now it is done and i feel good about it. The thinking i
went through that day when i broke my boards, was i have practice
technique, and they are just pieces of wood nothing more. I constantly
reminded myself that i can do this and i have nothing to fear, i can do
this. that day i started to say to myself if i can do that for board
breaking why not school, and as soon as i started to do that i became
less stressed and more calm about it. Anyways i have not much else to
say right now so remember stay extraordinary.
232 lbs
sihing Langner
232 lbs
sihing Langner
When It Counts
I will first say that Denver was great. Even though I completed one program and now into another, the results are still ongoing. It was fun yes, and there were times I was not in my happy place. One thing that was interesting is that how much I move with Kung Fu engrained. This aspect was very apparent when I was doing my presentations. The stances were there, the knife hands came out and it was fodder for laughter and some frustration for me until one of my course mates suggested not to change, but to incorporate as Kung Fu is part of me. It worked beautifully.
Now I have started into the 10 month intensive coaching program which promises to be both a roller-coaster and transformational. Right now I'm in the process of setting my goal (actually I have 2) of what I will work on during the program. One is probably pretty obvious and the other may be a bit of a surprise, at least it was to me when I opened my mouth and the words came out. To say the least, during the program I will be coached, held accountable, and supported while I take the steps that may or probably scare the pants off me. What I do know is how my Kung Fu will support me in the months to come. To answer any suspicions, I am not grading next year.
When I was in Denver I received a phone call about my Mom and that she needs more supportive care. Not only I know this, but so do my brothers and sister-in-law. The stumbling point? Mom was as receptive as putting a feral cat into bath water. No matter what angle we tried we hit roadblocks and the roadblocks carried on and included getting Mom in to see her physician.
Now as a family unit in my family the words "close" and "family" belong together as much as chocolate cake and an onion. There have been very heated rebellions as well as no contact for decades, however, right now when it counts, there is a unit with the common focus of getting Mom the best care possible and yes we've been getting along. 3 of 4 of us have come together each having our roles to get the best care for Mom. Brother 1 is with Mom right now, sister-in-law has spent hours on the phone, and I have also been on the phone as well as been support both spiritual (deep meditation) and live. It's working as headway has been made, roadblocks dissolved, and some steps have been laid out (with Mom agreeing) for upgraded care. Every time I've deep meditated, results came and as my sister-in-law said "keep meditating". Yes I will as well as I will be traveling out to Mom's to take over where Brother 1 leaves off.
I'm both happy and relieved that when the chips are down, differences and egos were put aside. I'm not counting that we'll be one "big happy family" after this is over, but for now it's working.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Now I have started into the 10 month intensive coaching program which promises to be both a roller-coaster and transformational. Right now I'm in the process of setting my goal (actually I have 2) of what I will work on during the program. One is probably pretty obvious and the other may be a bit of a surprise, at least it was to me when I opened my mouth and the words came out. To say the least, during the program I will be coached, held accountable, and supported while I take the steps that may or probably scare the pants off me. What I do know is how my Kung Fu will support me in the months to come. To answer any suspicions, I am not grading next year.
When I was in Denver I received a phone call about my Mom and that she needs more supportive care. Not only I know this, but so do my brothers and sister-in-law. The stumbling point? Mom was as receptive as putting a feral cat into bath water. No matter what angle we tried we hit roadblocks and the roadblocks carried on and included getting Mom in to see her physician.
Now as a family unit in my family the words "close" and "family" belong together as much as chocolate cake and an onion. There have been very heated rebellions as well as no contact for decades, however, right now when it counts, there is a unit with the common focus of getting Mom the best care possible and yes we've been getting along. 3 of 4 of us have come together each having our roles to get the best care for Mom. Brother 1 is with Mom right now, sister-in-law has spent hours on the phone, and I have also been on the phone as well as been support both spiritual (deep meditation) and live. It's working as headway has been made, roadblocks dissolved, and some steps have been laid out (with Mom agreeing) for upgraded care. Every time I've deep meditated, results came and as my sister-in-law said "keep meditating". Yes I will as well as I will be traveling out to Mom's to take over where Brother 1 leaves off.
I'm both happy and relieved that when the chips are down, differences and egos were put aside. I'm not counting that we'll be one "big happy family" after this is over, but for now it's working.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Gearing up for the Tiger Challenge
Well this year’s challenge is approaching much faster than I had anticipated. Luckily, I have all day on Ungaday (the day that falls between Monday and Tuesday in my dreams) to practice. Ha.
But I doubt one can ever be as prepared as they should be for these things, so I will give it my best and hopefully not do too badly. 5 more days! Hoot hoot.
Reading, Meditation, Gardening, Art
I love to read and quite often will have several books on the go at the same time. Right now its 'Being Peace' by 'Thich Nhat Hanh' , the '50 Best Ways to Simplify your Life' and 'Meditation for Beginners' by Jack Kornfield. I have read all of these books before in my usual speed read type of way but what happens when I do that is I fail to incorporate some of the really important stuff that these various persons wrote about. I picked these three because they compliment each other from a number of different directions. Mr. Hanh is very 'eastern' in his approach, Mr. Kornfield says the same kinds of things in a more western approach and the people who wrote 'the 50 best ways...' are very how to step by step and so its kind of interesting and cements the philosophies more strongly in the mind. I am doing a single chapter per week in each book and will work on absorbing the concept they are try to teach. This will prevent me from speed reading and allow time to process.
