Friday, July 19, 2013


Work is still very demanding. So many things to learn and so many more responsibilities. I'm trying to manage all clients and it feels like juggling. I always prefer to have some solid time focusing on a task rather then being interrupt all the time. People say they can multi-task at work but it is not really multi-tasking as we are only doing one thing at a time and we just switch from one to another all the time. This has proven to be not productive in terms of work.

This is also taking a toll of my personal life. I'm extremely tired when I get home and I cannot find the energy nor the mental capacity to learn for my Microsoft certificate. After 8 hours of work in front of the computer at work the most I can do is to read blogs (and write some).

That brings me to another point. Some of us are late in blogging. If you are reading this blog and you haven't blogged for more than 7 days, write your blog NOW. Tell us how your day/week was.

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