Friday, July 5, 2013

Tai Chi Inspired Training Day 16 July 5

I am starting the day with one SORE shoulder! The pain is right on the top of the shoulder and screeches every time I move. Finger movement sets it off. With this type of pain, my arm is "dead weight" and I am in an owly mood. Needless to say, I have to very much consider how my training is going to look today. Stay tuned as this is 8 am.......

During my session with my coach, I was put into a deep meditation for healing. What felt trippy was that my shoulder and arm were very warm during this time. My coach encouraged me to rest my shoulder and quizzed me as to how I was going to train to ensure healing.

For my training today, I slinged up my shoulder so that it could rest and I couldn't move it. I did notice in the mirror that my right arm hung down about a half inch lower than the left. That's a sign or 2x4, whichever whacks harder.

Core: On the Swiss ball I did various pelvic tilts and rotations to work my core, but keep my shoulders quiet.

Kicks: While sitting on the ball, I remembered a horseback riding lesson where I was right in my head so my instructor had me get on the horse bareback, blindfolded, and to ride with no hands to get me back into my center. This particular event came back when I was practicing my front thrust kick while sitting on the ball. I noticed that while I was unsteady on the ball, my breath was basically in my sinuses. I consciously lowered my breathing into my center and became more steady on the ball. Amazing how that works! When I got steady on the ball, I was able to observe my front thrust kicks and discovered that I was rotating my left foot in. Better adjust that. I ended my kick session with holding my crane stance.

Forms: Awakening the Dragon with visualizing the arm movements. I noticed that the kneeling position is getting more and more comfortable and getting up from it easier as well. Progress! For practice tonight, I slinged up my shoulder to immobilize it. The first thing I noticed was that catching my fan was more difficult with my shoulder immobilized. Kind of like seeing with one eye closed. I asked Sifu about the 6 harmonies as to whether they are still there if one limb is immobilized. The answer was "yes, come from the core out." Good to know. I also asked Sifu Wetter how I should approach my left fan form with my shoulder immobilized. Do I continue immobilized after healing? Do I think what my right hand would do? The answer was to think what my right hand would do. Okay, now to work more on the form.

What's interesting is that it seems that now that I know the mechanics, I've been punted back to white belt to really learn everything and how everything works. Not a bad thing, just a more in depth look.
Sherri Donohue
My Blog

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