'Being Peace' by 'Thich Nhat Hanh'
1st chapter something important I forgot 'smile'
Breathing in I calm my body
Breathing out I smile
Dwelling in the present moment
I know this is a wonderful moment
I struggle with mediation so its been a challenge but I forgot to smile! I admit at first I felt kind of like the Joker in the batman movie looked .... rigid and pained but its getting easier.
Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield
1st chapter talks about being mindful, and developing the 'art of living'. It does not specify any type of meditation other than finding one that works for you and sticking with it. For me its something active, like gardening .... grubbing around in the dirt gets me away from myself and all the 'important' things I have to do, I am in the moment, loving the smell, the feeling, the giving, its pretty awesome in a weird sort of way.
Simplfy your Life by Fanning & Mitchner
Simplicity is not a state of rest, it is dynamic. The goal is not to arrive at a static balance in your life but to become skilled at the process of shifting the center point so that the whole asymetrical structure of your life remains in balance. Personally I don't work well with the word balance and will be changing it into 'harmony' in my mind. Balance implies some sort of measurement of equaility which I don't believe is fair or even possible most of the time ... however harmony can be achieved without always being in balance. If that makes any kind of sense. In addition there is a project for my art journal where I map out various aspects of my life which is supposed to assist me in finding harmony. Will be working on that this week.
'Being Peace' by 'Thich Nhat Hanh'
1st chapter something important I forgot 'smile'
Breathing in I calm my body
Breathing out I smile
Dwelling in the present moment
I know this is a wonderful moment
I struggle with mediation so its been a challenge but I forgot to smile! I admit at first I felt kind of like the Joker in the batman movie looked .... rigid and pained but its getting easier.
Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield
1st chapter talks about being mindful, and developing the 'art of living'. It does not specify any type of meditation other than finding one that works for you and sticking with it. For me its something active, like gardening .... grubbing around in the dirt gets me away from myself and all the 'important' things I have to do, I am in the moment, loving the smell, the feeling, the giving, its pretty awesome in a weird sort of way.
Simplfy your Life by Fanning & Mitchner
Simplicity is not a state of rest, it is dynamic. The goal is not to arrive at a static balance in your life but to become skilled at the process of shifting the center point so that the whole asymetrical structure of your life remains in balance. Personally I don't work well with the word balance and will be changing it into 'harmony' in my mind. Balance implies some sort of measurement of equaility which I don't believe is fair or even possible most of the time ... however harmony can be achieved without always being in balance. If that makes any kind of sense. In addition there is a project for my art journal where I map out various aspects of my life which is supposed to assist me in finding harmony. Will be working on that this week.
Basic numbers
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword
Acts of kindness: took Julia and the dog for a long walk, let Mike sleep in, played ball with Julia
Today I consumed: 3 waffles, 3 slices of pizza, some raw carrots and broccoli, some apple slices, a piece of candy, a cup of coffee, 8 glasses of water and a glass of wine.
Basic numbers
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 101 pushups, 101 crunches, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: helped tile, held the door for someone, fixed something for someone
Today I consumed: 3 waffles, a ham and swiss sandwich, a turkey sandwich, 2 pieces of pizza, a cup of coffee, half a can a pop, 7 glasses of water
Friday, October 18, 2013
Leadership opportunities
I don't think people are taking advantage of the opportunities for leadership within the team.
Part of joining the I Ho Chuan was to better our leadership skills and you can't do that unless you lead stuff.
Some people have stepped up and I've seen them grow in confidence and they understand things from a new perspective. But so many other people could be taking advantage of this as well instead of sitting on the sidelines and waiting to be told what to do.
We all have busy lives, but when no one steps up, it falls to the same people to get stuff done.
I don't know if there are going to be any more opportunities this year. The tournament is being handled, the adopt a driveway is underway....but we still need to get these renos done.
So....the heart of my rant...when something needs to get done don't wait for someone else to organize it, you should be jumping at the chance and when someone is trying to get stuff organized, make sure you are supporting their efforts.
But as I said, I think the list of opportunities is growing short.
Have all of you gotten all your demos in yet? That would be an opportunity right there.
Basic numbers: 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 2.5 miles
Acts of kindness: babysat for someone, played ball with Julia, gave the dog and cat treats, made Mike lunch
Today I consumed: 3 waffles, a peice of candy, some macaroni with beans and tuna, some potato chips (bah! Second day of it!), grilled chicken with salad, 2 cups of coffee, a cup of tea and 7 glasses of water.
First Day Back
It's my first day back at work after being off sick. Oh my...what an overwhelming pile of paperwork to deal with. I guess that's what you get when you are the only one in your position. I feel bad having to work Saturday now after planning tiling for that day, I'm really sorry about that.
I had a good Thanksgiving, I have so many things to be thankful for this year. I was lucky enough to have 2 dinners with people I really love. I have a job, a car, a roof over my head, food in the fridge, people who love me and I live in Canada. What more could a girl ask for?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Evil potato chips!
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 202 crunches, 203 pushups, 208 kicks, 4 miles
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone, gave someone a compliment, made Mike lunch
Today I consumed: 3 waffles, an apple, a few potato chips (first time in I don't know how long....bad I know), half a quisidilla and fries and a piece of candy. I drank 2 coffees and 9 glasses of water.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
I've started practicing at night time and it's working pretty good. I can get a lot done after Julia goes to bed. Think I'm finally finding my rhythm. I like Ms Csillag's blog idea. We do have a lot to be thankful for. It's been a great year surrounded by great people. Can't ask for more than that.
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 202 crunches, 202 pushups, 208 kicks, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone, complimented someone, shared my cake with Julia, made Mike lunch
Today I consumed: a peice of peanut butter and jam toast, an apple, half a peanut butter and jam sandwich, 2 hamburgers, some hummas and bread, a piece of chocolate cake, 2 coffees, 1 tea, half a pop and 7 glasses of water.
One Month
One month till grading (REALLY????) and I'm trying to be very careful not to get injured. Or should I say not to aggravate my existing injuries. I'm working hard at class and at the Tri-Leisure but I feel like I'm not doing enough. I want to do more but my body is tired and aching. I think it is telling me to take a vacation and I'm telling it to keep going for few more months... My chiropractor on the other hand is probably planning his vacation with all the money I'm paying him :-)
One more month. I need to push my self and practice practice practice for the next 4 weeks. If you see me blaring at the ceiling, please ask me to stop and do a form.
One more month. I need to push my self and practice practice practice for the next 4 weeks. If you see me blaring at the ceiling, please ask me to stop and do a form.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Going hard, been feeling driven this week. I really want to push hard these last few months.
Thanks Ms Gibbons for loaning me the cd! It's really great. I've been listening to it all week.
I've also been thinking about Sihing Donahue's idea about doing acts of kindness for other members of the team. I have a couple of ideas....stay tuned!
Basic numbers: 202 pushups, 202 crunches, 208 kicks, 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 3.5 miles
Acts of kindness: gave the cat treats, cuddled the dog and cat, made Mike breakfast and lunch, chased Julia around the house
Today I consumed: a piece of peanut butter and jam toast, a peanut butter and jam sandwich, an apple, some leftover turkey dinner and a piece of pie and a brownie. I drank 2 cups of coffee, a cup of tea and 8 glasses of water.
Monday, October 14, 2013
A Childs View
Yesterday was my day teaching Sunday school. Being Thanksgiving, we were talking about
what in our lives we are thankful for.
Even though some of the kids’ answers may have been predictable and
seemed simple, their reasons and thinking behind them were honest and heartfelt
and a lot deeper than one initially thought.
These kids actually noticed and appreciated things that we adults are guilty
of taking for granted or missing totally with the business of life. There were also those answers that could only
make a person smile; like the little girl who was thankful for her family, all
but her older brother, and man did she have a list of reasons.
I think daily of the blessings in my life and am very
grateful for each and every one of them.
I am fortunate to live in a country of opportunity and to be surrounded
by people and animals I love.
Take the time to enjoy and show the appreciation for the
things that truly matter.
Alana Regier
Practicing is going well. I've been working with the chucks this weekend and it has been really fun.
Whacked myself a couple of times, but luckily I was practicing with the foam ones. So fun.
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 202 pushups, 202 crunches, 208 kicks, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: helped my sister in law clean up after dinner, made tea for Mike, got up with Julia so Mike could sleep in
Today I consumed: 3 waffles with syrup, some leftover turkey dinner with pie, turkey dinner at my much food! I drank a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of wine and 8 glasses of water.
Nice long weekend
Winding down from the long weekend which really felt too
short for some reason, could use another day or so off. Was nice to just spend
time with the family today and get outside for a run this afternoon. Energy was
a little low – must have been too much turkey last night. With the sun shining
and leaves falling it was great getting out along the paths to smell the fall
air and do some running meditation. Always end up stopping along my run to
stretch at the top of hamburger hill and watch the city from the top, a different
perspective is always nice from time to time. Hope everyone had a great weekend
and didn’t eat too much turkey.
Sifu BryantMy Blog
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving! much to be thankful for. Great family...home....enough to eat....nice job...and Kung-fu. I'm really thankful that I participated in the I Ho Chuan this year. My lifestyle has changed so much. When I started this year I was watching t.v. all the time, eating fast food and was in horrible physical shape. Now I feel strong, I don't watch t.v. and don't eat fast food. I practice everyday and I'm setting a better example for Julia. I'm really thankful for everyone else that is on the team...even the ones I don't see that often. I've had the privilege to see others grow this year and I've been inspired by everyone. I'm really proud to be a part of this team. What a great bunch.
Thanks everyone for making this a great year!
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 2.5 miles
Acts of kindness: made dinner for everyone, gave the dog a treat, chased Julia
Today I consumed: 3 waffles with syrup, some veggies and bread with hummus, a cookie, turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a piece of pie and half a piece of cake. I drank a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of wine, a can of coke and 6 glasses of water.
Why if you can see value in actions is it so hard to follow thru. The value all of our requirements is like a flashing billboard to me yet I struggle with doing some of them. Also the routine I started the year with is gone. It was not that hard to get into it or maintain but once I got out of it , I struggle to regain it. Why? Should I restructure it ? It worked before so it should work again. My struggles right now are obviously all mental.
Scott Fuhr
Scott Fuhr
Go vote!
The election is 8 days ways and I'm getting very excited to see the results and the new makeup of my Council team. I mean "new" because regardless if your a veteran or rookie councillor, it's a new term, new focus, and new direction from Council.
I attended the candidates forum on Thursday. It was different sitting in the back and watching everything unfold. I found myself wanting to be in the thick of things. Sitting up front and answering questions posed by the residents.
All the candidates did very well and each one of them would be good representatives of the community. My job after the election is to evaluate the elected Councillors and determine what their best qualities are and how best they will fit into the team. With over 30 committees, boards and commission, it's not going to be an easy task.
October 21 from 9am to 8pm is Election Day. Make sure you go out and VOTE!!!!! This freedom is fought and died for all over the world and the majority of us take it for granted. During the by-election last May when I won the Mayor seat, the voter turn out was only 20.5%. Since I am acclaimed and there is no mayoralty race during this election, I'm not sure that the turnout will be any better.
GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I attended the candidates forum on Thursday. It was different sitting in the back and watching everything unfold. I found myself wanting to be in the thick of things. Sitting up front and answering questions posed by the residents.
All the candidates did very well and each one of them would be good representatives of the community. My job after the election is to evaluate the elected Councillors and determine what their best qualities are and how best they will fit into the team. With over 30 committees, boards and commission, it's not going to be an easy task.
October 21 from 9am to 8pm is Election Day. Make sure you go out and VOTE!!!!! This freedom is fought and died for all over the world and the majority of us take it for granted. During the by-election last May when I won the Mayor seat, the voter turn out was only 20.5%. Since I am acclaimed and there is no mayoralty race during this election, I'm not sure that the turnout will be any better.
GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Good practice
Dragon dance practice went really well today. We are sure we can pull off 2 dragons. We have some cool tricks we want to do, but we need 2 dragons. Stay tuned on kwoon talk, I'll be posting out a list of people we need for the second dragon.
It would be so cool!
Basic numbers: 5 reps tai chi, 5 reps broadsword, 202 crunches, 202 pushups, 208 kicks, 4 miles
Acts of kindness; complimented someone, made lunch for Mike, read Julia an extra story, gave the cat a nice treat
Today I consumed: 3 waffles with syrup, a bowl of macaroni, a yogurt, 3 pieces of pizza, a cookie, a cup of coffee and 8 glasses of water.
Thankful Comments
Hey Team, I am collecting I-ho-chuan thankfulness this weekend in honour of Thanksgiving. So please post a comment simply listing three things for which you are thankful to I-ho-chuan.
Here are mine:
- Inspiration
- Motivation
- Challenging that reach right to my core
Friday, October 11, 2013
Push on
Tonight in class Sifu Brinker reminded us to push forward. We only have a few months left. Even if the year hasn't gone great, we can still turn it around.
I'm going to try and push....not much longer to go.
Basic numbers: 208 kicks, 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 6 reps broadsword, 1 rep tai chi, 4 miles
Acts of kindness: gave the dog a treat, made Mike lunch and breakfast, stopped for a pedestrian who wanted to cross.
Today I consumed: 3 waffles with syrup, an apple, a banana, half a granola bar, some leftover pasta, some macaroni with ham and broccoli, a cookie, 2 peices of buttered toast, 2 cups of coffee, a cup of tea and 7 glasses of water
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Exhausted! I seem to be saying that a lot. Have a lot going on right now...good, but stressful stuff. I've been finding that practicing has been helping to destress me. Doing some good old physical stuff helps to calm me.
Basic numbers: 102 pushups, 101 crunches
Acts of kindness: held the door x2, was polite to someone, made Mike lunch and breakfast.
Life as a White Belt
Ms. Csillags blog about bowing in made me think back to when I was a white belt. I remember not knowing when to bow. I remember thinking Sifu Stoddard was Sifu's daughter, it probably took me about 6 months to realize that her and Sifu Brinker were not related. I remember asking Sifu Playter (male) a question and being so confused when he told me to go talk to Sifu Player. I remember hiding in the back as much as possible because I was horribly uncoordinated and so embarrassed. I remember Sifu Shipalesky patiently trying to teach me how to do a spinning back kick for an ENTIRE class and telling me "good job" when I still didn't get it by the time we bowed out. I remembering Ms. Csillag being the first student to come talk to me. Everything we do in that school will impact someone else whether it is positive or negative. I clearly remember those who helped me as a new student. We all have different fears and insecurities so being empathetic to those within the kwoon is just as important as anyone else. Even as we move up the rank the fears and insecurities are still there, they just may change to something different. So nomatter what, if you see someone struggling, be a friend and kindly encourage them, any discouraging word may just drive someone to give up. I know that if the Sifu's I first had not shown me the patience and respect they did, I wouldn't be here typing this blog.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Eye for details
Eye for details is one of the qualities of a black belt. We learn a form and then we perfect it, paying attention to all the details that make this form shine. We learn a technique and then we practice and make it our instinctive moves.
Today I was learning Lao Gar step by step. I know the form but not the fine details. Today's class was great for that. We only covered the beginning of the form but I felt I learnt so much.
How is your eye for details? How many differences do you see between the 2 pictures?
post your comment here -
Today I was learning Lao Gar step by step. I know the form but not the fine details. Today's class was great for that. We only covered the beginning of the form but I felt I learnt so much.
How is your eye for details? How many differences do you see between the 2 pictures?
post your comment here -
Had an inspiring time in the beginner class tonight. I always enjoy it when Sifu Brinker comes to talk to the class. Tonight I especially found it resonating. He was talking about centering and his passion while speaking really fired me up about a generally mundane subject. Got me inspired.
Basic numbers: 208 kicks, 202 crunches, 204 pushups, 4 reps tai chi, 4 reps broadsword, 3 miles
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone x2, gave the dog a treat, made Mike lunch and breakfast
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, half a ham and cheese sandwich, an apple, some ham with mashed potatos and beans, 3 cups of coffee and 7 glasses of water.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
October 8, 2013
150 p/u
150 s/u
5 weapon form
40 round house
40 side heel
40 inside crescent
4 rounds of sparring
Held the door for one person, complimented a stranger, and bought the person behind me in the line up a coffee.
Attended my second san shou class tonight and I can't say or recommend enough of the tremendous benefit the class is to not only yourself on a fitness level, but the huge benefit it is to your mental training. It is the jack of all trades to a training tool. If you are not attending or considering this class you are throwing away a huge opportunity and an accelerated benefit to your journey as a martial artist. I know I regret not joining sooner, but I'm here now and plan to stay.
It was really cool to see Mr. Repay back in action and picking up where he left off. Welcome back Mr. Repay!
150 s/u
5 weapon form
40 round house
40 side heel
40 inside crescent
4 rounds of sparring
Held the door for one person, complimented a stranger, and bought the person behind me in the line up a coffee.
Attended my second san shou class tonight and I can't say or recommend enough of the tremendous benefit the class is to not only yourself on a fitness level, but the huge benefit it is to your mental training. It is the jack of all trades to a training tool. If you are not attending or considering this class you are throwing away a huge opportunity and an accelerated benefit to your journey as a martial artist. I know I regret not joining sooner, but I'm here now and plan to stay.
It was really cool to see Mr. Repay back in action and picking up where he left off. Welcome back Mr. Repay!
Basic numbers
Basic numbers: 152 pushups, 153 crunches
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone, gave the dog a treat, made Mike lunch and breakfast
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, a peanut butter and jam sandwich, some ham with mashed potatoes and beans, some bread and hummus and some candies with ice-cream.
I drank 2 coffees, a cup of tea and 7 glasses of water.
Crazy Week
It’s been a crazy week.
A week that a lot of personal things have required extra attention;
therefore some other things had to give.
I made it to the kwoon for only one class (which sucks). Some days the best I could do only included
my push ups, sit ups and kilometers with a form here and there. I have even found myself a day behind in my
blog without the words to say what I want.
Not getting in until after dark and being as tired as I have been, this
hasn’t turned out to be a great week as far as training goes.
To add to a trying week, I find myself again in the position
of trying to inspire and convince another son of the benefits of his kung
fu. As hard as I have tried, I don’t
seem to be making much progress. I think
I’ve exhausted all my angles. Maybe
inspiration needs to come from someone other than his mother.
Here’s hoping for a better week aheadJ
Alana Regier
To All of You- a) blog and b) thank you!
This last week has really put the importance and the benefits of blogging into perspective. If you're struggling, blog. If you're in a rut, blog. If you're going through tough times, blog. If you don't think you have anything constructive to say, blog. It's the best advice I can give to anyone in the I Ho Chuan.
When I wrote my last post, it felt like a giant bomb had gone off. Oh wait, it still feels like that. But, unknowingly at the time, when I was writing I was doing the best thing I could have done for myself. Not only did it allow me to straighten things out in my brain, but the comments I received did wonders to put things back into perspective. The support structure we provide for each other is massive, and you guys had my back when I needed it. Even when I didn't know I needed it. And I did, and you guys were there. Thank you all so much for that.
So, as I mentioned, blog for heavens sake. Especially if you haven't blogged for a while or you're up for a promotion or you're feeling a bit frazzled or even if everything is exactly where you want it to be. Just blog. It's like breathing- you may not think about it but believe me, you need to do it.
When I wrote my last post, it felt like a giant bomb had gone off. Oh wait, it still feels like that. But, unknowingly at the time, when I was writing I was doing the best thing I could have done for myself. Not only did it allow me to straighten things out in my brain, but the comments I received did wonders to put things back into perspective. The support structure we provide for each other is massive, and you guys had my back when I needed it. Even when I didn't know I needed it. And I did, and you guys were there. Thank you all so much for that.
So, as I mentioned, blog for heavens sake. Especially if you haven't blogged for a while or you're up for a promotion or you're feeling a bit frazzled or even if everything is exactly where you want it to be. Just blog. It's like breathing- you may not think about it but believe me, you need to do it.
First class back!
last night was my first class back and it felt so great to be back in
the Kwoon. As most know, I was away in South Carolina for the past
three months. Training on your own is very very difficult for most and I
was no exception. However now that I am back I am going to be getting
back into my routine of training. That routine and that energy from the
Kwoon and my training mates is hard to replace when you are so far
Ian Repay
Ian Repay
Sleep and McDonalds
Bah, the past few weeks have been stressful and all I want to do is sleep. No matter where I am I feel the desperate urge to just curl up for a nap. Last night I missed class because I sat down for a minute and the next thing I knew it was after 9. I'm also craving junk food, just now I had McDonalds for lunch, and yes I pictured Sifu Playters disapproving stare. Maybe it's the weather change, I don't know. The 8:30 classes are feeling so late right now, I guess going forward anytime I sit down I should set an alarm. I can't be missing classes! I want my green belt as a Christmas gift!
Lost presence, NOT due to Alien abduction
Time and Space. It’s
as miraculous an invention as life itself.
If it’s not kept, it passes by all that much quicker. One day molds to the next and the next. Routine, whether it is good or bad eventually
becomes what you believe as normal. I am
looking back at this past summer in reflection and am asking what has happened?
If you are away and do what you can to stay involved from a distance there is a
fulfillment. I have now realized the
most important thing when you are away for long periods, over and above
pushups, situps, form repetitions and personal goals is blogging. In the past I did not see people face to
face, but still felt part of the group moving forward.
This year has been different. Here is the circumstance. Pulled out to work for a stretch, returned
when possible back to the kwoon in the spring.
Faced with the disappointment of a board break that was unsuccessful,
brought in question and doubt. Following
this, headed back out to work and was faced with camp life in northern Alberta
with no internet, aside from very patchy coverage on my phone, no realistic way
to follow journals or blog. A couple weeks enveloped in work and routine had
become behaviour.
Here I am in Drumheller currently, and realize one season of
not paying attention to time and space has become an issue for my Kung Fu. I am very far behind in everything, but
seeing the end of the season approaching perhaps there is a renewed sense of
urgency. I am not even close to where I
was hoping I would be at this time of year.
It makes me nervous to even return to the Kwoon because I feel very far
behind. So, for those of you that I run
into hopefully in a couple weeks or so; upon my return, please have patience
with me. The time is short, but I will
get back in the game.
Thanks again to those texts and words of encouragement from
some of my teammates, they were very much appreciated.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Trying to build a habit
Got my workout done tonight. I think I might try to switch my mornings are always so different depending whether I go to work or not that day and at what time. The evenings seem to be the most consistent time for me. After Julia goes to bed I'm able to get my practicing in. The only hard part is that I want to go to bed, but in the morning I struggle with the same issue....
You would think that after how many months trying to figure this out that I would have it down, but instead I find myself going day by day. One thing I've noticed though is that if you do a set of pushups in the morning like Sifu Brinker suggests, your mind is on your requirements right off the bat and you are more likely to find opportunities to get things done.
Basic numbers: 208 kicks, 202 crunches, 4 reps tai chi, 4 reps broadsword, 4 miles
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone, got a coffee for my boss, made Mike lunch and breakfast, gave the dog a treat
Today I consumed: half a bagel with cream cheese, half a piece of banana bread, half a ham and cheese sandwich, a banana, some leftover biscuit casserole and half a piece of pecan pie. I drank a cup of coffee, a cup of tea and 7 glasses of water.
Bowing In
Bowing in has been one of the most difficult things for me to learn.
As a white belt, I was just too freaked out. It was way too noisy. And I couldn’t even figure out what they were “screaming”…
As a yellow belt, I learned it was about respect and that we were yelling: past masters; it started to make sense.
As an orange belt, I stopped feeling ridiculous and began to feel the flow of the movements and to understand Kung Fu humility.
As a green belt, it started to feel cool.
But it wasn’t until now, as a blue belt, that I have actually started to feel the weight of the whole bow – the responsibility of undertaking Kung Fu – and my focus being drawn in. Yeah, I know, I am a real slow learner. Can’t wait to see what clicks into place next.
This week
I feel like I don't have much to say this week. I am really enjoying dragon dance practices and the camaraderie we all have there. I think it would be amazing to do the double dragon dance for Chinese New Year, the more we challenge ourselves the better it is when we pull it off.
We got a new dog last week, some of you have seen him at the kwoon already. His name is Dexter and he's a SCARS dog, one of SRKF Benevolent Foundation charities. He was surrendered at a spay and neuter task force in Hobbema. There are a lot of SCARS dogs that come through the Westlock Vet clinic and it's so great to see these scared, malnourished and sometimes beaten and even shot animals come back through when they have gotten good medical care and a few weeks of good meals. Hey, you all had a part in that, very cool, and they may never know your faces but you changed a life. See you all on the mats.
Andrea Prince
We got a new dog last week, some of you have seen him at the kwoon already. His name is Dexter and he's a SCARS dog, one of SRKF Benevolent Foundation charities. He was surrendered at a spay and neuter task force in Hobbema. There are a lot of SCARS dogs that come through the Westlock Vet clinic and it's so great to see these scared, malnourished and sometimes beaten and even shot animals come back through when they have gotten good medical care and a few weeks of good meals. Hey, you all had a part in that, very cool, and they may never know your faces but you changed a life. See you all on the mats.
Andrea Prince
On to better things.
At the I Ho Chuan Meeting on Saturday Sifu Brinker called me on my unwillingness to share (blog) when I believe that I have nothing positive or enlightening to share. The past few months have been very challenging and it is the responsibilites in my personal life which has pushed out pretty much everything else. So my hubby, kung fu, dancing, my job, it all got pushed aside. It was very frustrating, blogs were roughed in but never posted because they were me venting rather than seeing anything positive in the experience. I am not like a lot of members on the I Ho Chuan team who really 'THINK' about whats going on in their lives and ponder the intricacies of the moment. I am more the head down, plow forward and get through it! It was a difficult experience, a task to be endured, resolved, and once completed, buried as quickly and efficiently as possible. So its over ... possibly I just need more time to appreciate the opportunity for learning.
On to more exciting things! I am really enjoying the I Ho Chuan this year ... especially the dragon dance team. I like the people on the team, I like the challenge of it! Its a performance that I can do and not freak out as I am not up there alone. Anyone who has the opportunity to be on the team and has not taken it ... well you are missing out big time. I was really hoping that we could do the double dragon at the chinese new year event it would be awesome.
Sifu Beckett
On to more exciting things! I am really enjoying the I Ho Chuan this year ... especially the dragon dance team. I like the people on the team, I like the challenge of it! Its a performance that I can do and not freak out as I am not up there alone. Anyone who has the opportunity to be on the team and has not taken it ... well you are missing out big time. I was really hoping that we could do the double dragon at the chinese new year event it would be awesome.
Sifu Beckett
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Getting ready of another week. I'm glad I don't have to prepare for the political forum. I've always been nervous about public speaking (kinda funny don't you think).
I've been doing a lot of planning for the next term since I'm not out campaigning. Who's going to be on my team? What are their strengths and weakness? What will their role in the team be? How are we going to functions as a team? What will my role be as the leader of the team? What do I want to accomplish in 4 years?
The lessons I've learnt as part of the I Ho Chaun team over the past 2 years will serve me well into the future.
I've been doing a lot of planning for the next term since I'm not out campaigning. Who's going to be on my team? What are their strengths and weakness? What will their role in the team be? How are we going to functions as a team? What will my role be as the leader of the team? What do I want to accomplish in 4 years?
The lessons I've learnt as part of the I Ho Chaun team over the past 2 years will serve me well into the future.
Honestly don’t seem to have much to say tonight, had some
thoughts rattling around my head earlier today but are lost it seems. Nice to
get in some solid work yesterday at open training and see more people out for
the practise. I keep trying to push my daily routine adding a little here and
there that needs work – right now it’s my kicks that need more attention. Nice
to get in a few hours on the heavy bag and build off that these past few days.
Not sure why I haven’t gotten in more over the past while but just know I need
to focus on that for the moment. Guess it’s never too late to learn new things
in life, like building custom kitchen cabinets your kids break, or how to mount
a TV on the wall after they ahem break the first one……. always willing to
show you the way to self-improvement.
Sifu BryantMy Blog
Amazing tai chi
Had a nice day of rest. My shoulder is a little stiff from yesterday but it's muscle pain so it's all good. I'm so glad I've been doing the tai chi and the pushups. I think that has really made a difference for my shoulder. Although I don't have a full range of motion yet, my shoulder is strong and doesn't hurt. Can't ask for more than that. Tai chi is the key to the injury universe I think.
Basic numbers: Rest day
Acts of kindness: gave the dog a treat, took Julia for a walk, made Mike some tea
Today I consumed: 3 waffles with syrup, a doughnut, some leftover carrot cake, some hummas with bread, some biscuit casserole, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea and 8 glasses of water.
shout out
hello everyone i would just like to take this blogging time to give a
big THANK YOU to all of the active blog reader who also comment on
other peoples blog. Reading those comments really helps me sometimes and
let me know that i am not alone. Some comments sympathize, relate, calm
down, another perspective, support, but most of all help. I know those
comment do more than what i have listed; i just could not not think of
more words. Most of the time when i see any comment on my blog i just
become so happy that someone took the time out of there day and read my
blog. I know i don't post as much as i should on other peoples blogs,
but maybe i should because if it makes me feel this god when other
people comment on my blogs. Then it would make sense that other people
will feel the same joy as i do if i made more of an effort to post on
other peoples blogs.
on a side note i made a personal requirement to myself to post my weight on here so i always keep myself in check. right now i feel horrible that this happen to me again, but i gained weight again and i can only blame myself. it is not that i am eating a lot of food or bad food, i am just not eating 3 times a day, with little snacks in between. With school and kung fu i have had poor time management skills with all the stress i have been going through. during a chem quiz i was having a hard time writing it because i was shaking so bad. but then after it i felt better and i did not do the best in my quiz, but rather i learned a lot about what they look for in a test. and i only got some of the questions wrong do to grammar and adding mistake. if i had those nailed down for the test i would of done really well. I am kicking myself right now to get back on the band wagon of success. All i have to do is try harder and make a new structure for myself. i have done it before i can do it again. also clearly you are all staying extraordinary; now its my turn to take my own advice.
234 lbs
sihing Langner
on a side note i made a personal requirement to myself to post my weight on here so i always keep myself in check. right now i feel horrible that this happen to me again, but i gained weight again and i can only blame myself. it is not that i am eating a lot of food or bad food, i am just not eating 3 times a day, with little snacks in between. With school and kung fu i have had poor time management skills with all the stress i have been going through. during a chem quiz i was having a hard time writing it because i was shaking so bad. but then after it i felt better and i did not do the best in my quiz, but rather i learned a lot about what they look for in a test. and i only got some of the questions wrong do to grammar and adding mistake. if i had those nailed down for the test i would of done really well. I am kicking myself right now to get back on the band wagon of success. All i have to do is try harder and make a new structure for myself. i have done it before i can do it again. also clearly you are all staying extraordinary; now its my turn to take my own advice.
234 lbs
sihing Langner
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Good day
Accomplished a lot today. Got my 1000 pushups and situps done, had a great meeting and had a nice visit with the team members.
Something mentioned in the meeting really resonated with me. Sifu Playter brought up that we have been neglecting to help each other on projects and tasks. Definitely true! Focussing on our individual journeys more so than our group. Something I plan to change. I'm glad it was brought up.
Good day overall.
Another cool thing...Sifu Beckett is doing the 1000 pushups too. Nice to see. It's very inspiring to see people move out of their comfort zone.
Basic numbers: 1028 pushups, 1014 crunches, 500 kicks, 1 rep tai chi, 1 rep broadsword, 1.5 miles.
Acts of kindness: gave the cat and dog treats, gave a couple some movie tickets, made Mike some tea
Today I consumed: some toast with peanut butter and jam, some jam toast, a bowl of soup with cheese toast, some prime rib with mushroom sauce, mashed potato and carrot cake. I drank 2 cups of coffee, a cup of tea and 7 glasses of water
Friday, October 4, 2013
1000 pushups and situps tomorrow
Got all of my practice in today which is awesome!
Got to watch people practice at I Ho Chuan tonight. It's cool to see everyone progress. Attendance was pretty low though. I hope we get lots of people at the meeting tomorrow. I feel like the people who need to be there the most probably won't. I hope those we haven't seen awhile come tomorrow.
Basic numbers: 208 kicks, 204 pushups, 202 crunches, 4 reps of tai chi, 4 reps of broadsword, 2 miles
Acts of kindness: held the door for someone, made Mike lunch and breakfast, gave the dog a treat
Today I consumed: a bagel with cream cheese, some hummas and bread, some perigees, beans, chicken and potato patties. I drank 2 coffees, 7 glasses of water and a cup of tea
My Year So Far...
Well at first this I Ho Chaun thing really stressed me out. I was feeling discouraged and frustrated which ended up making me feel incredibly unmotivated. After awhile I started looking at it differently as the things I started getting out of this ended up different than what I expected. Alot of the things that have changed for me. I am more conscious of what I eat. Anything microwavable or fast was my answer to everything, now I pay more attention to what I eat. I still eat the things I crave, I've just come to terms that chocolate is a snack and not a food group. I'm way more aware of how I treat people. Do I still get frustrated with the human race? Absolutely!!! I try to control my temper much better now though, use my manners more and appreciate it so much more when people do kind things for me. I'm still a work in progress as things still make my blood boil but I don't think I'm as bad as I used to be. I'm also slowly working on my fear and anxiety when it comes to doing things in front of people. I haven't yet been brave enough to do a form or anything in front of the group but I've been pushing myself slowly and surely. Last year would I have done a warm up? Nope! Would I have done Bootcamp? Bigger Nope! Forms seminar? Heck No! So regardless whether I do a demo or not this year, there has still been progress. I'm also not afraid to ask questions in class anymore and am much more patient with myself. I find although my body still doesn't cooperate with me as much as I'd like it too, I'm picking things up faster because I'm learning to calm myself down. Before, I'd just get aggravated and give up. So, am I doing everything on the list? No, but I'm setting myself up to be able to do it all by the time I'm ready to grade. By starting as an orange belt, I have longer to learn to discipline myself and am learning alot from the rest of the team about what I have to do to be successful. I may be the last one in the line up but I have nowhere to go but forward.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Hitting me hard
Works hitting me hard. Spent the entire day working on geostatistics. Very difficult, but also very satisfying to figure out the answer.
I haven't seen Sihing Langer around....I think school must be keeping him busy as well.
Didn't even practice today:(
Basic numbers: 0 :(
Acts of kindness: helped a coworker, let a car ahead of me in traffic, complimented someone
Today I consumed: 2 pieces of peanut butter and jam toast, a brownie, a ham sandwich, an orange, a piece of pizza and some bread with hummus. I drank 3 coffees and 7 glasses of water.
And The Winner Is...
On Tuesday I achieved my 1000 acts of kindness and Sifu Bryant was the lucky recipient of #1000. No, he didn't get fudge, this time. So now what, do I revert back into a grouch? Nah, too much work. Put my feet up and check that one off my list? That's not so easy as I've formed a habit. Besides, I like doing the sneak kindness "attacks" to surprise someone and see their reaction. How about a more inward approach?
For some reason there is the belief that kindness is to be shown only to someone else. But, what about the self, what about kindness of me to me? How can I expect to give kindness to others if I treat myself like a bag of dirt? (I don't, but work with me here). I've often heard said that one cannot love someone else if they can't love themselves. Would it be the same with kindness?
So here goes with the updated version of acts of kindness: I am mindful of the acts of kindness that I give to me. What will that look like? Well it might be a treat all to myself (popcorn & Frank's comes to mind), make a glass piece just for me, a meal or a dish just for me, watching the colors change in the sunrise or sunset, carve out time to read a book, sleep in, or watch a movie or Big Bang. How many gifts to me can I give? Awareness will be the key here.
The art project is just about finished and I loved doing it. I will post pictures after the gift has been presented. In this project I have grown as an artist, tried new ways and things, and honed in on a target market that I didn't think of.
As for my shoulder, I have started doing incline pushups SLOWLY. I do 10 per day focusing on supportive and proper form and it's something. The focus is on rebuilding the strength in my shoulder without being a bonehead and pushing my shoulder way too far. I can feel that there will probably be another acupuncture session in the near future and that is good as I find great relief in being an electric pincushion.
As I type I am sitting in front of a fire in the fireplace. My latte is now gone. However 2 acts of kindness to me from me. Best part: I don't have to gift wrap.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
For some reason there is the belief that kindness is to be shown only to someone else. But, what about the self, what about kindness of me to me? How can I expect to give kindness to others if I treat myself like a bag of dirt? (I don't, but work with me here). I've often heard said that one cannot love someone else if they can't love themselves. Would it be the same with kindness?
So here goes with the updated version of acts of kindness: I am mindful of the acts of kindness that I give to me. What will that look like? Well it might be a treat all to myself (popcorn & Frank's comes to mind), make a glass piece just for me, a meal or a dish just for me, watching the colors change in the sunrise or sunset, carve out time to read a book, sleep in, or watch a movie or Big Bang. How many gifts to me can I give? Awareness will be the key here.
The art project is just about finished and I loved doing it. I will post pictures after the gift has been presented. In this project I have grown as an artist, tried new ways and things, and honed in on a target market that I didn't think of.
As for my shoulder, I have started doing incline pushups SLOWLY. I do 10 per day focusing on supportive and proper form and it's something. The focus is on rebuilding the strength in my shoulder without being a bonehead and pushing my shoulder way too far. I can feel that there will probably be another acupuncture session in the near future and that is good as I find great relief in being an electric pincushion.
As I type I am sitting in front of a fire in the fireplace. My latte is now gone. However 2 acts of kindness to me from me. Best part: I don't have to gift wrap.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog
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